Fix: Failed to Login Bad Login Tekkit
You may fail to log into Tekkit due to a corrupt cache or corrupt installation of the Technic launcher. Moreover, an outdated Minecraft installation may also cause the current login error. The affected user encounters the error when he tries to join a multiplayer game or when he tries to log in to a server. The issue is reported to happen on Windows, Mac, and Linux. In some cases, the user faced the issue after he upgraded his Tekkit server. The error affected the majority of the users having migrated accounts.

Before proceeding with the troubleshooting process to fix the error message, make sure all Minecraft servers are up and running. Moreover, check if your internet is working fine. Additionally, make sure Java is updated to the latest build.
Solution 1: Re-Login the Launcher
The current login issue could be a result of a temporary glitch between the communication/application modules or if your login has been invalidated (or expired) by another launcher instance. The glitch can be cleared by re-logging the launcher.
- Expand the menu and click on the logout.
- Then close the launcher.
Logout ofTechnic Launcher - Now open the launcher and uncheck the option of Remember Me. Then log in using your credentials to check if the log in issue is resolved.
Uncheck the Option of Remember Me - If not, log out of the launcher and then close it. Now open a web browser and navigate to the Minecraft
- Then login to the site using your credentials and wait for 5 minutes. Then log out of the site and now Open the launcher and log in to it to check if the login problem is solved.
- If not, log out of the launcher and exit the client. Now restart your system and upon restart, open the launcher to check if it is clear of the login error.
- If it still isn’t fixed, log out of the launcher and game. Then wait for 24 hours and then try to log into the launcher to check if the log in issue is resolved.
Solution 2: Clear the Cache of Technic Launcher
Like many other applications, the Technic launcher uses a cache to boost up things and improve the user experience. You may encounter the error at hand if the cache of the launcher is corrupt which in turn doesn’t all the modules run properly. In this case, clearing the launcher’s cache may solve the problem.
- Open the launcher and navigate to its options.
- Now click on the Clear Cache button and then exit the launcher.
Clear Cache of Technic Launcher - Then open the File Explorer and navigate to the following path:
- Now open the .technic folder.
Open .Technic Folder - Then open the cache folder and delete all of its contents.
- Again, navigate back to the %APPDATA% folder and open the .techniclauncher folder.
- Now open the cache folder and delete all of its contents. Open the launcher and check if it is clear of the login error.
Solution 3: Change the Password of Your Minecraft Account
You may fail to log in to the launcher if the entries related to your account details in the server database are corrupt. In this context, resetting your Minecraft password may clear the login error as all the modules will be forcefully reinitialized.
- Logout of the launcher and close it.
- Now open a web browser and navigate to the Forgot Your Password Minecraft
- Now enter your registered email and then press on the button of Request Password Reset.
Request Password Reset - Now open your email ID and follow the instructions from the Minecraft email to reset your password.
- Then open the launcher and log in using the new password to check if the log in issue is resolved.
Solution 4: Close the 3rd Party Processes
You may encounter the error under discussion if any other process on your system is interfering in the operation of the game. This happens a lot with numerous games and is a common scenario. In this case, ending any 3rd party processes may solve the problem.
- Clean boot your system and open the launcher.
- Logout of the launcher and then exit it.
- Now right-click on the Windows button and in the menu displayed, click on the option of the Task Manager.
Selecting Task Manager after pressing Windows + X - Then find and end the processes that are not required.
- Now open the launcher and check if it is clear of the error.
- If not, minimize the launcher and open the Task Manager. Now end the process related to Java (if there are two processes, end the process that is not related to the server).
- Then switch to the minimized launcher and check if it is clear of the error.
Solution 5: Use a Different Mod Pack
Mod packs are a collection of mods and configuration files (sometimes textures). You may encounter the error under discussion if any of the mod packs are hindering in the proper operation of the launcher/game. In this scenario, using a different mod pack may solve the problem.
- Open the Technic Launcher and click on the Add New Pack (in the left pane of the window).
Add New Pack to the Technic Launcher - Now add a new mod pack to the launcher and then launch the game with that mod pack to check if the problem is solved.
- If not, re-open the Technic Launcher and click on the Settings icon of the mod pack you want to play. Then click on the Reset ModPack option and check if the log in issue is resolved.
Solution 6: Change the Server Mode to Offline
You may encounter the error at hand if the server could not verify your account with the Minecraft authentication server (which may be offline). In this context, changing the server mode from online to offline (which means your server will not query the Minecraft server for authentication) may solve the problem.
- Open the Minecraft Server installation folder.
- Now right-click on the Server.Properties file and then hover over the Open With.
Edit Server.Properties File - Then in the sub-menu click on Open with Notepad.
- Now find the Online-Mode entry and change its value from true to False.
Change Online Mode to False - Then save and close the file.
- Now right-click on the Run (you may have this file with the different name as it is the setup file used to launch the server) in the Minecraft Server installation folder and then hover over the Open With.
Edit Run with Notepad - Now in the sub-menu, click on Open with Notepad and then change the value from True to False.
Change the Run Startup Value to False - Then save and close the file.
- Then launch the server and the launcher to check if it is operating fine.
Solution 7: Update Minecraft to the Latest Build
Minecraft is updated regularly to add new features to the game/worlds and patch the known bugs. You may encounter the error under discussion if you are using an outdated version of Minecraft. In this scenario, updating Minecraft to the latest build may solve the problem. But keep in mind that this process will keep your saves and texture packs, but not the mods.
- Open the Launcher and navigate to its Options.
- Now click on the Force Update button and then click on Done.
Force Update Minecraft - Now log in using your credentials and then wait for the completion of the update process.
- After updating the Minecraft, open the launcher and check if it is operating fine.
Solution 8: Use Direct Connect
If nothing has worked for you, then using the direct connect option to connect to your server may solve the problem. This solution may not work for all the players.
- Open the problematic server and then click on Edit.
- Now copy the IP address of the server.
- Now open the launcher and click Multiplayer.
- Then click on the Direct Connect button and enter the IP address of the server (noted in step 2).
Clicking on the “Direct Connect” button inside the launcher - Now click on the Join Server button and check if the log in issue is resolved.
Join Server of the Minecraft
Solution 9: Create a New Minecraft Profile
Minecraft supports multiple profiles and you may encounter the error at hand if the profile you are trying to use for the Minecraft is corrupt. In this context, creating a new profile for the game may solve the problem.
- Open the launcher and click on 3 vertical bars (hamburger menu) near the top right corner of the window.
- Then navigate to the tab of Launch Options.
- Now click on Enable Snapshots and then click on the OK button.
Enable Snapshots for Minecraft - Then click on the Add New.
Add New Profile to Minecraft - Now in the version dropdown, select any of the versions and then enter the name of the profile as per your liking. You can use the version of your old profile as well.
Select the Version and Enter Name of the Profile - Then click on the Save button.
- Now navigate to the News tab and then click on the arrowhead, located next to the Play button.
- Then select the newly created profile (is step 5) and click on the Play button to check if the log in issue is resolved.
Play the Newly Created Profile
Solution 10: Reinstall the Technic Launcher
You may encounter the error at hand if the installation of the launcher itself is corrupt. Here, no changes to any files or settings will solve the problem. In this context, reinstalling the launcher may solve the problem.
- Backup the essential data.
- Logout of the launcher and then exit it.
- Now type Explorer in the Windows Search box (on the taskbar of your system) and then in the search results, right-click on Explorer and then click on Run as Administrator.
Open Explorer as Administrator - Now navigate to the following path:
- Now delete the “.technic” folder.
- Then delete the Launcher on the Desktop of your system.
- Now restart your system and upon restart download/install the Technic launcher.
- Then open the launcher and check if it is clear of the login error.
Solution 11: Reset the Server to the Defaults
You may encounter the error under discussion if the server itself is in the error state. This occurs very commonly if the server configurations failed to initialize properly or if the server encountered an exception. In this scenario, resetting the server to the defaults may solve the problem.
- Open the Control Panel of your server and stop the server.
Stop the Minecraft Server - Now in the left pane of the Control Panel window, expand Files and then click on Setup.
Open Setup of the Minecraft Server - Then in the dropdown of Template, select Reset/Delete Server Files.
Reset/Delete Server Files - Now check the option of Delete All Server Files and enter your password.
Delete All Server Files - Then click on the Apply button.
- Now navigate to the main page of the server Control Panel and select the Server Type for the new server as per your liking.
- Then click on the Start button to start up the new server.
Set the Server Type and Start It - Now open the launcher and hopefully, the login issue is resolved.
If nothing has worked for you, then try to use the browser version of the Minecraft until the problem is sorted.