How to Fix Windows 11 Desktop Shortcuts Not Showing After Update

Some Windows users report that after installing a pending update on Windows 11, their desktop shortcuts have disappeared. This issue seems to primarily affect users on Windows 11 Insider builds.

Windows 11 icons not showing

After thorough investigation, it turns out that several potential causes could be responsible for this issue. Below is a short list of possible culprits that might trigger this problem:

  • Icons hidden through Windows GUI – A recent security update from Microsoft might have hidden the icons by default. Fortunately, you can easily make them visible again using the GUI menu.
  • Corrupted icon cache – Corruption affecting the icon cache could be the cause. If this scenario applies, you can resolve the issue by refreshing the icon cache via an elevated CMD prompt or by rebuilding the entire icon cache using a .BAT file.
  • Corrupted icon registry database – According to some users, the issue may result from corruption affecting the icon registry database. You can fix this problem by repairing potentially corrupted registry entries through a custom .REG file.

Now that we’ve identified the potential causes of this issue, let’s explore the solutions that other affected users have successfully implemented to resolve this problem:

1. Make the desktop icons visible

If this issue occurs immediately after installing a pending update for Windows 11, it is likely that the update disabled the visibility of your desktop icons.

To rectify this issue easily, right-click on a blank area on your desktop and select Show desktop icons from the View menu.

Enabling desktop icons

Note: If you notice a checkbox next to Show desktop icons, your Windows 11 installation should already have icons enabled. In that case, proceed to the next method.

After selecting Show desktop items, your desktop should refresh automatically, and the icons should reappear.

If the desktop does not refresh automatically, right-click on a blank area on the desktop again and select Refresh from the context menu.

Refreshing the desktop on Windows 11

If you have ensured the desktop icons are enabled from the GUI and they still do not appear, proceed to the next potential solution.

2. Refresh or Rebuild the icon cache

If the above method did not work, consider addressing possible corruption affecting the icon cache.

Note: An icon cache issue is more likely if taskbar and File Explorer icons also fail to display.

If the icon cache is causing this problem, refreshing it via Windows Terminal or rebuilding it entirely using a custom .BAT file could resolve the issue.

We have created sub-guides for both methods. Start with refreshing the icon cache (as it’s simpler) and proceed to rebuild the entire icon cache if the first method fails.

Refreshing the icon cache

Refreshing the icon cache will re-enable the icon cluster. This solution is effective if a minor display glitch causes the issue but won’t help with significant corruption in the icon cache.

Here’s how to refresh the icon cache via Windows Terminal:

  1. Press Windows key + R to open the Run dialog. Type ‘wt’ in the text box and press Ctrl + Shift + Enter to open the Windows Terminal with administrative access.
    Open a Windows Terminal app
  2. When prompted by User Account Control, click Yes to grant admin access.
  3. In the elevated Windows Terminal, type the following command and press Enter to refresh your current icon cache:
    ie4uinit.exe -show
  4. Close the elevated Windows Terminal and check if the problem is resolved.

Note: If icons are still not showing on your Windows 11 installation, proceed to the next sub-guide below.

Rebuild the icon cache

Rebuilding the entire icon cache requires creating a custom BAT file that will automatically execute a series of commands to rebuild the cache associated with each Windows icon.

We’ll provide you with the code lines, but you must create the BAT file yourself.

Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Press Windows key + R to open the Run dialog. Type ‘notepad’ in the text box, then press Ctrl + Shift + Enter to open Notepad with administrative access.
    Open up Notepad with admin access
  2. At the User Account Control (UAC) prompt, click Yes to grant admin access.
  3. In the elevated Notepad window, paste the following code:
    @echo off
    set iconcache=%localappdata%\IconCache.db
    set iconcache_x=%localappdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer\iconcache*
    echo The explorer process must be temporarily killed before deleting the IconCache.db file.
    echo Please SAVE ALL OPEN WORK before continuing.
    If exist "%iconcache%" goto delete
    echo The %localappdata%\IconCache.db file has already been deleted.
    If exist "%iconcache_x%" goto delete
    echo The %localappdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer\IconCache_*.db files have already been deleted.
    exit /B
    echo Attempting to delete IconCache.db files...
    ie4uinit.exe -show
    taskkill /IM explorer.exe /F
    If exist del /A /F /Q "%iconcache%"
    If exist del /A /F /Q "%iconcache_x%"
    start explorer.exe
    echo IconCache database files have been successfully deleted.
    goto restart
    echo You will need to restart the PC to finish rebuilding your icon cache.
    CHOICE /C:YN /M "Do you want to restart the PC now?"
    IF ERRORLEVEL 2 goto no
    IF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto yes
    shutdown /r /f /t 00
    exit /B
  4. Click File at the top, then choose Save As from the context menu.
    Creating the BAT file to rebuild the icon cache
  5. In the Save as menu, navigate to your desired save location, change the Save as type to All Files, and ensure the filename ends with the ‘.bat’ extension.
    Rebuilding the icon via BAT file
  6. Click Save to create the file, then close Notepad.
  7. Right-click on the newly created .bat file and select Run as administrator from the context menu.
  8. Wait until the file completes processing, then reboot your computer and see if your desktop icons are restored on your Windows installation.

If the problem persists, try the final potential solution below.

3. Restore icons via .reg file

If the previous methods were ineffective, you might be dealing with corruption affecting the registry database responsible for managing Windows icons.

Several users experiencing a similar issue on Windows 11 reported success after creating a custom .reg file to repair potential registry database corruption related to icon management.

Follow these instructions to create and execute a .reg file that addresses possible registry corruption:

  1. Press Windows key + R to open the Run dialog. Type ‘notepad’ within the text box, then press Ctrl + Shift + Enter to open Notepad with administrative access.
    Open up Notepad with admin access
  2. At the User Account Control (UAC) prompt, click Yes to grant admin access.
  3. Paste the following code inside the elevated Notepad window:
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\HideDesktopIcons\ClassicStartMenu] "{031E4825-7B94-4dc3-B131-E946B44C8DD5}"=dword:00000000
    @="Internet Explorer"
    @="Start Without Add-ons"
    @="\"C:\\Program Files\\Internet Explorer\\iexplore.exe\" -extoff"
    @="Open &Home Page"
    @="\"C:\\Program Files\\Internet Explorer\\iexplore.exe\""
    @="control.exe inetcpl.cpl"
  4. Click File at the top, then select Save As from the context menu that appears.
    Saving the Notepad file as
  5. In the Save as menu, navigate to where you want to save the REG file, ensure to set Save as type to All Files, and ensure the filename ends with the ‘.reg’ extension.
    Creating the registry fix
  6. Click Save to create the file, and then close Notepad.
  7. Right-click on the saved .reg file and select Run as administrator from the context menu.
  8. At the confirmation prompt, click Yes, and wait for the operation to complete.
  9. Restart your PC and check if the icons have reappeared on the desktop of your Windows 11.

Kamil Anwar

Kamil is a certified MCITP, CCNA (W), CCNA (S) and a former British Computer Society Member with over 9 years of experience Configuring, Deploying and Managing Switches, Firewalls and Domain Controllers also an old-school still active on FreeNode.