2 Quick & Easy Ways to Get Rid of My AI on Snapchat
Snapchat, the app famous for its filters and the streaks feature, integrated an AI bot called “My AI” into its application in February 2023. Many users found this feature convenient and exciting, however, there may be some that do not enjoy it as much. Removing this AI bot is not straightforward, which is why in this article, we will look at the methods to get rid of it.
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Snapchat+ Will Help A Lot
Before we begin there are some things you should know. Snapchat offers advanced features for its Snapchat+ subscribers and they play an important role in getting rid of My AI. You see whether you are a normal user or a Snapchat+ subscriber, you can never fully get “rid” of this.
The difference, however, is that if you have a Snapchat+ subscription you can delete your conversation with the bot and unpin its profile from your chats. In case, you are a free user, you can only clear your conversation but cannot remove the bot’s profile from the top of your chats.
Method for Free Users
As mentioned above you cannot remove the AI bot‘s profile from the top of your chat. In case you want to do so you can look towards subscribing to Snapchat+. If you already have a Snapchat+ subscription, jump to the heading below.
In the US this subscription costs around $4/month, $22/6 months, and $40/year. However, this does not mean that you cannot delete your chat with My AI being a free user. By following the steps mentioned below you will be able to delete your chat:
- Launch Snapchat and tap on your profile icon at the top-left of the screen.
Profile Icon on Snapchat Homepage - Now tap on the gear-shaped Settings icon and scroll down to Account Actions.
Tap the gear icon - Under there will be the option of “Clear My AI Data“, tap on this option.
Clear My AI Data option - Tap on Confirm to delete the data.
Confirm option to clear my AI data
This method is for clearing the entire chat. However, you can also delete an individual message from your side or the AI side from the chat. Simply long-press on the particular message you want to delete and select the Delete option from the list. Confirm your action by pressing OK.

Method For Snapchat+ Subscribers
You get greater control over your account if you are a Snapchat+ user. This also applies to My AI. You can of course clear the whole chat or remove individual messages. There are two additional perks as well: you can clear the chat from the feed or unpin My AI. Let’s see what they mean and how can you achieve these things:
1. Clear from Chat Feed
When you clear My AI from the chat feed, it simply gets removed from your chats as in the chat completely disappears. The messages in your chat remain there and if you wish to use My AI again, simply search for it in the search bar where you search for your friends. To clear My AI from the feed, follow these steps:
- Open your chat feed and long press on the My AI chat.
- This will reveal a list of settings, tap on Chat Settings.
Chat Settings option - Select the first option “Clear From Chat Feed“. Confirm your action by pressing Clear.
2. Unpin My AI
You can also use the Unpin My AI option to remove the chat from your topmost chat. It works by unpinning the chat from the top, so basically your newer chats may it be messages or streaks move up while this chat keeps moving down. By doing this the AI bot chat remains in your feed but does not occupy the topmost spot anymore. To unpin My AI follow these steps:
- Tap on your profile icon and then tap the gear-shaped settings icon.
Tap the gear icon - Scroll down and under my account, there will be an option for Snapchat+, select it.
- Toggle off the My AI option. Now as soon as you chat with anyone (message or streaks) their chat will move up, just like it does in WhatsApp.
Reasons for Removing My AI from Snapchat
Now that we are done with how to get rid of My AI from Snapchat, we are also going to look at some reasons why you may want to remove the service. The first and foremost reason that comes to my mind is the distraction.
We have to say that although we like the service, we would prefer not to see it every time we open Snapchat to chat with friends or view their streaks. Think of it as Chrome or Edge pushing you to use their AI bots every time you open their browser, unpleasant right?

Secondly, users may also be concerned about their privacy. AI on Snapchat can analyze and process personal information from your snaps and stories, potentially leading to data breaches or misuse for targeted advertisements. By disabling AI, you can have more control over what information is shared and processed.
However, if you do not have any issue with the AI bot I would suggest that you let it be. It has many amazing features, like the ability to converse with you in your local language while using the English alphabet. The information it provides is generally correct and overall, it is a very fun tool to interact with.
Hopefully, by now you know how to remove My AI from your Snapchat at least to the limit that Snapchat allows it. If you have any cool tricks or prompts you discovered for My AI feel free to drop them down below and let the other users know.
It depends on the way you mean it. Can you remove the bot from your chat, you can if you have Snapchat+ but can you remove it from your friends? Sadly no, SC has not released this feature yet and there are no signs of this feature being released anytime soon.
Snapchat+ users are paying SC, so they get more advanced features. These features include but are not limited to changing the app icon (extremely cool), dark mode, restoring recently broken snap streaks, changing My AI’s bio, story rewatch count, etc.
Well not exactly, My AI is based on ChatGPT but some features like local language are better implemented here.