Battlefield 2042 Error Code 1:15178951260? Try these methods
Some players have been getting the 1:15178951260 error code while trying to play a game of Battlefield 2042. As it turns out, as the game is going on, players are kicked and the “Not signed into PlayStation Network” error message is shown alongside the error code mentioned above. The problem in question usually occurs due to your internet connection as can be gathered from the error message itself or in some cases, the local save files of the game. In this article, we are going to show you how to get rid of the error message mentioned so just follow through.

As it turns out, Battlefield 2042 has been around for a while now and despite its beta phase during which bugs and issues were ironed out, the game is still plagued with various errors such as the error code 25. As per user reports, before being prompted by the error message that we have mentioned earlier, they experience lag throughout the game and are eventually kicked out of the server. Now, the most probable reason that the issue in question occurs is due to your internet connection and we have a few fixes that can help you get around it. In addition to that, the local save files that are stored on your console can also cause the error in some rare instances.
With that said, let us get started and show you the different methods using which you can get rid of the error code mentioned above. So, without further ado, let us jump right into it.
Use Wired Connection
The first thing that you should do when you encounter the problem in question is to try using a wired internet connection instead of using the WiFi or wireless. Some of the users who were experiencing this issue reported that after switching to a wired connection instead of using the WiFi, they were able to resolve the problem. This could mean that either the connection speed that you are getting via the WiFi is not great due to interferences and other factors.
Therefore, if you are able to, go ahead and switch to a wired connection to see if that resolves the problem.
Force 2.4GHz WiFi
As it turns out, another way that you can possibly resolve the error message mentioned above is by forcing your PlayStation to connect to the 2.4GHz band of your WiFi. This can be done pretty easily by going to the network settings on your console. In case you are already using the 2.4GHz band, you can try to force your console to use the 5GHz band and see if that resolves the problem for you. To force your console to use a specific band, follow the instructions given down below:
- First of all, navigate to the main menu of your console.
- Now, at the top right corner of your screen, select the gear icon to bring up the System Settings.
Opening up Settings Menu - From the list provided, choose the Network option provided.
Settings Menu - Once you have done that, highlight Settings and then select Set Up Internet Connection.
- Wait for the scan to complete as your console looks for nearby networks.
- After that, press the options button. On the menu that pops up, go down to Wi-Fi Frequency Bands and then choose the 2.4 GHz option provided.
Choosing WiFi Band - With that done, you can go back to the main menu. Launch the game and try playing to see if the problem still persists.
Delete Local Save Files
Finally, if the above methods have not resolved the problem for you, then it is very likely that the issue is being caused by the local save files on your console. In such a scenario, you will have to delete the files so that they can be built again by the game in order to resolve the issue. As it turns out, this can happen when the save files may get damaged which can cause various issues with the game. Deleting the save files is pretty easy. To do this, follow the instructions that have been provided down below:
- To start off, open up the Settings menu by selecting the gear icon at the top right corner.
Opening up Settings Menu - Then, on the Settings menu, go down and choose the Storage option.
Settings Menu - Once you are on the Storage menu, on the right hand side, go down to Saved Data.
Storage Menu - There, choose your game version.
Choosing Game Version - After you have done that, locate Battlefield 2042 and select it.
- Finally, select the Delete button provided to delete the saved data.
- With the saved data deleted, go ahead and try playing Battlefield 2042 again to see if the error code still comes up.