Error Code BLZBNTAGT00000960? Here’s how to fix
Some users have been getting the BLZBNTAGT00000960 error code while trying to play Call of Duty Warzone via the launcher on their system. As it turns out, the error code can be accompanied by a different message depending on what caused it. In some cases, the problem appears when you are trying to update the game through the launcher while in others, it just prevents you from launching the game. In this article, we will be taking you through the process of solving the error code mentioned above via the different methods that are available so just follow through.

As it turns out, in order to play Call of Duty Warzone, the launcher is used. While the launcher works fine normally, there are scenarios where it can throw an error message at you such as the BLZBNTAGT00000BB8. The reason the error code BLZBNTAGT00000960 can vary and it usually has to do with the installation files of the launcher on your system. In addition to that, temporary files like the cache can also factor in and give rise to the problem in question. Fortunately, there are quite a few workarounds available that you can implement on your system in order to get the issue resolved. With that said, let us get started and show you the different methods that you can use to circumvent the problem without any further ado.
Run Call of Duty Warzone Manually
The first thing that you should do when you encounter the problem in question is to try to run the game directly from the installation directory. As it turns out, in most cases, the error message is limited to the launcher and as such, if you launch the game manually from the installation directory, it should launch just fine.
Therefore, go ahead and navigate to the folder where you have installed Call of Duty Warzone. Once you are there, run the ModernWarfare.exe file instead of the Modern Warfare Launcher file. See if that launches the game for you without any issues. In case it doesn’t, right click on the ModernWarfare file and from the drop down menu, choose Run as administrator option to see if that fixes the problem.

Run as Admin
As it turns out, in some cases the problem can also occur when the launcher does not have sufficient permissions. When this happens, the game process won’t be able to inherit the permissions that it requires to run properly. In such a scenario, what you can do in order to resolve the problem is to simply run as an administrator.
To do this, simply open up the Start Menu and search for Either right click on the result shown and click the Run as administrator option or click the Run as administrator option provided to the right side. See if that resolves the issue for you.
Change Game Region
Another thing that you can do in order to resolve the error code mentioned above is to change your game region from the launcher. This has been reported by other users who were facing a similar issue and managed to solve it by changing their game region. To do this, follow the instructions given down below:
- First of all, go ahead and open up the Launcher on your system and then navigate to Warzone.
- There, next to the Play button, click on the globe icon provided.
Changing Game Region - Change the region from your current location to something else.
- Once you have done that, see if the error code still appears.
Move Call of Duty to Different Drive
As it turns out, another way that you can possibly fix the problem in question is by moving the game to a different drive. This means that, for example, if you have the game installed on your drive D:, you will have to move it to a different drive, let’s say, C:. Don’t worry as you won’t have to download the game again on your system but rather you can just cut the game and move it to a different location.
Once you have done that, you can easily locate the game again on your system through the launcher which saves you the trouble of downloading the game again. After you have done this, see if the problem still persists.
Clear Cache
Like we have mentioned earlier, the problem in question is mainly caused by the launcher itself. As such, the temporary files of the launcher can very likely be the factor that is causing this. These temporary files are used in essence to store general usage information in order to improve the overall experience.
To resolve the problem, you will have to clear out the cache on your system and then see if the problem still persists. To do this, follow the instructions that have been given down below:
- To start off, make sure that you have closed the launcher completely. In addition to that, ensure that no processes are running in the background by opening up the Task Manager.
- Once you have done that, open up the Run dialog box by pressing Windows key + R on your keyboard.
- In the Run dialog box, type in %ProgramData% and then hit the Enter key.
Navigating to ProgramData Directory - Once you are there, locate the folder and go ahead delete it.
- After doing that, open up the launcher and see if the problem has been resolved.
Finally, if none of the above methods have fixed the problem for you, then it is very likely that the issue is being caused by the installation files of This has been reported by multiple users as well who were facing the same error code above. Therefore, in order to resolve the problem in question, you will have to simply reinstall on your computer. To do this, follow the instructions that have been given down below:
- First of all, open up the Control Panel by searching for it in the Start Menu.
Opening up Control Panel - Then, on the Control Panel window, click on the Uninstall a program option under Programs.
Control Panel - Once you are there, from the list of installed applications, locate and then double click it to uninstall it.
- After it has been uninstalled, go ahead and restart your system.
- Once your PC boots up, install the launcher on your computer again and see if the problem is still there.