iPhone 15 Pro Screen Melts Overnight, Even After Apple’s Software Fix

Apple’s latest flagship, the iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max launched to pretty harsh reviews, particularly due to it’s seemingly inefficient cooling mechanism. Apple says that the faults were mostly software-related and that they had pushed out an update sorting the problem.
While the iOS 17.0.3 update did manage to fix a lot of issues with overheating, it seems as if there is more to this whole scenario than meets the eye.
iPhone 15 Pro’s Screen Apparently Melted Overnight, After Apple Fixed Issues With Overheating in October’s iOS 17 Update
Earlier today, a user, u/Trulywenttospace posted on Reddit that his iPhone 15 Pro apparently melted overnight. The user reportedly woke up to the smell of burning plastic which then turned out to be his new phone.
The user confirmed that they did not have a screen protector installed on the phone, so it is the pill cutout (Dynamic Island) in the images on the Reddit thread that is melted and fused into one another. (It seems like the criticism of the pill cutout not exactly being one single blob was taken to heart.)

Anyhoo, the user took his phone to the nearest Apple store and got his device replaced free of cost. From what was reported, the Apple employees themselves were shocked at the state of the phone and mentioned that “they’ve never seen it before.”
It remains to be seen whether this was simply a defective unit, or was part of a much larger problem, possibly victimizing the masses. This is all we know for now, but rest assured that we will keep you updated as new information becomes available.
via: Reddit