How to Migrate your Windows 10 PC to MacOS

Everything that you think can be done on a Windows Machine can now be easily done on a Mac too. Today, I purchased my first ever MacBook Pro 16″/32GB with touch bar whilst the MacOS itself is an awesome operating system, superfast, no errors and pretty smooth I still wanted to use Windows but not on another laptop hence I decided to migrate my entire Windows-system from a (Latitude 7390 2-in-1) into Parallels on MacOS.

Parallels is a software for MacOS that allows you to run multiple virtual machines simultaneously from the comfort of your MacOS.

Before you begin the migration process, please take a look at this link while the process will be very smooth but should you encounter any errors I suggest you make sure it meets the basic requirements.

  1. Download Parallels from (here) and Install it on your MacOS.
  2. On your Windows PC, download the Parallels Transporter Agent for Windows PC from (here). Install, and reboot.
    Restarting PC after completing the installation
  3. Then open the Parallels Transporter Agent and you will be given two options.
    a) Migration using External Drive
    b) Migration over Network
    Migration over the network can be pretty slow given the fact that we are going to migrate at least 300 GBs of data therefore for this example I used option A (migration using disk).

    Choosing the External Drive method
  4. Make sure your PC is connected to an external power source.
  5. Delete all junk files, and unwanted large files to make the process quick.
  6. Select the System Only or System and files option to copy them to External Drive.
    Selecting files to copy
  7. Provide the name and destination for the file where you are saving it.
    Name of file and destination for external drive
  8. You can also enable the Automatic Logon for having access to Windows without a password anytime Windows is started or restarted.
    Automatic Logon
  9. Parallels Transporter Agent will start transferring the data to External Drive.
    Transferring PC to an external drive
  10. On your macOS, open the Parallels Desktop application. Click on the File menu in the menu bar and choose New option.
    Opening new option in Parallels Desktop
  11. In the Create New window choose the Transfer Windows from a PC option.
    Transfer Windows from a PC
  12. This next window will have a bit of an introduction about transferring a PC. Click on the Continue button to get to the next step.
    Continuing the process
  13. Now it will provide two options and since we are using a migration using a disk, we will choose the External Storage option.
    Migrating PC through External Storage
  14. It will automatically search for a transferred PC file in the external storage. If it fails to find the file, the user can click on the Select Manually button.
    Selecting the file manually
  15. Search for the Windows file in your storage and open it.
    Opening the Windows file
  16. Allow the access for Parallels Desktop to access the removable volume.
    Allowing access to removable volume
  17. Finally, it will start transferring your PC from the file. Once it is completed, you will be able to use the Windows on your macOS.
    Transferring PC

Kamil Anwar

Kamil is a certified MCITP, CCNA (W), CCNA (S) and a former British Computer Society Member with over 9 years of experience Configuring, Deploying and Managing Switches, Firewalls and Domain Controllers also an old-school still active on FreeNode.