How to Turn Off Active Status on Instagram on Mobile & PC

Key Takeaways
  • Turning off your Active Status on Instagram allows you to browse the platform without revealing your online presence, enhancing your privacy and minimizing interruptions from other users.
  • To turn off the Active Status on Instagram, on mobile, tap your profile, go to settings, select privacy, and toggle off the Active Status. While on the desktop, access settings through your profile, navigate to privacy and disable the Active Status.
  • Turning off your Active Status does not affect how you receive notifications or see others' activities, like read receipts in direct messages, ensuring your usual Instagram experience remains uninterrupted.

Privacy on social media platforms like Instagram is a top concern for many users. Instagram’s “Active Status” feature, which shows when users are online or when they last were, can be useful for staying connected but potentially offensive for those who value their privacy.

This blog post will guide you through the steps to turn off your active status on Instagram, helping you maintain more control over your online visibility and reduce unwanted interactions.

What is Instagram’s Active Status feature?

What is Instagram Active Status feature?

Instagram’s Activity Status feature allows users to see when their friends and influences are online or when they last opened the app. This status is visible through a green dot next to the user’s profile picture or name, indicating that they are currently active.

When the user is not currently online, you might see a timestamp showing when they were last active. This feature enhances connectivity and interaction by letting users know the best times to reach out for instant communication.

For those who prefer more privacy, Instagram provides the option to hide this active status, ensuring users can control their visibility according to their personal preferences.

↪ What happens when you turn off Activity Status?

Turning off your Activity Status on Instagram affects your interaction capabilities and visibility in several ways:

  • Reduced visibility: Others can’t see when you’re online or your last active time.
  • Decreased pressure: You can browse and respond to messages without feeling pressured to reply immediately.
  • Limited visibility of others: You also won’t be able to see if others are online or when they were last active.

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Benefits of turning off Active Status

Benefits of turning off Active Status

Turning off your activity status on Instagram can significantly enhance your privacy and user experience. These benefits align with a more controlled and distraction-free interaction with the app, which can be particularly useful during work hours or personal downtime. Here’s how:

1. Privacy enhancement

By turning off the active status, you keep your browsing habits private. This means that others won’t know when you’re online or the last time you logged into Instagram. It’s a simple way to maintain a low profile on the social network, especially if you prefer not to broadcast your usage patterns.

2. Avoiding distractions

Without the activity status signaling your availability, you’re less likely to receive spontaneous messages or interruptions while scrolling. This can help you manage your time on the app more effectively, as you won’t feel compelled to respond immediately just because someone knows you’re online.

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How do you turn off Activity Status on Instagram?

Instagram’s active status feature has pros and cons: it lets others know when you’re online but can also disturb your privacy. Here’s how to turn this feature off, whether using a mobile device or accessing Instagram from a desktop.

↪ On mobile devices (iOS and Android)

Turning off your active status on Instagram from your smartphone allows you to browse privately without signaling your availability to your contacts. Here are the detailed steps to do this:

  1. Open your Instagram app. Tap on your profile picture in the bottom right to go to your profile.
    Open your profile
    Open your profile
  2. Tap on the three horizontal lines (often called the hamburger icon) in the top right corner of your profile page. It will open the “Settings” page.
    Tap on 3 line menu
    Tap on 3 line menu
  3. Below the “How others can interact with you” tab, tap “Messages and story replies.”
    Tap on Messages and story replies
    Tap on Messages and story replies
  4. Then select “Show Activity Status” under the “Who can see you’re online” section.
    Tap Show Activity Status
    Tap Show Activity Status
  5. You will see a toggle next to “Show Activity Status.” Tap on it to turn it off. Once disabled, users will no longer be able to see your activity status.
    Turn off the toggle
    Turn off the toggle

↪ On desktop

Turning off your active status via a web browser provides the same privacy benefits as on mobile, and the process is as straightforward. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Visit Instagram on your web browser and log into your account. Click on three horizontal lines under the profile icon at the bottom left corner, then select “Settings” from the dropdown menu.
    Open Settings menu
    Open Settings menu
  2. Scroll down and click “Messages and story replies” under the “How others can interact with you” section.
    Click on Messages and story replies
    Click on Messages and story replies
  3. Similar to the mobile version, select “Show Activity Status” under the “Who can see you’re online” tab.
    Click on Show Activity Status
    Click on Show Activity Status
  4. You’ll find a toggle next to “Show Activity Status.” Click to toggle it off. This will prevent others from seeing your online status and activity timing.
    Turn off the Activity Status
    Turn off the Activity Status

Tips for managing online visibility on Instagram

Tips for managing online visibility on Instagram

Controlling your visibility on Instagram isn’t just about turning off your Active Status. Here are some tips to further control your online presence and minimize distractions:

  • Utilize Quiet mode: This feature silences all Instagram notifications for a set period, helping you focus without interruptions. It automatically sends a message indicating you’re in Quiet mode to anyone who DMs you during this time.
  • Manage notifications: Customize your notification settings to receive alerts only for specific activities, such as comments or likes on your posts. This reduces the frequency of interruptions and helps you maintain focus on essential tasks without completely going offline.

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Final thoughts

Managing your Active Status and other visibility settings on Instagram puts you in control of your online presence. Whether you’re looking to enhance privacy, reduce distractions, or simply take a break without completely disconnecting, these features empower you to customize your social media experience to suit your needs.

By utilizing options like Quiet Mode and tailored notification settings, you can enjoy a more focused and personalized interaction with your network, ensuring that your time on Instagram is as engaging and interruption-free as possible.


Can you temporarily turn off the Active Status for specific periods?

While Instagram doesn’t provide an automated way to turn off Active Status at scheduled times, you can manually toggle it off when you prefer not to be seen online and turn it back on whenever you’re ready to show your status again.

Does turning off Active Status affect your algorithmic visibility on Instagram?

Your decision to turn off Active Status does not influence how Instagram’s algorithm displays your content to others. The algorithm focuses more on user engagement and preferences rather than your online presence status.

What if you change your mind after turning off Active Status?

If you decide to reactivate your Active Status after turning off it, you can easily switch it back on through the settings menu. This flexibility allows you to adjust your visibility according to your current privacy preferences.

Can you still see when messages are read if Active Status is turned off?

Yes, turning off Active Status does not impact the visibility of read receipts in direct messages. You can still see if someone has read your message, as this feature operates independently of Active Status.

What other features can help enhance your privacy on Instagram besides turning off Active Status?

To further enhance privacy, consider setting your profile to private, managing who can comment on your posts, using the restriction option to limit interactions without full blocking, and selecting the “Close Friends” feature for more private story sharing. These tools collectively help you control how you interact on the platform and who sees your content.


Khalid Ali

Khalid is a versatile analyst honing his expertise for the past 5 years. With certifications from Google and IBM to back him up, his knowledge extends far beyond the routine coverage of the latest trends and in the industry.