Where to Drop the Hard Drive on Ashika Island (DMZ Break Check)
Waterways Dead Drop Location on Ashika Island
The “Break Check” mission from the White Lotus faction culminates in a challenging objective: “Drop the hard drive at the Waterways Dead Drop on Ashika Island”. Many players are struggling with this task, as the dead drop is situated in a very tricky location. You’ll have to travel into an underground cave beneath Tsuki Castle to find it.

To help you complete this faction mission, we’ve prepared this guide which will show you where to drop the Hard Drive on Ashika Island, and the path you should take to get to this location quickly.
Where to Drop the Hard Drive On Ashika Island?
After getting the Hard Drive from the Zaya Observatory in Al Mazrah, the final objective of the Break Check faction mission is to deliver it to a Dead Drop in Ashika Island.
The Dead Drop is located deep underground in a cave that’s present right under Tsuki Castle. This means that the Dead Drop is right in the center of the island, but since it’s underground, getting to this location is not as easy as it seems.
There are three ways to get to this location. You can either enter from the North, South, or West. Where you should enter from somewhat depends on your spawn point, but it’s recommended to enter from the South, as it’ll allow you to enter the Dead Drop as quickly as possible.
If you spawn all the way up North or to the West, going underground from there and moving towards the drop can be very dangerous as you’ll have to face a ton of enemies on your way to the Dead Drop. The biggest benefit of starting your underground journey from the South is that your underground path to the drop will be very short, so you won’t have to face too many enemies.
In the map image below, we have marked the exact location you want to start from: the Waterways near the southern corner of Ashika Island.

Before you enter Ashika Island to find this Dead Drop, keep in mind that you’ll have to fight many AI enemies on your way to the Dead Drop location. There will be multiple Juggernauts in your path, accompanied by many other armored enemies.
Therefore, it’s highly recommended to attempt this mission with other people, as doing it solo can be extremely difficult. It’s also recommended to use a Sniper Rifle so that you can take out enemies inside the Waterways tunnel from afar before you enter it.
Once you’re ready to deploy, enter Ashika Island and make your way over to the location shown above. After arriving at the location, go into the Waterways tunnel below the ground. Look at the compass at the top of your screen and face towards the North West.

Hug the wall on the right and keep moving forward until you turn around the corner. Once you turn the corner, you’ll find the Dead Drop. Keep in mind that there will be many enemies on this path, and even more of them once you turn the corner. So move carefully and be fully prepared to face enemies before you turn the corner.
After clearing out the area, deposit the Hard Drive in the large white container. It is located in the Eastern corner of the area.