Remnant 2 Hits All New Peak of 109K Concurrent Players on Steam

After only a few days on Steam, Gunfire Games’ Remnant 2 has made a significant impact. SteamDB reports that the cooperative game’s peak concurrent user count is above 109,000, which was broken today. The previous game in the series, Remnant: From the Ashes, peaked at roughly 48,300 concurrent players upon its release four years ago, so this number is nearly double that. It’s worth noting that these figures only account for the PC version; the actual number of players might be far greater when other platforms are factored in.
When it was released on July 25, Remnant 2 shot to the top of Steam’s sales charts, only falling short of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive in popularity. The previous record was set just two days ago, when the game had 83,000 players online at once; now, that record has been broken by over 20,000 more players. Particularly impressive, given the cost of the game. Remnant 2’s regular version costs $50 on PC, Xbox Series X|S, and PlayStation 5, with downloadable content costing an additional $70.

We May Expect a New Record
According to SteamDB, the game currently has the 12th highest concurrent players in the previous 24 hours. Given that tomorrow is a Sunday, we may anticipate that this amount will climb and set a new record.

Sales figures for Remnant 2 have not yet been made public by developer Gunfire Games, but the game’s positive critical reaction and large player base give it hope that it will enjoy the same kind of enduring popularity as its predecessor.
The game’s appearance at events like the Summer Games Fest, in addition to its reduced price compared to similar titles, has helped build interest from a wider audience. The fact that it came out in the summer when there is typically a pause in new game releases, also helped.
Despite stiff competition from titles like Street Fighter 6 and Final Fantasy XVI, games like Remnant 2 and Dead Island 2 have become fan favorites.
The third-person shooter, for all its glitz and gloss, is not safe to community criticism. Unfortunately, even the most powerful PCs will struggle with Remnant 2 because to its numerous speed and optimization flaws. The developers recently revealed that the Dark RPG was built with upscaling in mind for optimal performance, which was a letdown to the fans.
In spite of these setbacks, the game continues to break records and is set for even greater success as a result of the fantastic tools at its disposal. The makers of the game have guaranteed its high quality and said there are plenty of secrets for players to uncover.