Fix: Netflix Error Code: m7111-1957-205002
Several users have been reporting the error code M7111-1957-205002 when trying to login into Netflix or play any type of content from the video streaming platform. Typically, the error M7111-1957-205002 is accompanied by the following message: “Whoops, something went wrong. Netflix Sign In Problem.
To resolve this problem, try signing out of the Netflix website and signing in again.”

What causes the M7111-1957-205002 error code
Upon investigating the issue, this error code points towards some information present on your PC (or another device that is encountering the issue) that needs to be refreshed or updated. Typically, there are two scenarios that will lead to the apparition of the M7111-1957-205002 error code:
- Improper Netflix cookie – Netflix is well aware of this issue and has created a built-in link that will automatically remove any cookies belonging to the premium content streaming platform.
- Chrome browser is glitched – Apparently, the issue is much more common on Google Chrome. This is confirmed to happen due to an application glitch that can be resolved via a browser reset.
- Netflix servers are down or scheduled for maintenance – Another possibility is that you logged in the middle of a scheduled maintenance or an unexpected server crash.
If you’re currently struggling to resolve the M7111-1957-205002 error code, this article will provide you with a series of quality troubleshooting steps. Below you have a collection of methods that other users in a similar situation have used to get the issue resolved.
For the best results, follow the methods below in the order that they are presented. Let’s begin!
Method 1: Clear Netflix cookies
Since the issue is often times caused by a badly installed Netflix cookie, you can easily rectify this wrong by clearing every cookie belonging to Netflix.
Keep in mind that Netflix is well aware of this issue and has created a special utility page that will automatically clear the Netflix cookie responsible for the M7111-1957-205002 error code. With this in mind, the easiest way to clear the Netflix cookie responsible is to access this link (here). After a couple of seconds, you should be redirected to the home page – this is usually an indicator that the process has been successful.
Now, log into Netflix again and see if you’re able to play content without the M7111-1957-205002 error code. If the same error is still occurring, you can follow the steps below to delete all Netflix cookies manually from Chrome:
- Open Chrome, click the action icon (top-right corner) and go to Settings.
- Next, scroll down to the bottom of the Settings menu and click on the Advanced drop-down menu.
Click on the Advanced drop-down men - Next, scroll down to the Privacy and security tab and click on Content settings.
- From the Content settings menu, click on Cookies.
- Next, scroll down to the Clear on exit entry and click the Add button associated with it.
Click the Add button associated with Clear on exit - Add “” in the Site box and hit the Add button again.
Add in Site box, then click Add - Restart Chrome and see if the issue has been resolved.
If you’re still encountering the M7111-1957-205002 error code, move down to the next method below.
Method 2: Reset Chrome Settings
Another method that was successful for a lot of users encountering the M7111-1957-205002 error code is a complete Google Chrome settings reset. While this might make you reinsert your associated Gmail account, it’s usually enough to get the network streaming service working again.
Follow the steps down below to reset Chrome’s settings:
- Open Google Chrome and type chrome://settings into the address bar at the top, then press Enter.
Accessing Chrome’s settings - In the Settings menu, scroll down to the bottom of the screen and click the Advanced drop-down menu.
Click on the Advanced drop-down menu - In the Advanced settings menu, scroll down to the Reset and clean up section and click on Restore settings to their original defaults.
Restore settings to the original defaults - Confirm the procedure by clicking on Reset settings again.
Reset Chrome’s settings - Once the process is complete, restart Chrome and see if the issue has been resolved.
If you’re still encountering the issue, move down to the next method below.
Method 3: Verify if Netflix servers are down
Another potential cause for the M7111-1957-205002 error code is a temporary server crash or a scheduled maintenance. You can typically find out if that’s the cause of your troubles by following Netflix’s social media account.
If you don’t see any type of announcement, you can use the services of Is The Service Down or Is It Down Right Now to see other users are having similar problems.