Call of Duty Warzone Crashing? Here’s how to fix
The newly arrived addition to the ever-increasing list of Battle Royale games, Call of Duty Warzone is being reported for having a few issues. One of the issues users experience is the random crashing of the game. As per the users, the game crashes for them in the main menu, while others get to experience this during the Training tutorial. Some users are even getting a blue screen of death while playing the game. Nonetheless, we will be showing you how to resolve this issue in this article so you can get back to your gaming session.

Before we get into the possible fixes for the issue, let us first talk about the causes of the said issue. The issue doesn’t seem to be triggered by a specific reason, rather it can be caused by different possibilities. First of all, the most obvious cause that has been reported is graphics drivers. As it turns out, the issue happens to be due to an obsolete version of the graphics drivers that is present on your computer. Updating your driver to the latest version available seems to fix the issue for some users. Furthermore, the priority of the Call of Duty Warzone’s process can also set off the issue. Setting the priority to normal has fixed the issue for some people. Other than that, the issue can also be caused due to NVIDIA overlay as well as an issue with your Blizzard account in which case logging out and back in seems to be a resolution.
It is recommended that before you dive into the possible fixes provided below, make sure that your third-party antivirus software is not causing an issue. Therefore, we recommend that you turn off your antivirus for a while if you have any on your system. This will eliminate the possibility of the game crashing due to an intervention initiated by your antivirus suite. If you are not sure about how to turn off your antivirus, please head to the turn your antivirus off article present on our site that will guide you through.
Updating Graphics Drivers
As it turns out, one of the most reported causes of the crash seems to be an outdated driver that you are operating your system with. Graphics drivers bring stability fixes and improvements so that you can enjoy your newer games without any interruption. Therefore, the first thing you need to do when you face the said issue is to download the latest driver available for your GPU and install it.
If you are using Nvidia, you can easily update your graphics driver to the latest version via the GeForce Experience software. In case you do not have that installed on your system, head to their site and download the latest driver available from there.

For AMD users, you can update your driver from the AMD Radeon Software. If you do not have it installed, head to their official site and download the latest driver for your GPU from there.
Lower the Process’s Priority
Another cause of the crash seems to be a higher priority in the game process. Having high priority lets a process utilize more CPU and memory than the normal processes. However, for some reason, this is causing the game to crash at times. By default, the game is set to have high priority in the task manager. To resolve this issue, you will have to lower the priority of the game’s process in the Task Manager. Here’s how to do so:
- Right-click on the taskbar and select Task Manager from the list.
- Once you open up the Task Manager, you will be shown the list of Processes that are currently running. Switch to the Details tab.
Task Manager - Find the game’s process and then right-click on it. Move your cursor to the Set Priority option and then select Normal.
Setting Priority - Click Change Priority once asked for the confirmation.
Changing Priority - Done, you have successfully changed the priority of the game. Close the game and launch it again to see if it works (make sure the priority is still set to Normal after you open up the game again).
Disable Nvidia In-game Overlay
It turns out the Nvidia in-game overlay is also causing the game to crash for now. Therefore, until it is fixed, you will have to disable the in-game overlay in the Nvidia GeForce Experience settings. This is pretty easy to do, here’s how:
- Open up the Geforce Experience on your system.
- Once the software loads up, click on the Settings icon in the top right corner (left to your profile’s avatar).
- This will take you to the General settings tab.
- There, below the Language heading, you will be shown the In-game Overlay option.
Disabling In-Game Overlay - Turn it off by clicking on the slide.
- Once the in-game overlay has been disabled, close the window.
- Close your game and then open it up again.
- See if it works.
Increase the Virtual Memory Size
In some cases, the issue can be due to insufficient virtual memory size of the drive where your game is installed. Virtual memory is basically the specific size of the hard disk that the computer uses as if it were RAM. This is called a paging file. Therefore, you will have to increase the paging size of the drive where the game is installed. Here’s how to do this:
- Go to your Desktop, right-click on the My Computer icon and click Properties from the list.
- On the left-hand side, click the Advanced system settings option to be taken to the advanced settings.
System Properties - Now, in the System Properties window, switch to the Advanced tab.
- Under Performance, click the Settings button.
Advanced System Properties - There, once again, switch to the Advanced tab.
- Now, under Virtual Memory, click the Change button.
- Make sure the ‘Automatically manage paging files size for all drives’ option is unchecked.
- Also, highlight the drive where your game is installed. After that, click on the Custom size option.
- Make sure that the difference between the Initial size and Maximum size is more than 2GB i.e 2048 MB.
Changing Virtual Memory Size - Click the Set button and then click the OK button.
- Click the OK button again and then restart your system.
- Once your computer boots up again, launch your game and see if the issue persists.
Changing Executable Name
In some cases, the error can be countered by changing the executable name while the game has been launched. In order to do this follow the steps below.
- Launch Call of Duty Modern Warzone.
- Wait until the game gets into the menu and then minimize it.
- Navigate to the main game folder and right-click on its main executable.
Note: Remember that you should have the “File Name Extensions” box checked before proceeding. - Rename the executable to “ModernWarfare.exe1” from “ModernWarfare.exe”.
- This will prevent the crash from happening during the gameplay and after finishing revert this change so that the game can be launched next time.
- You can also do all of this much more easily by using the following script that has been made by Daddledore a Reddit user.
:: Simple script to rename the file ModernWarfare.exe to ModernWarfare1.exe to prevent chrashes @ECHO off :: Change your install path here set place=C:\Games\Call of Duty Modern Warfare set PROCNAME="ModernWarfare.exe" :initialbattlenet CHOICE /M "Start Battle.Net Client?" if "%ERRORLEVEL%" == "1" GOTO startbattlenet if "%ERRORLEVEL%" == "2" echo Then why are you clicking me? goto exitscript :startbattlenet Echo Start "%place%\Modern Warfare Launcher.exe" @ping -n 5 localhost> nul cls :checkstart TaskList|Find "Blizzard App" >NUL || If Errorlevel 1 Goto startgame Goto checkstart :startgame echo checking game status... tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq %PROCNAME%*" 2>NUL | find /I /N %PROCNAME%>NUL if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" ( Goto gameruns ) cls Goto startgame :exitgame CHOICE /M "Did you quit playing?" if "%ERRORLEVEL%" == "1" GOTO gamequits if "%ERRORLEVEL%" == "2" GOTO exitgame @PAUSE :gameruns @ping -n 5 localhost> nul ren "%place%\ModernWarfare.exe" ModernWarfare1.exe >nul if exist "%place%\ModernWarfare1.exe" goto startrenameok echo Oops, something went wrong. Let's try it again @pause goto startgame :startrenameok cls ECHO File renamed successfully! ECHO Have fun playing @ping -n 5 localhost> nul cls GOTO exitgame :gamequits ren "%place%\ModernWarfare1.exe" ModernWarfare.exe >nul if exist "%place%\ModernWarfare.exe" goto quitrenameok echo Oops, something went wrong. Let's try it again goto startgame :quitrenameok cls ECHO File renamed successfully! ECHO I hope it was fun. GOTO exitscript :exitscript echo. echo Script will be terminated... @ping -n 3 localhost> nul exit
- Make sure to change the “Installation Path” in the 4th line of the script to your own installation path.
Note: If nothing else works, try to create a new user account, get the game recognized from the previous installation path and check to see if the issue still persists.