AirPlay Not Working on Samsung TV? Here is How to Fix it
AirPlay may not work on your Samsung TV if the firmware of the TV or the OS of the host device (such as a Mac) is outdated. Additionally, incorrect configuration of the Samsung TV’s settings (like Auto Protection Time, IP Remote, IPv6, etc.) could also cause the issue.
This issue arises when the user attempts to AirPlay content from an Apple product to a Samsung TV but fails during the process. In some cases, the Samsung TV will not be shown as an available device in AirPlay.
You can fix AirPlay by trying the solutions below, but before that, make sure you cover these basic troubleshooting steps:
- Ensure your Samsung TV supports the Apple AirPlay feature.
- Check if restarting all the devices (the TV, Apple products like a Mac, and networking equipment), unplugging their power cables for 5 minutes, plugging the power cables back in, and powering on the devices resolves the AirPlay issue.
- Check if using AirPlay after disabling Bluetooth solves the problem. If it doesn’t, try enabling Bluetooth and selecting the TV to sort out the AirPlay issue. If the issue persists, check if re-pairing the TV and the Apple device (like an iPhone) through Bluetooth solves the AirPlay issue.
- Also ensure that no VPN on devices such as the TV, Apple device, or router is causing the issue. See if connecting the devices without a Wi-Fi extender (if used) resolves the AirPlay issue. Ensure no network protection application (like Pi-hole or pfBlockerNG) is causing the issue.
1. Retry the Network Connection on the Samsung TV
A temporary malfunction of the network modules of the Samsung TV may have stopped AirPlay from working, and retrying the network in the Samsung TV’s settings may solve the problem.
- Select General in the Samsung TV’s Settings and open Network.
- Then select Network Status and click on the Retry button.
- Now reconnect the Wi-Fi on your host device (e.g., iPhone) and check if AirPlay is working correctly on the Samsung TV.
2. Re-Enable AirPlay in the Samsung TV’s Settings
A temporary malfunction of the Samsung TV might have caused the AirPlay issue, and disabling/enabling AirPlay in the Samsung TV’s settings may solve the problem.
- Navigate to General in the settings of your TV and open Apple AirPlay Settings.
- Now select AirPlay and disable it.
- Then re-enable AirPlay and check if it is working on the Samsung TV.
3. Edit the Code Requirement of the AirPlay and Reset the Paired Devices
You may encounter the AirPlay issue if the code requirement of the AirPlay is not properly configured. Configuring the code to be required every time (or vice versa) may solve the problem.
- Launch the Settings of your TV and select General.
- Now open Apple AirPlay Settings and set Require Code to Every Time.
- Then check if AirPlay is working fine on the Samsung TV.
- If not, then check if setting the Require Code to Use Password Instead resolves the AirPlay issue.
- If the issue persists, check if resetting the paired devices in the Require Code option solves the problem.
If that did not work, repeat steps 1 and 2 to open Apple AirPlay Settings on the Samsung TV and open About AirPlay. Now, if applicable, switch the version to the original and check if that has resolved the issue.
4. Update the Firmware of the Samsung TV to the Latest Release
Outdated firmware of the Samsung TV may cause the AirPlay issue, and updating the firmware of the Samsung TV may solve the problem.
- Launch the Samsung TV’s Settings and select Support.
- Now open Software Update and select Update Now.
- If an update of the firmware of the TV is available, let it download and install.
- Once the TV’s firmware is updated, check if AirPlay is working again with the Samsung TV.
5. Update the OS of the Host Device to the Latest Build
An outdated OS on the host device (such as a Mac) may result in the AirPlay issue with the Samsung TV. Updating the OS of the host device to the latest build may solve the problem.
- Launch the System Preferences of the Mac and open Software Update.
- If an update is available, click on Update Now (or Upgrade Now).
- Once the macOS update is applied, check if AirPlay is working fine.
6. Disable the 5GHz Band and Enable 2.4 GHz Band of Your Router
AirPlay might not work on a Samsung TV if the TV and the host device are connected through a 5GHz network, as Samsung TVs have a history of network issues on the 5GHz band. In this case, disabling the 5GHz network and using only the 2.4GHz band may solve the problem.
- Navigate to your router’s web portal by using a web browser and log in using the credentials.
- Now open Settings and select Wireless.
- Then uncheck the option of 5GHz and, if required, make sure to check the option of 2.4GHz.
- Now apply your changes and connect your devices (i.e., the Samsung TV and the host device) to the 2.4GHz band. If the TV or the host device asks to connect to the 5GHz band, click Cancel.
- Then check if the Samsung TV is working fine with AirPlay.
- If not, check if reverting the Wi-Fi password to the default sorts out the AirPlay issue.
If the issue persists, check if switching between the wired and wireless networks solves the AirPlay issue.
7. Disable Auto Protection Time of the Samsung TV
If you have set the Auto Protection Time on the Samsung TV to save the screen from potential burn-in (if it auto-detects the same image on the screen for a certain time), it may stop AirPlay from working. Disabling Auto Protection Time may solve the problem.
- Navigate to the General tab in the TV’s settings and select System Manager (in the right pane).
- Now disable Auto Protection Time (the second to last option) and check if the AirPlay issue is resolved.
8. Enable the IP Remote in the TV Settings
AirPlay might not work on some Samsung TV models if the IP Remote is not enabled in the TV’s settings, as it is essential for the operation of AirPlay in some models. Enabling the IP Remote in the Samsung TV settings may solve the problem.
- Launch the Samsung TV Settings and select General.
- Then open Network and select Expert Settings.
- Now enable IP Remote and then check if AirPlay is working fine.
9. Disable IPv6 in the Samsung TV’s Settings
AirPlay might not work if your Samsung TV is experiencing networking issues with the IPv6 protocol. Disabling IPv6 in the Samsung TV settings may solve the problem.
- Open General in the settings of your Samsung TV and select Network.
- Now access Expert Settings and disable IPv6.
- Then check if the AirPlay is working fine on the Samsung TV. If the issue persists, consider disabling IPv6 on the host device (like a Mac) as well.
10. Edit the DNS Settings of Your TV
If your network is unable to resolve the web addresses vital for the operation of Apple AirPlay, changing the DNS server of your TV may solve the problem.
- Go to the Network tab in the settings of your TV and select Network Status.
- Click on the button of IP Settings and go to DNS Settings.
- Select Enter Manually and input the following values for the Google DNS:
- Apply your changes and turn off the TV.
- Then wait for at least one minute and power on the TV to check if the AirPlay issue is resolved.
11. Update the Router’s Firmware
Outdated router firmware may interfere with the connectivity between the Samsung TV and the host device, leading to the AirPlay issue. Updating the router’s firmware may solve the problem.
- Access your router’s web portal by using a web browser and log in with your credentials.
- Open the router’s Settings and navigate to the Administration (or System section).
- Go to Firmware Update, Router Update, or Software Update and check for newer updates. If an update is available, apply the update.
- Once the router’s firmware is updated, check if the Samsung TV is clear of the AirPlay issue.
12. Disable Firewall of the Host Device
AirPlay might not work on a Samsung TV if the firewall of the host device is hindering its operation, so disabling the firewall of the host device (e.g., a Mac) may solve the problem.
Warning: Proceed at your own risk as modifying the firewall settings of any device may expose your data and devices to threats.
- Launch your Mac’s System Preferences and open Security & Privacy.
- Select Firewall, click on the padlock icon, and enter your administrator password.
- Open Firewall Options and ensure that the Block All Incoming Connections is not enabled.
- Enable the option Automatically Allow Built-in Software to Receive Incoming Connections and then check if the AirPlay issue is resolved.
- If that did not resolve the issue, then check if disabling the Firewall of the Mac solves the AirPlay issue.
- If you cannot disable the firewall via the GUI, check if executing the following command in the Terminal resolves the issue:
sudo /usr/libexec/ApplicationFirewall/socketfilterfw --setblockall off
13. Reset the Samsung’s Smart Hub to the Defaults
Samsung’s Smart Hub, which allows users to download third-party apps to their TVs, might not work with AirPlay if its installation is corrupt. Resetting the Samsung Smart Hub to its default settings may resolve the AirPlay issue. Remember to back up essential information (e.g., app login details) and data since everything will be wiped clean.
- Open the Samsung TV’s Settings and select Support.
- Choose Device Care and go to Self Diagnostics.
- Select the option Reset Smart Hub and enter the TV’s PIN (if requested).
- Once the Smart Hub is reset to defaults, set it up again and check if AirPlay is working properly with the Samsung TV.
14. Reset Your TV to the Factory Defaults
Corrupt firmware on the TV may cause AirPlay to become non-functional. Resetting the Samsung TV to its factory defaults may resolve the AirPlay problem.
- Open the Samsung TV’s Settings and select Support.
- Access Self Diagnostics and choose Reset. If the Reset option is not located in the Self Diagnostics menu, check the Settings > General menu.
- Enter the TV’s PIN, if prompted, and once the TV is reset to factory defaults, set it up as a new device.
- Check if the AirPlay is now working correctly on the Samsung TV. You may also attempt to use the SmartThings app for setup.
If none of the solutions works for you, consider adding the Samsung TV’s IP address to the DMZ in the router settings. If that does not resolve the issue, you may need to factory reset the host device (e.g., factory reset the iPhone).