Popular Xposed Framework, LSPosed Shuts Down After Online Abuse

LSPosed, the open-source framework to install Xposed modules on Android has announced that they will be closing down operations after they were verbally attacked, and abused on Telegram.
On Monday, the LSPosed team announced on Telegram that it will be stopping maintenance, effective immediately. At this point, the official LSPosed GitHub has been set to read-only status, archiving all projects including KernelSU. This means that the latest LSPosed version from October — 1.9.2 can still be used, but it’ll receive no further updates.

LSPosed Developers’ Reasons for Ceasing Operations & the Issue with EdXposed
While the reasons for stepping back are far more deep-rooted, the developers have said that the immediate reasons for their decision had to do with a huge number of slander, racist remarks, personal targets, and even false rumors. One of these is that LSPosed, despite stemming from EdXposed, doesn’t properly attribute its files.
LSPosed devs, on the other hand argue otherwise, stating that they “declare the copyright of EdXposed according to GPLv3 in every files forked from EdXposed.”

The departure of LSPosed is important since this was one of the two root alternatives available on Android alongside Magisk. With its closure, users are left with only one option—Magisk. However, this is not to say that someone else won’t continue the project. After all, LSposed was open-source, so it is safe to assume that someone else may carry on the project under a different name.
PIF, KernelSU & Zygisk Next Stop Maintenance After LSPosed Incident
After LSPosed ceased operations, multiple developers including PIF (Play Integrity Fix), Zygisk Next and KernelSU have all decided to stop maintenance in light of the recent controversy. This will indeed fare as a huge blow to the Android modding community since most people, with rooted devices will be left hanging with close to no decent alternatives. Let me explain.
When you root your Android device, it fails to pass Google’s SafetyNet certification. Due to this, many common apps, such as Netflix and certain banking apps, may become unusable or fail to function on your device. In order to bypass this issue, chiteroman developed the Play Integrity Fix, or PIF module, to ensure that SafetyNet does not pose a problem for rooted devices.
With PIF, KernelSU, and Zygisk Next out of the picture, it will be difficult to predict the future of these projects. However, if there’s anything we can learn from this fiasco, it is that these developers weren’t being paid to develop these apps; all of this was free and open-source, and so, racist and personal comments, including false allegations should at least be condemned in the industry.