Firestick Not Connecting to Wi-Fi? Try these Fixes
Your Firestick may keep displaying ‘unable to connect‘ if the firmware of the Firestick or firmware of the router is corrupt. Moreover, improper configuration of the router (like Fast Roaming, 5GHz band, or subnet) may also cause the issue at hand.
The issue arises when the Firestick of a user refuses to connect to a particular Wi-Fi network (in many cases, the device was working fine previously).

You can reconnect the Firestick to the Internet by trying the following solutions but before that, check if the Firestick connection supports the Wi-Fi connection type (e.g., Firestick supports WPA2-PSK but not WPA2-ENT). Moreover, check if replacing the remote batteries and pressing/holding the home button of the Firestick remote for 10 seconds solves the issue.
Additionally, check if an electromagnetic interference (especially, if the device is attached to the back of the TV) is not causing the issue and you can check it by powering off and unplugging the power cable of all electronic devices like AC, Microwave, Comcast cable box, etc. in the vicinity or you can check the Firestick in another room if it is working fine there.
Try Another Network and Forget the Current Network
Your Firestick may not work if it is faulty or if your network router is not properly configured. In this context, trying another network (like the hotspot of your phone) may confirm the culprit and then the issue can be solved accordingly.
- Disconnect your Firestick from the current network and connect to another network (e.g., your mobile phone’s hotspot).
- Now check if the Wi-Fi issue is resolved.
- If the issue persists on another network, then you may try the Firestick-related solutions of this article to solve the issue.
- If the issue is resolved on another network, then the issue is router/network-related and you may solve it by trying the router-related solution of this article.
But before moving with the solutions, check if forgetting the network by using the following steps solves the issue:
- On the Home screen of your Firestick, navigate to the Settings tab and select Network.
Open Network in the Firestick Settings - Now select the problematic network and press the Menu button of the Firestick remote.
- Then press the Select button (circular button in the middle of the remote) of the Firestick remote to confirm forgetting of the network.
Forget the Network in the Firestick Settings - Now disable the option of Save Wi-Fi Passwords to Amazon and exit the screen.
Disable Save Wi-Fi Passwords to Amazon in the Firestick Settings - Then again enter the network settings of your Firestick and connect to another network (like a mobile phone’s hotspot).
- Then disconnect from another network and forget it as well in the device’s settings.
- Now check if the Firestick can be connected to the problematic Wi-Fi network.
If that did not do the trick, then check if removing the password from your Wi-Fi network (make it open or unsecured) solves the issue. If so, then you can create a new password for your Wi-Fi.
Restart Your Devices and Networking Equipment
The Firestick Wi-Fi issue could be a result of a temporary communication glitch and restarting your devices and networking equipment may solve the Wi-Fi problem.
- Navigate to the Settings tab on the Home screen of your Firestick and open My Fire TV (you may have to scroll a bit to find the option).
Open My Fire TV in the Firestick Settings - Now select Restart and upon reboot, check if the Wi-Fi issue is resolved.
Restart the Firestick - If not, then power off all your devices (e.g., TV, Firestick, etc.) and networking equipment (router, Wi-Fi extenders, etc.).
- Now unplug all of these devices from the power source and each other.
- Then wait for 1 minute and connect back the devices to each other and power source.
- Now power on the devices and check if the Firestick Wi-Fi issue is resolved.
If the issue is still there, check if connecting the Firestick after removing all other Wi-Fi devices (like your phone, TV, etc.) from the network sorts out the problem.
Connet the Firestick to the Wi-Fi Through the WPS Switch (PIN)
If you are not able to use the Wi-Fi password to connect to the network, then using the WPS switch may solve the problem.
- Navigate to the Settings tab on the Home screen of your Firestick and open Network.
- Now select Join Network Using WPS (PIN) and note down the generated PIN.
Select Join Network Using WPS (PIN) in the Firestick Settings - Then navigate to the web portal of your router by using a web browser and navigate to the Wireless tab.
- Now steer to the Wi-Fi Protected Setup tab and select the radio button of the Wi-Fi Protected Setup.
- Then enter the generated PIN in the box and click on the Register button to check if that resolves the issue.
Enter Firestick Generated WPS PIN in the Router’s Wi-Fi Protected Setup
Disable Fast Roaming of the Router
Your Firestick won’t connect to Wi-Fi if you are using Wi-Fi extenders/access points in your environment with the Fast Roaming (to minimize the time of reauthentication when connected to another access point). In this context, disabling the Fast Roaming in the router settings may solve the problem. Before proceeding, make sure to disable the router’s built-in VPN (if supported and enabled).
- Navigate to the web portal of your router (by using a web browser) and open Advanced Options or WLAN Configuration.
- Now uncheck the option of Enable Fast Roaming and save your changes.
Disable Fast Roaming in the Router’s Settings - Then reboot your Firestick/router and afterward, check if the Wi-Fi issue is resolved.
If your router does not have Fast Roaming, check if disabling Seamless Wi-Fi resolves the Firestick issue.
Disable the 5GHz Band in the Router Settings
The Firestick might not connect to a Wi-Fi network if you have a dual-band router and using both the bands (i.e., 2.4GHz and 5GHz) as Firestick is reported to have connection issues with the 5GHz band. In this context, disabling the 5GHz band in the router settings may solve the Firestick problem.
- Navigate to the web portal of your Wi-Fi router (by using a web browser) and expand Settings.
- Then navigate to the Wireless tab and uncheck the following (under the 5GHz option):
Broadcast this Network Name (SSID) Enable 5GHz WIFI
- Then make sure to checkmark the following (under the 2.4GHz option):
Broadcast this Network Name (SSID) Enable 2.4GHz WIFI
- Now save your changes and reboot your Firestick.
Disable 5GHz Band in the Router’s Settings - Upon reboot, check if the Firestick is connecting to the problematic Wi-Fi.
If the issue is resolved with the 2.4GHz band, then you may enable the 5GHz band but set its channel to something between 36 to 48 and that may let you use the 5GHz band with your Firestick.
Change the Subnet/DHCP Scheme of the Router
The Firestick (and many other Amazon devices) prefer to use the common IP scheme ( and the Firestick may not connect to a network that has a different IP scheme (like In this case, editing the router settings to use the common IP scheme or subnet (like may solve the problem.
- Launch a web browser and navigate to the web portal of your router.
- Now navigate to the DHCP tab and make sure your IP range is set to a commonly used IP scheme i.e.,
Change the IP Scheme of Your Router - Then apply your changes and check if the Firestick Wi-Fi issue is resolved.
If that did not do the trick, then check if using the following DNS in the router settings solve the problem:
If the issue persists, then check if using the following DNS sorts out the issue:
Primay DNS: Secondary DNS:
Reset Firestick to the Factory Defaults
The Firestick might not connect to the Wi-Fi network if its firmware is corrupt and resetting the Firestick to the factory defaults may solve the problem. Before proceeding, make sure to backup the essential info/data as everything will wipe clean.
- Navigate to the Settings tab on the Home screen of your Firestick and open My Fire TV, Device, or System (you may have to scroll a bit to find the option).
- Now select Reset to Factory Defaults (you may have to scroll down to find the option) and then confirm to reset the device by clicking the Reset button.
Reset Firestick to Factory Defaults - Once the reset operation is complete, set up the device and check if it can be connected to the Wi-Fi network.
Reset the Router to the Factory Defaults
The Firestick might not connect to the Wi-Fi network if the firmware/OS of your router is corrupt and resetting the router to the factory defaults may solve the problem. Keep in mind the instructions to reset the router slightly differ for some users.
- Launch a web browser and navigate to the admin portal of your router.
- Then expand System and select Restore Defaults.
Restore Your Router to Default Settings - Now click on the Restore button and then confirm to restore the router to the defaults.
- Once the reset operation is complete, set up the router as per the instructions of the ISP and check if the Firestick can connect to it.
If the above process is a bit tricky or lengthy for you, you can use the reset button on the back of the router to reset the router.

If the issue persists, then contact Amazon and ask them to reactivate your devices (it can happen after you Factory Reset the device). If that did not do the trick, get your Firestick replaced under warranty (if it is not working with any other Wi-Fi network). If the Firestick is working fine with other networks, you may use an ethernet cable to connect to the Internet or use a Wi-Fi extender.