Fix: Microsoft Store Closes Immediately Upon Opening

If Microsoft Store keeps closing right after opening, it means there is a problem with the Microsoft Store or the system files preventing it from running correctly. Usually, this issue is caused by corruption in the Microsoft Cache and the system files. However, there is also a variety of other reasons that cannot be ignored, such as outdated Windows, stopped Microsoft Store services, and corruption in the Microsoft Store files.

When it comes to Microsoft Store errors and issues, they mostly occur when users have an incorrect time zone. Therefore, ensure you have the correct time zone and time settings before moving on to the methods.

Another thing we recommend is to restart your computer. Restarting the computer restarts the services that might be stopped and causing this issue.

Now that we know the possible causes of this issue, let’s jump right into solutions along with their details to properly get this issue resolved.

1. Reset Microsoft Store using the command

This issue is often caused by corruption in the Microsoft Store cache files. Cache files are the files that Microsoft Store uses to save the data that the application often requests from the server or the user frequently wants.

In this way, the Microsoft Store does not need to request the data from the server as it can fetch from the cache files. This saves a lot of time as it reduces the loading time and increases the UX (User Experience). So when the cache files get corrupted, the Microsoft Store stops running and behaves unexpectedly. Therefore, we will start troubleshooting by clearing the cache files. To do so, follow the steps:

  1. Make a right-click on the Start Menu icon.
  2. Select Run from the list of options.
  3. Here type wsreset.exe and click OK to reset the Microsoft Store.
  4. Now check if the problem persists. If it is, move on to the next method.

2. Run DISM and SFC command

DISM, or Deployment Image Servicing and Management, consists of three commands: ‘CheckHealth’, ‘ScanHealth’, and ‘RestoreHealth’. These commands are used to restore corrupted Windows images and system files. Meanwhile, the SFC, or System File Checker, is a command-line utility that is also used to restore corrupted system files such as DLL files. We recommend executing both commands in order to resolve this issue.

  1. Click the Start Menu and search for Command Prompt.
  2. Right-click the Command Prompt and select Run as administrator to open it with administrator privileges.
  3. Now execute the following commands and wait for them to be executed. This can take up to several minutes, so be patient.
    sfc /scannow
    DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth

  4. Once both commands have been executed, restart your computer and check for the issue.

3. Update Your Windows

Having outdated Windows can also cause this issue due to outdated features and incompatibility with the Microsoft Store. If you don’t have a habit of updating Windows, we recommend updating Windows before trying further solutions. To update the Windows, follow the steps:

  1. Open the Start Menu by pressing the Win key.
  2. Then, type Check for updates.
  3. Hit Enter to open the Windows update settings.
  4. Here click Check for updates, then click Download & Install.
  5. Once the updates are downloaded, restart your computer to install the updates.
  6. Once done, try opening the Microsoft Store to see if it is closing or not.

4. Run the Microsoft Store troubleshooter

If you have not tried running the Microsoft Store troubleshooter yet, give it a try because troubleshooters are designed to fix problems automatically. Windows has a built-in troubleshooter for components such as Windows Update, Network Adapters, and the Microsoft Store.

There is a high possibility that this issue would be fixed by running the troubleshooter. Therefore, try running it by following the steps:

  1. Press the Win key and type Troubleshoot Settings.

    1. Open the troubleshooting settings and click Other troubleshooters.
  2. Here run the Windows Store troubleshooter, then follow the on-screen instruction to fix this issue.
  3. Once done, verify if the problem is resolved or not.

5. Make sure the Microsoft services are running

It is possible that the Microsoft Store services are not running properly in the background. As a result, it keeps closing when you try to open it. In this case, you need to check whether the Microsoft services are running properly. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Press the Win + R keys simultaneously to open Run Window.
  2. Type services.msc and click OK to navigate to the services page.
  3. Here find and right-click the Microsoft Store Install Service and select Properties.
  4. Change the Startup to Manual.
  5. Then, click Start and click Stop.
  6. Once done, try launching the Microsoft Store to see if the problem is resolved.

6. Reinstall the Microsoft Store

If the problem persists, you can try reinstalling the Microsoft Store using PowerShell. You cannot uninstall the Microsoft Store like we uninstall other applications.

Reinstalling the Microsoft Store will fix this issue if there is corruption in the Microsoft Store files. Follow the instructions to reinstall the Microsoft Store.

  1. Click the Start Menu and type Windows PowerShell.
  2. Right-click the Windows PowerShell and select Run as administrator.
  3. Now enter the following command to uninstall the Microsoft Store.
    Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.WindowsStore | Remove-AppxPackage

  4. Once done, again, enter the following command to install the Microsoft Store.
    Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.WindowsStore | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml"}

7. Upgrade Windows via Media Creation Tool or Update Assistant

If none of the methods worked for you, you need to upgrade your Windows to the latest version if you are using an outdated one. This will resolve all the issues automatically in your Windows. Simply follow the instructions to do so:

  1. Download the Media Creation Tool using the link if you have Windows 10 or lower. Otherwise, download the Windows 11 Update Assistant.
  2. Once it is downloaded, simply double-click on it to run the program.
  3. Select the Upgrade this PC Now option.
  4. Then, just wait for the Windows to be upgraded.
  5. Once done, now your issue should be resolved.

If you still can’t open the Microsoft Store, you need to contact the Microsoft Support Team in order to resolve your issue. The support team can better analyze why this issue is happening. To contact the Microsoft Support Team, simply visit the link and provide the necessary details about your issue.

Microsoft Open and closes immediately- FAQs

What causes the Microsoft Store open and closes immediately?

If Microsoft closes after opening, it could be caused by corruption in the Microsoft Cache files. Every application creates cache files to speed up the loading time and increase the UX (User Experience). When the cache files get corrupted, it causes the application to behave unexpectedly, just like this issue.

How do I Fix the Microsoft open and closes immediately?

To fix this issue, try resetting the Microsoft Store using the wsreset.exe command. This will clear the Microsoft Store cache, which often causes this issue.


Hamza Mohammad Anwar

Hamza Mohammad Anwar is an intermediate JavaScript web developer with a focus on developing high-performance applications using MERN technologies. His skill set includes expertise in ReactJS, MongoDB, Express NodeJS, and other related technologies. Hamza is also a Google IT Certified professional, which highlights his competence in IT support. As an avid problem-solver, he recreates errors on his computer to troubleshoot and find solutions to various technical issues.