How to Check What Color is Your Name with Synesthesia [2024]

Key Takeaways
  • The "What Color Is Your Name" test is an online tool inspired by synesthesia that generates a color palette based on the letters in your name.
  • Users can input their name into the test, and based on synesthetic associations, the tool generates a color palette representing the perceived colors associated with each letter in the name.
  • The results are subjective and based on individual perceptions. They may vary from person to person and should be taken as a form of entertainment rather than a scientific diagnosis.

Have you ever wondered what your name’s color is? What if it’s deep blue like the ocean or the vibrant purple of the grapes? To sort this out, a “What Color Is Your Name” test explores the synesthetic phenomenon where individuals associate specific colors with names.

So, in this article, we will tell you all about it. By examining the color-name connection, we aim to understand how synesthetic perceptions shape our understanding of identity, language, and the world around us.

Different names’ colors | Medium

What is Synesthesia?

Synesthesia is a remarkable neurological phenomenon, like a magical mix-up in the brain where one sense jumps into another, making colors swirl with sounds and tastes shimmer with shapes. Synesthetic experiences can involve various combinations of senses, such as seeing colors in response to hearing music or associating colors with letters or numbers.

It occurs in approximately 4% of the population, with different forms and intensities observed among individuals. Each synesthete carries within them a unique symphony of sensations, a personal universe of colors, textures, and shapes that define their perception of the world.

Different color sensations | ThoughtCo

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↪ Types of Synesthesia

Synesthesia has different types; each type brings its own unique blend of sensory experiences, adding layers of richness to perception for those who experience it. Here, we have described them briefly:

  • Grapheme-color synesthesia: Seeing colors associated with letters and numbers.
  • Chromesthesia: Hearing sounds and associating them with specific colors.
  • Lexical-gustatory synesthesia: Tasting flavors in response to hearing or reading words.
  • Spatial sequence synesthesia: Seeing numerical sequences or dates in specific spatial arrangements.
  • Number-form synesthesia: Seeing numbers in specific spatial locations or arrangements.
  • Auditory-tactile synesthesia: Feeling physical sensations on the body in response to hearing sounds.
  • Mirror-touch synesthesia: Feeling physical sensations on the body when seeing another person being touched.

↪ How Synesthetes Experience Sensory Perceptions

Synesthetes experience senses in a unique way. They might see colors when they hear music or feel shapes when they taste food. These experiences happen automatically and are not something they can control.

What’s interesting is that synesthetes’ associations stay the same over time. For example, a certain sound will always bring the same color or feeling. These experiences are vivid and strong, making their world more interesting.

The mind of a synesthete | ALPS Foundation

Every synesthete’s experience is different. Some might see colors with sounds, while others feel textures with tastes. It shows how varied and fascinating our perceptions can be.

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What Started the “What Color is Your Name” Trend

The ‘What Colour Is Your Name?’ quiz was created by Bernadette Sheridan, a New York-based product designer with Grapheme-Colour Synesthesia. She sees letters and numbers as specific colors, shaping her perception of the world.

Through her “What Color Is Your Name” website, she offers insights into the diverse ways synesthesia can manifest and how it shapes individual perceptions. The test gained popularity on TikTok after its introduction in February 2020. Users are intrigued by the idea of experiencing colors associated with their names, sparking widespread interest and conversation.


↪ How to Take the “What Color is Your Name” Test

Taking the “What Color Is Your Name” test is simple and fun! Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: Visit the Website

Open any browser and search for “What Color Is Your Name.” Click on the link to access the website hosting the test.

Click on the first link

Step 2: Enter Your Name

Now, click on the “See Your Name ” option and type your name into the box provided.

Click on See Your Name

Step 3: View Your Color Palette

The test will generate a color palette based on synesthesia-inspired associations with your name. Take a look at the colors displayed, each representing a different letter in your name.

Your colors will be generated

Step 4: Save and Share (Optional)

If you wish, you can save the image of your color palette. Share your colorful results with friends on social media if you’d like!

Click on Download to save

That’s it! Enjoy exploring the colorful world of synesthesia and discovering the unique associations your name might evoke.

The downloaded image

Tips to Make the Most of the Test

The “What Color Is Your Name” test is a playful and creative tool that offers a glimpse into the subjective world of synesthetic experiences. Use it as an opportunity for self-reflection, creativity, and exploration of sensory perception. Here’s what you can do to make the most of it:

  • Find a quiet and comfortable environment where you can focus without distractions.
  • Before taking the test, reflect on your associations and emotions with your name.
  • Consider any colors or visual imagery that come to mind when you think about your name.
  • Keep an open mind and embrace the unique and subjective nature of synesthetic experiences.
  • Use the color palette generated by the test as inspiration for creative projects.
  • Explore how the colors associated with your name can be incorporated into art, design, or personal expression.
  • Share your color palette with friends or family members and compare your results.

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In Closing: Embrace Your Synesthetic Experience

Synesthesia gives us a unique view of how our senses blend together, creating a colorful world where names can evoke vivid images and sensations. The “What Color Is Your Name” test lets us explore this phenomenon in a fun way, discovering the colors our names bring to mind.

As we take part in this exploration, we should appreciate the beauty of our sensory experiences and the way our minds connect sounds and colors. Let’s celebrate the diversity of perception and enjoy the colorful journey it takes us on.

How common is synesthesia?


How common is synesthesia?

Synesthesia is estimated to occur in about 4% of the population, although the prevalence may vary depending on the type and definition of synesthesia.

Is the test based on scientific principles?

While the test is inspired by synesthesia, it is more of a fun and creative exploration rather than a scientifically validated assessment.

Can anyone take the test?

Yes, the test is available to anyone who wishes to explore the colors associated with their name.

Is there a cost associated with taking the test?

No, the test is free to take and does not require any payment.

How can I use the results of the test in my daily life?

The results of the test can be used as a creative and fun way to explore your name’s associations and spark conversations about perception and creativity. They can also inspire artistic endeavors or personal reflections on identity.

What if I don’t like the colors associated with my name?

The colors generated by the test are based on subjective associations and can vary widely. If you don’t resonate with the colors, you can simply enjoy the experience as a form of creative exploration.


Kamil Anwar

Kamil is a certified MCITP, CCNA (W), CCNA (S) and a former British Computer Society Member with over 9 years of experience Configuring, Deploying and Managing Switches, Firewalls and Domain Controllers also an old-school still active on FreeNode.