How to Convert a Word Document to PDF?
Working with a Word document is common; we all have to do it. However, the problem with Word documents is they are not compatible on all platforms. Even if you can open the document on an unsupported platform using a different application, it often loses its format, which is not something you would want. Therefore, if you want to distribute your document, the best course would be to convert it to PDF.

Converting your Word documents is relatively easy, and there are several ways you can go about it. If you have access to Microsoft Word, you can use the application to perform the conversion. In addition, there are multiple other methods available as well.
This article will show you how to convert a Word document into a PDF using several techniques. You can follow any method that best suits you. Let us get right into it.
1. Convert Word to PDF via Microsoft Word
The first and perhaps the easiest way of converting a Word document into a PDF file is to use the Microsoft Word application. While saving the document, Microsoft Word allows you to save the document in various file types.
These different file types enable users to preserve the document’s format in various other formats. When you convert your Word document to PDF, the document format does not change and remains the same. This makes it especially useful when you have to share the document online and avoid any easy changes since editing a PDF file cannot be done directly.
To convert a Word document into PDF using Microsoft Word, follow the instructions down below:
- To start, open up the Word Document with Microsoft Word.
- Once the document is open, click on the File option in the top-left corner.
- This will take you to a new screen with various options.
- On the left-hand side, click on the Save As option.
Navigating to Save As - Now, click on the Browse option and navigate to a location where you want the file.
Clicking on Browse Option - After that, give your document a new name if you want to.
- Once you give it a name, from the Save as type drop-down menu, choose PDF.
Saving Word Document as PDF - Finally, click the Save button.
You should have a PDF file of the same document now. Another method of converting your file to PDF is also in Microsoft Word. It is relatively more straightforward than the ‘Save as’ option. Follow the instructions down below:
- First, navigate to the File section in Microsoft Word.
- After that, click on the Export option on the left-hand side.
Navigating to Export - On the Export screen, select the Create PDF/XPS Document option.
- Once you do that, click on the Create PDF/XPS button.
Export Word Document as PDF - On the follow-up dialog box, choose a location for the document to be saved.
- Finally, click the Publish button to create your PDF file. Upon clicking Publish, the file will be opened automatically in a web browser or your default PDF opening application for you.
Publishing PDF File
2. Convert Word to PDF via Google Drive
If you do not have access to Microsoft Word Document for whatever reason, you can still convert your Word document to PDF. To do this, you will have to upload your document to Google Drive. To be able to upload a document to Google Drive, you need to have a Gmail account.
The Gmail account gives you free storage on Google Drive you can use to upload your document. If you have privacy concerns and would like to convert your document without uploading it to an online service, the first method should be your go-to option.
To convert your document into PDF on Google Drive, follow the instructions down below:
- To start, open up Google Drive on your browser by clicking this link.
- You will be asked to sign into your Gmail account if you are not logged in.
- Once you sign in, you will be redirected to the homepage of Google Drive.
- On the left-hand side, click on the New button.
Clicking on New Button - After that, from the drop-down menu, choose the File upload option.
Uploading Word Document to Google Drive - On the follow-up dialog box, navigate to where you have stored the file and open it up.
- Once you upload the document, it should appear in Google Drive. Double-click on it to open it up.
- With the document open in Google Drive, click on the File option in the top-left corner.
- After that, from the drop-down menu, choose Download > PDF Document (.pdf).
Download as PDF from Google Docs - Once you do that, the document will be converted to PDF and downloaded to your system.
3. Convert Word to PDF via Third-Party Websites
There are plenty of other websites available on the internet you can use to convert your Word files to PDF.
One of the most famous websites in this regard would be iLovePDF. While several options are available, we prefer using iLovePDF for its intuitive user interface. In addition, it offers other services such as converting PDF to JPEG and more. To convert your Word document to PDF using SmallPDF, follow the instructions:
- First, visit iLovePDF’s website for Word to PDF conversion by clicking here.
- Once you are on the website, click on the Choose Files button. iLovePDF allows you to upload a document from an online source, like Dropbox.
Selecting Word Documents - Navigate to the document’s location and open it up. Alternatively, you can also drag and drop the file into the upload area.
- Once you do that, wait for the file to be uploaded. If you wish to upload more files for conversion, you can do so by clicking the + button.
Word Document Uploading - After that, click on the Convert to PDF button to start the conversion.
Converting to PDF - Once the conversion is complete, you can download your PDF file by clicking the Download PDF button.
Downloading PDF - If you want to delete the document for privacy concerns after downloading it, click on the trash icon.
4. Convert Multiple Word Documents to Single PDF File
There are scenarios where you have to convert multiple Word documents into a single PDF file. If you find yourself in such a situation, you can do so easily by merging the individual PDF files together.
To do this, you will first need to convert your Word documents to PDF via a PDF converter. Once you convert the Word documents to PDF individually, you can use a PDF merge tool to merge them together and get a single PDF file.
For this purpose, we can use a merging tool provided by Adobe. Follow the instructions down below:
- To start, convert your Word documents into individual PDF files.
- After you have the PDF files, open the Merge PDFs tool by Adobe by clicking here.
- On the website, click on the Select files button.
Uploading PDF Files - Choose all of your PDF files and then click the Open button.
- Finally, to merge the PDF files, click on the Merge button.
Merging PDF Files - Wait for the tool to combine the files. Click on the Download button once the process completes.
Downloading Merged PDF File