How to Fix ‘Script Call Failed’ Error in The Sims 4
The “Script Call Failed” error often occurs in The Sims 4 when the player tries to place a furniture item on the ground, such as a couch, door, bed, cupboard, etc. There can be a few different causes of this error, but its most common causes are corrupt/missing game files and broken/outdated Script Mods/CC.

To help you find a fix for this problem in The Sims 4, we have prepared a list of all the possible causes of this error and what you need to do to solve them.
1. Repair the Sims 4 Game Files
If you encounter this error while trying to place (or interact with) a furniture item in The Sims 4, the first Script Call Failed error fix is to verify the integrity of the game files, as this error message indicates an issue with the game files.
This issue with the game files could be in the form of corruption, or some game files could be missing entirely from your Sims 4 install folder.
The leading cause of these missing/corrupted game files is usually an improper installation of the game. While downloading the game on your system, you might have experienced issues with your internet connection, such as varying download speeds, packet loss, or temporary network disconnection.
If any of these issues occurred with your internet connection during the download process, some of your Sims 4 game files are likely damaged/corrupted.
Fortunately, there’s a very quick and easy way to fix your Sims 4 game files. You can fix them by using the file repair feature of your game’s launcher. This feature is available on the Steam, Origin, and Epic Games launcher, and it only takes a few minutes to fix your files.
If you’re playing The Sims 4 on Steam, follow the steps below to repair its game files:
- Launch Steam.
- Head to your game library by clicking the “Library” button at the top-left.
- Locate The Sims 4 in the list of games on the left.
- Right-click on the Sims 4.
- Select the “Properties” option.
- Click on the “Local Files” option on the left.
- Select “Verify Integrity of game files…”
Verifying Integrity of Game Files through Steam
If you’re playing The Sims 4 on Origin, follow the steps below to repair its game files:
- Open the Origin Launcher.
- Click on the “My Game Library” option on the left.
- Locate The Sims 4 in the list of games.
- Right-click on the Sims 4.
- Select the “Repair” option.
Repairing game files through the Origin Launcher
If you’re playing The Sims 4 on the Epic Games Launcher, follow the steps below to repair its game files:
- Open the Epic Games Launcher.
- Click on the Library option on the left.
- Locate The Sims 4 in the list of games.
- Right-click on the Sims 4.
- Select the “Manage” option.
- Press the Verify button.
Verifying Integrity of Game Files through Epic Games Launcher
The file repair process will be finished within a few minutes. Once it’s completed, the launcher will show a message informing you whether it was able to find and repair any corrupted/missing files or not.
After repairing the Sims 4’s game files, relaunch the game and see if this error is still appearing. If it continues to occur, move on to the next solution listed below.
2. Play Sims 4 Without Mods and CC
If repairing The Sims 4 game files didn’t solve this problem, your mods and CC (Custom Content) are most likely the root cause of the issue.
As new updates for The Sims 4 are released, some of the mods and Custom Content available online can become incompatible with the game due to updates to the game engine.
If you have many mods and CC installed in your Sims 4 folder, some of them might be corrupted, outdated, or incompatible with the game’s new update (or with the other mods). These broken mods can cause many types of errors in the game, including the one you are currently facing.
Before you try to find out what mods are causing the issue, you must first play the game without any mods or CC to confirm whether the mods are causing the issue or not.
To disable the mods and CC in The Sims 4, follow the steps we’ve listed below:
- Launch The Sims 4.
- Click on the three dots on the right side of the game’s start menu.
Opening the Options menu in The Sims 4 - Click on “Game Options.”
- Navigate to the “Other” section.
- Remove the checkmarks next to “Enable Custom Content and Mods” and “Script Mods Allowed.”
- Press the “Apply Changes” button.
Disabling Mods and Custom Content - Restart the game.
After restarting the game, load your world and start placing down furniture items, like doors, windows, beds, etc. If the Script Call Failed error stops appearing, you have confirmed that the mods and Custom Content are causing the problem.
But if this error continues to occur even after you’ve disabled the mods and Custom Content, they are not causing the problem. If this is the case for you, skip the remaining part of this solution and move on directly to the next fix.
2.1 Update your Mods and Custom Content
After you’ve determined that the mods are the reason for this error, the next step is to update all the mods and CC you have installed in your Sims 4 folder.
When a new Sims 4 update is released, the developers usually make small changes to the game’s engine. For the mods and CC to work, they must be updated with the game’s latest patch.
If you haven’t updated your mods and CC in a while, they have likely become incompatible with the game’s newest version. Therefore, you will keep encountering errors in the game until all of these mods and CC have been updated.
According to online user reports, the Adult mod and Basemental Drugs mod need to be updated as soon as a new patch for them is released. Older versions of these mods have shown incompatibility errors with newer game versions.
To update a mod or CC in The Sims 4, you need to know two things:
- Where your mods/CC are located on your PC.
- Where you downloaded your mods/CC from.
Your mods/CC are stored in the Mods sub-folder in your Sims 4 Documents folder. If you can’t remember where this folder is located on your PC, follow the steps below to find it.
- Press the Windows Key to open the Start menu.
- Type “This PC” in the search bar and press enter.
Opening This PC - Click on the “My Documents” icon.
- Open the folder named “Electronic Arts.”.
Finding the Electronic Arts - Open the folder named “The Sims 4.”
- Locate and open the folder named “Mods.”
If you open this Mods folder, you’ll be able to see all the mods and CC you currently have installed on your PC. The next step is to check if any updates are available for these mods and CC.
To check that, you will need to know where you downloaded the mods/CC from. Popular mods like the Adult mod and Basemental Drugs mod have their websites.
So to check if newer versions of these mods are available, you just need to search the mod’s name on Google and visit their website.

And for mods that don’t have their websites, you can search them up on The Sims 4 mod forums and find out if they have been updated or not from there.
If there’s an update available for your mods/CC, follow the steps we’ve listed below to install the new update:
- Close The Sims 4.
- Open your Mods sub-folder in The Sims 4 Documents folder.
- Delete the existing mod files from the folder.
Deleting the existing mods - Delete the localthumbcache.package file.
- Delete the GameVersion.txt file.
Deleting the localthumbcache and GameVersion file - Download the new version of the mod.
- If the mod file is in compressed form (Zip File), extract the compressed update file into the mods sub-folder.
- If the mod file is in .package or TS4SCRIPT form, copy and paste it into the mods sub-folder.
Extracting the new mod file into the Mods folder
Follow this method for each mod and CC you have downloaded in your Mods folder. After you’ve updated all of your mods and CC, launch The Sims 4.
Remember to open the Game Options menu and re-enable the “Enable Custom Content and Mods.” option since we disabled it in the previous solution. Restart the game after enabling this option, and then load your world.
Start placing down furniture in your world and see if the error pops up. If it stops occurring, your outdated mods/CC were the source of the problem.
But if you still encounter the error even after updating the mods, one or more of your mods have most likely become corrupted or incompatible with the other mods. Continue with the next part of the solution below to solve this issue.
2.2 Find the Corrupted/Incompatible Mod
Since we now know that the cause of the error is most probably a corrupted or incompatible mod, the next solution is to find and remove/fix the mod that’s causing the issue.
The most efficient way to find this corrupted/incompatible mod is to remove the mods/CC from your Mods sub-folder one by one and then launch the game each time you remove a single mod.
Follow the steps below to find the broken mod:
- Close The Sims 4 and Steam/Origin/Epic Games Launcher.
- Type “This PC” in the search bar and press enter.
Opening This PC - Click on the “My Documents” icon.
- Open the folder named “Electronic Arts.”.
Finding the Sims 4 folder - Open the folder named “The Sims 4.”
- Locate and open the folder named “Mods.”
- Remove one mod/CC from the folder.
- Launch The Sims 4.
Each time you launch the game, you must load into your world, place some furniture, and see if the error occurs. Keep doing this until the error stops occurring. Remember to close the game before you remove a mod/CC.
Once the error is fixed, you will know that the last mod you removed from the folder is the cause of the issue. But remember that the issue could also be caused by more than one mod/CC.
If you don’t have many mods/CC installed, it will only take a couple of minutes to find the culprit of the problem. However, if you have hundreds or even thousands of mods/CC installed, you’ll need to perform this method differently.
Instead of removing the mods one by one, you will need to remove them in small batches. For example, you can remove a batch of 10 mods/CC from the folder at a time and launch the game each time you remove one batch.

And once you stop facing the error in the game, you will know that one of the mods in the last batch you removed is the cause of the issue. You can then easily find out which exact mod is the culprit of the error.
So if you perform this method in this way, you’ll be able to find the corrupted/incompatible mod/CC quickly, even if you have a plethora of mods installed.
Once you’ve found the broken mod/CC, go to the website where you downloaded it and check if the mod is updated to the latest version.
If there’s an update available for the mod/CC, download it and place it into your Mods folder. This will most likely fix the error.
But if there’s no update available (or updating the mod doesn’t fix the issue), the mod/CC is either corrupted or incompatible with another mod. To check if it is corrupted, delete the mod file from your Mods folder and re-download it from its website.
After re-downloading the mod, launch The Sims 4 and see if the error has been resolved. If the error still occurs, the mod is incompatible with one of the other mods/CC you have installed.
The easiest way to fix this issue is to delete this mod from your folder. But if you are determined to keep this mod (let’s call it Mod A), you will need to find the other mod/CC with which it is incompatible.
You’ll need to follow the same method we used before to find the mods that are incompatible with Mod A. Remove one (or one batch) of mods from your Mods folder at a time and launch The Sims 4 each time you do so.
Remember not to remove Mod A from your Mods folder accidentally. When the error goes away, the last mod you removed is incompatible with Mod A. You can try updating this incompatible mod or deleting it from the Mods folder to fix this incompatibility issue.
3. Reset your Electronic Arts Documents Folder
If you’ve determined that your mods and CC aren’t the cause of the issue, the problem is likely related to the files in your Electronic Arts Documents folder. If some of the files in this folder have become corrupted/broken, they will cause all types of issues in the game, including the error you’re experiencing right now.
So the next solution for this error is to reset your Electronic Arts Documents folder. This will clear all the unnecessary cache files from the folder, which is probably the root cause of the issue.
You must first create a backup to reset the Electronic Arts Documents folder. This will ensure that all your files remain safe in case you accidentally delete an important file in this process, such as a save file, player data, or screenshots.
To create a backup of the Electronic Arts Documents folder, follow the steps listed below:
- Close The Sims 4.
- Close Steam/Origin/Epic Games Launcher.
- Open your Documents folder.
- Right-click on the “Electronic Arts” folder.
- Click on Copy.
Copying the Electronic Arts folder - Create a new folder in Documents called “Electronic Arts Backup.”
Creating the Electronic Arts Backup folder - Open this new folder and paste all the files into it.
Now that you have your EA folder backed up, you can safely reset the folder. To do so, follow the steps written below:
- Ensure The Sims 4 and the Steam/Origin/Epic Games Launcher are closed.
- Open your Documents folder.
- Right-click on the “Electronic Arts” folder.
- Click on Rename.
- Rename the folder to “Electronic Arts OLD.”
Renaming the Electronic Arts folder - Launch the Sims 4 and close the game right after it finishes launching – this will create a new Electronic Arts folder in Documents.
Creating the new Electronic Arts folder - Open the Electronic Arts OLD folder and go into your Sims 4 folder.
- Copy all the files in the Tray sub-folder.
Copying the files from the old folder into the new Electronic Arts folder - Paste these files into the Tray sub-folder of the new Electronic Arts folder.
- Do the same for your Save files, Mods/CC, and Screenshots.
After pasting all the important files into the new EA folder, launch The Sims 4 and load your world. The error should finally be resolved, and you should be able to place the furniture now.
However, if even this solution does not resolve the error for you, try the final solution we’ve written below.
4. Reinstall The Sims 4
If repairing the game files, updating the mods/CC, and resetting the EA Documents folder did not fix this error for you, the only remaining solution is to do a full reinstall of The Sims 4.
There could be some corrupted/broken cache files deep within your Sims 4 install folder, which Steam/Origin/Epic Game Launcher’s File Repair feature cannot find and repair.
Therefore, a fresh reinstall of the game can finally solve this error for you, as it will renew the game’s cache files and fix all corruption in them.
To reinstall the Sims 4, you need first to uninstall it completely from your system. The easiest way to do this is to use the uninstall feature on Steam/Origin/Epic Games Launcher.
If you use Steam to play The Sims 4, follow these steps to uninstall the game:
- Launch Steam.
- Click on the “Library” button at the top-left.
- Locate The Sims 4 in the list of games on the left.
- Right-click on the Sims 4.
- Hover your cursor over the “Manage” option.
- Click on “Uninstall.”
- Click on the Uninstall button again to confirm the action.
Uninstalling the game through Steam
If you use Origin to play The Sims 4, follow these steps to uninstall the game:
- Open the Origin Launcher.
- Select the “My Game Library” option on the left.
- Locate The Sims 4 in the list of games.
- Right-click on the Sims 4.
- Click on Uninstall.
Uninstalling the game through the Origin Launcher
If you use the Epic Games Launcher to play The Sims 4, follow these steps to uninstall the game:
- Open the Epic Games Launcher.
- Click on the Library option on the left.
- Locate The Sims 4 in the list of games.
- Right-click on the Sims 4.
- Click on Uninstall.
Uninstalling the game through the Epic Games Launcher
Once the game has finished installing, reinstall it in the same way. Ensure that your internet connection stays as stable as possible and your PC stays on at all times during the download process, as this will ensure that all the game files download properly.
After you’ve reinstalled The Sims 4, the error will finally go away, and you will be able to place down the furniture items with no issues!