Network Connection Error 0x00028002 [Quick Fix]

Your broadband modem is experiencing connectivity issues

The 0x00028002 error will occur if there’s some kind of network inconsistency that prevents the affected PC from staying connected to a local network. This error code will appear if the user tries to identify the problem by running the Windows Network Diagnostics tool.

Network Error Code 0x00028002

What’s causing the 0x00028002 Network error?

  • Generic network driver glitch – As it turns out, if you get used to putting your computer into hibernation mode without doing regular startups, this issue might occur on Windows 10 due to a common glitch. To fix it, you’ll need to access the Network menu and force the OS to forget the network that you’re currently connected to. This will clear temp data, allowing you to reconnect from scratch.
  • Corrupted / Outdated wireless adapter driver – If you haven’t updated your wireless adapter driver in a while, it’s possible that the current version that you’re using is not fully equipped to handle IPV6, which might cause network interruptions leading to this error. If this scenario is applicable, you can resolve the issue by updating the wireless adapter driver via Device Manager.
  • Network inconsistency – There are a lot of different dependencies that might end up creating issues with you network component. One cure-all fix that will treat most issues is to do a complete TCP / IP reset. With this procedure, most firmware and software related issues that will trigger this error code will be resolved.
  • Faulty router – In rare circumstances, you might also be dealing with a faulty router that is unable to maintain a reliable connection with the device that connects to it. In this case, you have no alternative than to verify this theory and look for an alternate if the suspicions are confirmed.

Method 1: Forgetting the wireless network (if applicable)

As it turns out, this issue can very well be caused by a simple network glitch that is preventing your computer from maintaining a stable connection with your router. Normally, this issue will go away swiftly during the next machine restart, but if you only use the hibernation function, the issue might persist for a long time.

In this case, you should start by accessing your Wi-Fi Settings and forgetting the wireless connection that you’re currently connected to. Upon re-establishing the connection again, the temp files causing this glitch should be cleared and you should no longer encounter this issue.

Here’s a quick guide on forgetting the wireless network in order to resolve the 0x00028002:

  1. Press Windows key + R to open up a Run dialogue box. Next, type ‘ms-settings:network-wifi’ and press Enter to open up the Wi-Fi tab of the Network & Internet.
    Opening the Wi-Fi tab of the Settings app
  2. Once you get there, move over to the right-hand side and click on Manage known networks.
    Accessing the Manage known networks menu
  3. Once you get to the next menu, simply click on the network that you’re having issues with and click on Forget.
    Forgetting the network that’s causing issues
  4. Once you force your PC to forget the network simply connect to it again and type the security key once again.
  5. Monitor the situation and see if your network connection fails again with the 0x00028002 error.

If the same problem is still occurring, move down to the next method below.

Method 2: Updating the wireless adapter driver

As it turns out, the issue can also be caused by an improper, outdated or glitched wireless adapter driver. Most likely, your driver version is unable to handle the IPV6 connection properly. Fortunately, most network equipment manufacturers have fixed IPV6 issues with driver updates, so in case the issue is being caused by a wireless adapter driver, the fix is a simple as updating the driver to the latest version.

Here’s a quick guide on updating the wireless adapter driver via Device manager to fix the 0x00028002:

  1. Press Windows key + R to open up a Run dialogue box. Inside the newly opened window, type ‘devmgmt.msc’ and press Enter to open up Device Manager. When you’re prompted by the UAC (User Account Control), click Yes to grant administrative privileges.
    Running Device Manager
  2. Once you manage to get inside Device Manager, scroll down through the list of installed applications and expand the drop-down menu associated with Network Adapters.
  3. After you manage to get inside the Network Adapters sub-menu, right-click on your Wireless adapter driver and choose Update driver.
    Updating the wireless driver
  4. Once you get to the next screen, click on Search automatically for updated driver software.
    Forcing WU to search for updated driver software
  5. If a new driver version is found, follow the on-screen instructions to complete the operation and install the new driver version.
    Update driver version
  6. Once the operation is complete, restart your computer and see if the issue is resolved at the next system startup.

If the same problem is still occurring and you’re still encountering the 0x00028002 error after running diagnostics after you lose the connection with your local network, move down to the next potential fix below.

Method 3: Doing a complete TCP / IP Reset

As it turns out, this particular issue can also be caused by a generic network inconsistency related to your TCP / IP configuration. Several affected users have confirmed that they managed to get this problem resolved by recreating the connection from scratch.

NOTE: Some users that deployed this fix have reported that the issue returned after some time. With this in mind, consider this method as a temporary workaround rather than a full-fledged fix.

When it comes to doing this, the most efficient way of doing so is to run a series of commands in an Elevated Command Prompt. Here’s a quick step-by-step guide with what you have to do to do a complete TCP / IP reset:

  1. Press Windows key + R to open up a Run dialogue box. Next, type ‘cmd’ inside the newly appeared text box and press Ctrl + Shift + Enter to open up an elevated CMD prompt. When you see the UAC (User Account Control), click Yes to grant admin access.
    Running administrative Command Prompt from Run dialog box
  2. Once you’re inside the elevated CMD prompt, type the following commands (in the listed order) and press Enter after each command:
    Type 'ipconfig /flushdns' and press Enter 
    Type 'netsh winsock reset' and press Enter. 
    Type 'netsh int ip reset' and press Enter. 
    Type 'ipconfig /release' and press Enter. 
    Type 'ipconfig /renew' and press Enter. 
  3. After you run every command above, you will have effectively done a complete TCP/ IP reset. After you do this, close the elevated Command Prompt and check if the issue is still resolved.

If you’re still encountering the 0x00028002 after you loose connection to your local server, move down to the next method below.

Method 4: Replacing the Router

If none of the potential fixes below has allowed you to resolve the issue, it’s possible that you might be dealing with a faulty router. Several affected users have been reporting having this exact issue with a 5268ac AT&T router.

Just to test the possibility that you might be dealing with a hardware router issue, you should try connecting the Ethernet cable directly to your affected machine and see if the problem is still occurring.

In case the problem doesn’t repeat, you can conclude that your router was previously causing the problem and look for a replacement.


Kevin Arrows

Kevin Arrows is a highly experienced and knowledgeable technology specialist with over a decade of industry experience. He holds a Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS) certification and has a deep passion for staying up-to-date on the latest tech developments. Kevin has written extensively on a wide range of tech-related topics, showcasing his expertise and knowledge in areas such as software development, cybersecurity, and cloud computing. His contributions to the tech field have been widely recognized and respected by his peers, and he is highly regarded for his ability to explain complex technical concepts in a clear and concise manner.