Fix: Network Troubleshooter Error 0x80300113
The Error Code 0x80300113 is encountered when users try to run the Internet Connection troubleshooter after having problems connecting or maintaining an Internet connection. Upon a system restart, the Internet connection typically works, but the issue will re-appear in a couple of minutes.

What’s causing the Troubleshooter Error Code 0x80300113?
- PC is not connected to a network – This error code might get thrown in instances where the user tries to run an Internet-based troubleshooter without being connected to a network. In this case, Windows will detect that the requirements for starting this repair are not being met, so it will throw this error code. To fix it, simply connect to a network before running the utility.
- Time, Date or Timezone are way off – As it turns out, this particular issue can also occur in instances where the time and date are way off. A lot of windows utilities will refuse to work if system time & date does not match the values of the server. If this scenario is applicable, you can resolve the issue by modifying the Time, Date and Timezone of your PC to the correct values.
- The utility is stored on a mapped drive – If you’ve downloaded the troubleshooter/utility from the official channel and you’re trying to run it from a mapped drive, you’re probably encountering this issue because of a Windows restriction that prohibits the execution of MS-signed executables that aren’t stored locally. In this case, you can resolve the issue by copying the utility on a local drive and running it again.
Method 1: Ensure that you’re connected to the Internet
Whether you’re running the Internet troubleshooter or a similar utility, it’s important to start the utility AFTER you connect to an Internet network. You need to be connected to a network in order for the Internet troubleshooter to try and fix the issue.
So if you’re encountering the Error Code 0x80300113 immediately after you run the utility, go to your toolbar and click on the network icon to see if you are currently connected to a network.

If your PC / laptop is not connected to a network (via Wi-Fi or ethernet cable), connect it to one before trying to run the troubleshooter again.
If this scenario wasn’t applicable or it didn’t resolve your issue, move down to the next method below.
Method 2: Set the Correct Time, Date and Timezone
As it turns out, one of the most common instances that will cause the 0x80300113 Internet troubleshooter error code is an improper time & date. Some users have reported that they finally managed to fix the issue after discovering that their Windows Time & Date was way off.
Upon reverting the time, year and timezone to the correct values, most affected users have confirmed that the issue went away for good and they were able to run the Windows Internet troubleshooter to correct the issue and maintain a working Internet connection.
Here’s a quick guide on setting the correct time, date & timezone on your computer:
Note: The steps below will work regardless of your Windows version.
- Open up a Run dialog box by pressing Windows key + R. Next, type ‘timedate.cpl’ in the text box and press Enter to open up the Date and Time window.
Opening the Date and time window - Once you manage to get inside the Date & Time window, go to the Date and time section and click on Change date and time.
Setting the correct date & time - Inside the Date and Time Settings menu, use the calendar to select the appropriate Date, then move to the Time box and set the appropriate time according to your timezone.
Modifying Time & date - Return to the Date & Time tab, but this time click on Change timezone. At the next screen, set the correct timezone before saving the changes restarting your computer.
- At the next computer startup, see if the issue has been resolved.
If you’re still encountering the 0x80300113 error when trying to run the Internet troubleshooter, move down to the next method below.
Method 3: Copy and the diagnostic tool locally
If you’re not running one of the locally stored troubleshooters, it’s possible that you’re encountering the 0x80300113 error due to the fact that you’re trying to launch a Windows utility from a mapped drive. Most affected users have been outing out this scenario when trying to run the wushowhide.diagcab utility.
If this scenario is applicable and you’re trying to launch a Windows utility from a mapped drive, you can probably fix it just by copying the file locally.

To do this, simply access your mapped drive and cut / copy the utility file. Then, open File Explorer and paste the utility to a local drive (C:/ works just fine). Once the utility is stored on a local drive, open it and see if you’re still encountering the same 0x80300113 error.