How to: Convert Pages File to Doc or DOCX
Pages, is a word processor for MAC, like Word Pad for Windows. In Pages, you can open the files created in MS Word, or Word Pad but you cannot open *.pages files in Word. So whether you’re sending an email where they require a .doc file or you, a Windows user, received a pages file then you will have to convert it to a .doc file. If you have a Mac available with Pages, then you can easily save the file in a format that Microsoft Word can read and edit. But if you don’t have a Mac, and a Windows PC is all you got then there is a way to open pages file. Follow this guide and chose the method that best fits your needs.

Methods to Convert Pages file to DOC or DOCX
1. Opening a Pages File in Windows
This is a quick and dirty workaround to open “. pages” file in Windows. For this to work; you must have a PDF viewer (Adobe Reader or Windows Default). This is ideal if you only want to open pages file, once in a blue moon. Assuming that you have the *.pages file downloaded. Follow the steps below.
- Right-click on the .pages file in Windows and choose Rename.
- At the end of the filename, replace .pages with .zip.
- After successfully renaming it, open that file which is now a zip file.
- In it will be a folder named Quicklook, Open it and there will be a file named Preview.pdf.
- Now it will be converted in the pdf format.
Note: You can also convert this pdf to word on a mac. - To open it in Windows 7, you will need a free pdf reader like Adobe Reader but you can also use Microsoft Word to open a pdf file.
- Download and install it from this link.
- In Windows 8 or later, there is a built-in pdf reader. You can just Open the Preview.pdf and it will open up in the reader. If it all its got is text, then you can copy the text from it to save it in a Word document.
- Hold the Ctrl key and press A to select all the content. After that, hold the Ctrl button and press C to copy it.
- Open a new Word document and hold Down Ctrl key and press V to paste the copied content in the Word document. All the text will be copied.
- Save the document. And it will be saved in doc format.
If you don’t want to go through the process, then convert PDF into.DOC online.
To convert the pdf to .doc file online, click here
Simply follow the link above, click Choose File to select the pdf file. It will upload and start converting automatically. Click Download file when the conversion is finished to download the converted file.
2. Save .pages file as a .doc in Mac
Pages in MAC allow you to choose the file type, therefore it can be saved in the .doc format which will be readable on cross platforms.
- Open Pages. Click File and choose Save as.
choosing save as - Place a check on Save copy as. Make sure Word Document is selected next to it.
- Click Save. It will be saved in .doc format now.
3. Export Pages Document as .doc Document in Mac
If for some reason Save as option is not working for you, you can export it as well.
- Open the pages document you want to convert.
- Click on File and select Export/Export To in the pop-up menu.
Exporting document - Select Word for file type and click Next.
- Type the name for the document against Save as. The extension .doc will be automatically appended to it. Select the location against Where. Click Export.
- The .doc file will be saved at the location which you specified, ready to use.
4. Convert .pages file to .doc online in Windows
You can convert a pages file to a doc on a windows system without any additional software, and all you need is internet access.
- Simply go to
- Under Step 1, click on “Add Files” and navigate to where the .pages file is on your computer and select it.
Selecting the “Add Files” button - Under Step 2, click on “Convert files to” and scroll down until you see the doc. Click it when you see it.
Clicking on the file format and selecting Convert now - Under Step 3, enter your email address where you will receive the converted file.
Click on Convert under Step 4 to start the conversion. And wait for the converted file to be mailed in your inbox which you will probably get within 5 minutes.