Quirky Xerus 8.6 features latest DEBs from Ubuntu 16.04.x

The independent Linux-based operating system, Quirky 8.6, a side project of Puppy Linux made with Woof, has just hit the market. According to an announcement by its creator, Barry Kauler, who retired from the Puppy Linux project to work on the Quirky Distro, the woofQ operating system is live for users to download and enjoy. The latest release mainly features bug fixes and minor improvements from previous Quirky OS 8.x versions.
The release notes of Quirky’s Xerus version 8.6 explain that the update comes with a package upgrade to version 2.49.4 SeaMonkey and Kernel 4.14.63 with aufs patch. The new release is built with the latest DEBs from the Ubuntu 16.04.x range and features improvements for its EasyShare with specific improvements for Android connections. A Gxlat language translator has been introduced in this update and there are 10 architectural improvements and fixes as well. Several minor security bugs have also been patched since its predecessor.
As part of its architectural improvements and fixes, the release implements Xorg .Xauthority as an added layer of security in EasyOS. Libre Office and Scribus PETs have been incorporate to allow opening nd saving at /root depending upon whether Easy or Quirky is installing. The rox-filer source has also been modified to detect whether Easy is running or Quirky is running to open at the dedicated locations, respectively. In addition to this, the ‘pcur’ PET package has been released to improve the tracking and appearance of the mouse pointer for those of us that lose the pointer on screen and sit there frustrated trying to search for it.
What’s more in the release is that the right-click Open With in woofQ has been improved to contain appropriate suggestions for the file being addressed. NVMe support has also been added in the release to allow compatibility with NVMe Solid State Drives. Module-loading options have been finetuned to leave the most effective ones there, remove redundancies, and ensure that the “add” and “blacklist” functions work effectively. Qsync is now handled by pup-event Service Manager with improvements to its synchronization schedule.
Download links, instructions to install, and alternative install scripts have been posted along with the release announcement by Kauler.