Fix: No compatible graphics hardware was found (0xE0070150)
The Overwatch Error 0xe0070150 is an issue that appears when users try to launch the game from a PC system. Affected users are effectively unable to access the main game menu while the error code appears on the screen. The error code suggests that the game couldn’t find any compatible graphics hardware on your computer, but as you’ll see below, this is not the only cause of the issue. This issue is exclusively encountered on PC.

The main reason that can cause this issue is that your graphics card is outdated. You might be missing some updates that are waiting to be installed and are necessary for this game to work. This could affect the game because the GPU is not able to work at its best capabilities, which can result in errors like this one.
In case you haven’t been able to play the game at all since you bought it (or received it from a friend), you should also consider that your system components are not meeting the minimum requirement. Make sure to compare your computer specifications with the game’s minimum specifications required that you need for playing this game.
Another cause for this Overwatch problem could be a system problem that is happening due to some corrupted system files. These files might affect your computer, as well as the game. These can be fixed by doing an SFC and DISM scan and replacing corrupted files with healthy equivalents.
Here is a list of methods that will help you fix this problem:
1. Check the minimum system requirement
Start by ensuring that your computer meets the minimum requirements. It is usual to encounter the Overwatch Error 0xe0070150 when the rendering PC barely satisfies the minimal GPU requirements.
In most cases, you might not even be able to launch the game. In other cases, the game will launch, but it has a tendency to crash soon after.
Begin by comparing the specifications of your current PC to the minimum requirements:
- CPU: Intel® Core™ i3 or AMD Phenom™ X3 8650
- GPU: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 460, ATI Radeon™ HD 4850, or Intel® HD Graphics 4400
- OS: Windows® 7 / Windows® 8 / Windows® 10 64-bit (latest Service Pack)
- STO: 30 GB available hard drive space
- RES: 1024 x 768 minimum display resolution
- NET: Broadband internet connection
If you want to use an alternative to verify the minimum system requirements, you can also use the Can I RUN It service.
Note: This service will automatically check your system specifications and compare them with the game’s minimum requirements.
Here are the steps you need to follow to use it:
- Use any browser you want and access the Can You RUN It website.
- Click on the search bar option and type Overwatch, then choose the game from the list of available options.
Choosing the Overwatch game - Click on the Can You Run IT? button to begin the scan.
Beginning the Can You Run It scan - Click again on the Can You Run It? button to download the necessary file.
Downloading the necessary file - Click on the downloaded file and wait for the file to install.
Installing the necessary file - Attend till the scan is finished. After about a minute, the utility will automatically close and the ‘All done‘ notice will appear.
- Return to the browser and navigate to the Minimum tab. If you notice a checkmark next to the Minimum tab, your computer meets the minimum system requirements for Overwatch.
Checking if you meet the minimum requirements
2. Update your graphics card drivers
This sort of behavior can also be caused by an out-of-date GPU driver or a lack of physics software. This can happen because you have some graphics card updates waiting to be installed.
The issue should be resolved by updating the physics module and GPU drivers. You can do this from the Device Manager of your computer, or from the proprietary software supplied by your graphics card maker.
If this is the case and you have not recently updated your GPU drivers, follow the steps below to uninstall your old GPU drivers and reinstall the most recent version:
- Open a Run dialog box by pressing the Windows key + R.
- Inside the search bar, type the ‘devmgmt.msc‘ command and press Enter to open the Device Manager.
Opening the Device Manager - Locate the Display adapters through the list of installed devices and expand the drop-down menu.
- Right-click on the graphics card you want to update and click on the Update driver button.
Updating your GPU Note: In case your computer has both a dedicated GPU and an integrated GPU, you must upgrade both graphics cards.
- Choose Search automatically for drivers from the next menu.
Search automatically for GPU driver updates - When the initial scan is complete, install the most recent GPU driver by following the provided instructions.
- Restart your computer once the operation is complete to determine if the Overwatch Error 0xe0070150 has been finally fixed.
Note: If Device Manager is unable to detect a new GPU driver version, you must use the proprietary software provided by the graphics card vendor to update your existing graphics drivers. Depending on the GPU manufacturer, the following software may be essential:
- GeForce Experience – Nvidia
- Adrenalin – AMD
- Intel Driver – Intel
If the issue persists or your GPU drivers are already up-to-date, the error is caused by something.
3. Turn on GPU Scaling in AMD Software (if applicable)
Another cause for this issue could be that the resolution is not compatible with your display. This can happen because the default resolution that your computer is using doesn’t work with the resolution of your display. This problem can occur if you are using an AMD graphics card.
You can fix this by turning on the GPU Scaling inside the AMD Software. GPU Scaling is a feature for AMD graphics cards that allows the image to be successfully scaled so that it fits the screen both vertically and horizontally.
Here are the steps you need to follow to turn on the GPU Scaling in AMD Software:
- Go to the hidden icons menu from your taskbar and open the AMD Radeon Software.
Opening the AMD Radeon Software - Now click on the Settings button (gear icon) located in the top right corner and access the Display section.
Accessing the Display Settings - Scroll down through the list of Display Options until you see the GPU Scaling.
- Click on the button next to it to turn on the GPU Scaling option.
Turning on the GPU Scaling feature - Wait a few seconds for the feature to apply, then you can close the AMD Radeon Software.
- Launch Overwatch to see if the Overwatch Error 0xe0070150 has been finally fixed.
4. Run an SFC and DISM scan
As it turns out, it is perfectly feasible that this issue would manifest due to a system file corruption that affects the game. In this instance, you should be able to address the issue by executing a few system programs capable of repairing system file corruption.
Both DISM (Deployment Image Servicing and Management) and SFC (System File Checker) are able to do this function. However, they have several significant differences that make them vastly distinct. DISM is significantly more effective at resolving frequent difficulties with the Windows Update (WU) component, although SFC is far superior at detecting and repairing logical disk failures.
DISM uses a subcomponent of WU to download healthy copies to replace corrupted files, whereas SFC uses a locally cached copy of the system file to replace corrupted files with healthy copies.
To increase our chances of resolving the issue, we recommend that you run both of the aforementioned tools.
Here is the guide you need to follow to fix this issue:
- Press the Windows key + R to open a Run dialog box.
- Inside the search bar, type ‘cmd‘ and press CTRL + Shift + Enter to open the Command Prompt with administrator privileges.
Opening the Command Prompt - When prompted by the UAC (User Account Control), click on Yes to grant administrator access.
- In order to conduct a DISM scan and repair, type the following commands in sequence and press Enter after each one:
Dism.exe /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth Dism.exe /online /cleanup-image /scanhealth
Completing the DISM scan - After the DISM scan is finished, reboot your computer and wait for the subsequent startup procedure to finish. After the boot phase has concluded, repeat step 1 to open another elevated Command Prompt. After regaining access to the elevated CMD prompt, run the following command and press Enter once again to commence the SFC scan:
sfc /scannow
Completing the SFC scan Note: After you start this procedure, do not interrupt it until the process is finished. Closing the CMD window in the middle of the scan might create different logical errors that might affect your drive.
- Once the process is finished, restart your computer and see if the Overwatch Error 0xe0070150 is resolved at the next system.
5. Change the Power plan to the Best performance
The Overwatch Error 0xe0070150 might be also caused by your PC being set on Best power efficiency or Balance mode. This is a common problem that laptop users are sometimes encountering, but can happen to desktop users as well.
This can reduce the power that your computer works with, causing different issues like this one. When in Best performance mode, your computer works at its best capabilities.
All you need to do is to go to the Windows Settings and change the Power plan to Best performance.
Here is a guide that will show you how to do this:
- Open a Run dialog box by pressing the Windows key + R.
- Type inside the search bar ‘ms-settings:‘ and press Enter to open the Windows Settings.
Opening the Windows Settings - Access the Power & battery section.
Accessing the Power & battery section - Now where you see Power mode, open the drop-down menu and select Best performance.
Selecting the Best performance mode - You can close the Windows Settings. Launch the game to see if the Overwatch Error 0xe0070150 has been finally fixed.