Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead’s Comedic Zombie Apocalypse

A Refreshing Action Comedy full of Zombies!

Every summer, we often stumble upon an anime that has an intriguing storyline coupled with a bizarre setting. This year’s most eagerly awaited new anime of the season is “Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead”. What if we tell you that it’s unlike any other zombie apocalypse story we’ve been watching for ages?

This one is fresh, new, and daringly adventurous! So, if you’re curious about what makes Zom 100 different from other zombie apocalypse stories, give this article a read till the end!

Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead | RamenParados

The Main Plot of Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead

The plot of Zom 100 is quite simple. The protagonist, Akira Tendo, is trapped in a monotonous corporate routine that stifles his ambitions and dreams. The exploitative nature of his workplace shatters his hopes of achieving success.

As a result, he becomes mired in deep depression, to the point where even confessing his longtime crush to a colleague loses its appeal. But then we get to see the other side of Akira, which is quite problematic. He resides in a cluttered, garbage-filled apartment, aimlessly immersing himself in zombie movies and survival stories, with his empty, lifeless eyes.

Zom 100 | ComicBook

One fateful day, Akira stumbles upon a horrifying sight: his landlord devouring their deceased neighbor. It’s at this moment that he realizes something unimaginable. He realizes that people around him are transforming into zombies. While fear initially grips him, Akira surprisingly converts his terror into exhilaration and a thrill of the unexpected.

Against all odds, he begins to relish in the chaos and the presence of the undead. With the world on the brink of an apocalypse and people succumbing to the zombie epidemic, Akira finds a newfound purpose. His purpose is to fulfill his long-standing list of 100 wishes before he becomes a member of the undead.

Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead | Tenor

The Quest to Leave the Ordinary

The creators of Zom 100 aimed to breathe new life into an otherwise standard storyline. They focused on Akira’s plain, everyday character and his desire to escape the monotony of his corporate job – a relatable feeling for many people. Though people may go through the motions of daily life, they may not truly feel alive and miss out on fulfilling their deepest desires.

Zom 100 sheds light on the subtle side of escapism, exploring how it can help individuals reconnect with their long-buried dreams. The show demonstrates that sometimes all it takes is a push to break free from the mundane and live life to the fullest.

Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead | Reddit

The Dark Side of Japanese Corporate Culture

It is widely known that Japan has a reputation for having one of the most demanding corporate cultures, often leading to detrimental effects on the well-being of its employees. The country has been frequently in the news for its toxic and exhausting work practices, which unfortunately contribute to an increase in depression and even suicide among workers.

Zom 100 brings to the forefront the detrimental impact of this toxic corporate environment. Through its narrative, it highlights how this toxic culture pushes a once vibrant and enthusiastic Akira to the point where he loses all interest in the ordinary aspects of life. Akira feels compelled to give up on life altogether, believing that escaping from this norm is the only viable option for him.

How Will You See the End of It All?

Isn’t it fascinating to contemplate the concept of the world ending spontaneously, providing an opportunity to break free from the metaphorical prison cell and truly embrace life to the fullest before meeting the same fate as everyone else?

Zom 100 is a refreshing and captivating perspective, unlike most anime that tend to feature complex and over-the-top stories with settings that are difficult to relate to. The relatable nature of Zom 100 lies in how it captures the pressures of everyday life and routines that we all feel at some point in time. It’s remarkable how the creators effortlessly portray this environment to a broader audience.

Zom 100 | Gaak

Our Final Verdict on Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead

We are truly excited for this fresh take on Zombie Apocalypse, and we give a solid 9 out of 10 rating to this show. If you’re someone who enjoys watching unique anime shows, we highly recommend reading our take on Liar Liar, or you can visit our website for more epic anime articles!


Zrish Khan

Zrish is a passionate critic in the world of anime, manga/manhwa, and KPop. She offers in-depth insights that illuminate the nuances of these genres with deep analysis. With a keen eye for detail, her reviews take readers on an enlightening journey through both classic and contemporary series.