How to Download and Install Maps in Minecraft?
Minecraft has been one of the popular game for many years. It is a sandbox game where you can do anything in the game that is on your mind. The game has three different modes that you can play single player or multiplayer with friends. There are many custom maps created by users to enjoy different environments with different modes. However, most of the users don’t know how to install these maps for their Minecraft. In this article, we will show you the methods of installing custom maps for Minecraft on different platforms.

Download and Installing Maps in Minecraft on Windows
There are many custom maps for Minecraft that users want to play on their PC. Every map is made for different game modes. Downloading and installing Minecraft maps on PC is simple and easy. We need to copy the maps to the saves folder of Minecraft and the game will consider it as a saved map by user. Follow the below steps:
- Go to the MinecraftMaps website and search for the map that you want to download.
Choosing the Minecraft map - Open the map that you want to download and check the version details. If the version of that map is similar to your Minecraft or close enough then click on the Download button as shown below:
Note: It’s better to find a similar version. If not, then the version gap must be small, so that the Minecraft can convert it easily without crashing.Checking version and download the map - Unzip the downloaded file by using default windows feature or by using a third-party application.
Note: You can find the file in your download folder.Unzipping the zipped file - Open the unzipped folder and you will find another folder of the same name. Copy that folder and paste it in the following location.
Note: Make sure the folder contains files and not a subfolder of the same name. Instead of Kevin, you will have your username.C:\Users\Kevin\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\saves
Pasting the downloaded map in the Minecraft maps folder - Now start your Minecraft game and find the map on the list. Open it and it will start loading the map.
Downloading and Installing Maps in Minecraft Pocket Edition on Android
Minecraft Pocket Edition will require a different map file format than the Windows version. However, the procedure is similar, you need to copy the download map files into Minecraft maps folder (minecraftWorlds). The minecraftWorlds folder can be found where you installed the game. Follow the below steps to download and install Minecraft maps on Android:
- Go to the MCPEDL website and search for the map that you want to download for your Minecraft Pocket Edition. Once you find the map tap on the name of the map.
- Scroll down to the bottom of the page, you will find the download links for that specific map. It is recommended to always download the zip file, but you can download the map using other links too.
Note: If the file is with the extension .mcworld, you can just rename it to the .zip.Downloading the map - Once the files are downloaded, you need to unzip the file. You can use File Manager for this step or use a third-party application such as ES File Explorer.
Unzipping the zipped file - Copy the unzipped folder of the map and paste in the following path:
game > com.mojang > minecraftWorlds
Copying the downloaded map folder to game folder - Now start your Minecraft Pocket Edition and tap on Play. You will find the new map available on the list.
Downloading and Installing Maps in Minecraft Pocket Edition on iOS
Installing maps on the iPhone will be a bit different than Android because of iPhone security. However, both the Android and iOS versions have the same maps folder. Installing Minecraft on the iPhone will require a third-party application for moving files from one place to another. Follow the below steps to install custom maps of Minecraft on iOS:
- Search for the map that you want to download on MCPEDL Once you find the map tap on the name of the map.
- Scroll down to the bottom of the page to find the download links. It is recommended to always download the zip file, but you can download the map using other links too.
Note: If the downloaded file has the extension .mcworld, you need to rename it to .zip.Downloading map - Go to the app store and download the Documents by Readdle application. Go back to your download file, tap and hold it for options menu then choose Move option.
- Now go to On My iPhone, then Documents by Readdle and tap on the Copy button above.
Downloading application and copying map file to the application folder - Head over to Documents by Readdle application. Open the iTunes Files folder and you will find the map file there.
Opening iTunes files - Tap the menu icon for the file and choose Rename. Change the extension from .mcworld to .zip.
Renaming the extension of the file - Tap on the zip file to unzip it. Now tap on the menu button for the unzipped folder and choose the Share option.
Unzipping and choosing share option - Scroll down and choose Save to File option. Go to the following path in On My iPhone and Save the file.
On My iPhone > Minecraft > games > com.mojang > minecraftWorlds
Copying the file to the game folder - Run your Minecraft game and tap on Play. You will find the new maps in the list of the Worlds.