iPhone 15 Pro is Not Just Overheating, It’s Also Swelling Now

It’s been almost a week since the iPhone 15 was launched, and although it released to positive reviews, things aren’t looking good for Apple’s new flagship device in the real world. Previously, some of the first owners of iPhone 15 reported several issues including titanium discoloration and fragile build quality.
Then we came to the overheating era where every other hour there was new information about the how the iPhone 15 Pros were getting uncomfortably warm. And if that wasn’t enough, iPhone 15 users are now experiencing a much bigger issue; Swelling.
In a recent Reddit post on the iPhone subreddit, u/LeatherCheerio402 shared an image of their iPhone 15 which appears to be bulging out of the phone’s titanium case:
The disappointed iPhone 15 owner took matters to Apple where he was asked to take the phone to their place of purchase which in their case was Verizon. On the other hand, the user suspects Verizon to have a similar response leaving them with a swelled iPhone 15.
Several other users have also started reporting overheating issues with their iPhone 15 when charging their phone or even gaming. A user on Reddit proved this issue by thermally checking their iPhone 12 Pro’s temperature after a short phone call. And the results were quite concerning.
The constant here is iOS 17 which is what the iPhone 12 above was updated to and all iPhone 15 models ship with, so perhaps the software is a factor in this overheating debacle too? But not more so than the hardware since we already know the titanium frame is to blame for that. However, the fact that this iPhone got hot on a call which is exactly what happened to the first iPhone 15 Pros as well is quite the coincidence.
It looks like there’s a lot Apple needs to address regarding the safety concerns of using the brand-new iPhone 15. And from what it seems the issues are just getting started. In fact, one user shared a pretty weird experience when unboxing their iPhone 15 Pro Max:
In the above Reddit post, there appears to be a drawing of a duck etched into the iPhone 15 camera. For a company like Apple, it’s quite surprising how they sold an iPhone 15 Pro Max worth $1200+ with a “Duck Lens” without noticing.
iPhone launches have always seemed to surprise us in different ways. However, with the iPhone 15, the negatives outweigh the positives. It started with the titanium being a fingerprint magnet then quickly turned into weird paint issues, but even that could’ve been attributed to weak QC. Then came the build quality problem and now overheating to this degree (no pun intended) on top of all that. Certainly the most eventful iPhone launch we’ve had in years.