How to Fix Autodesk Issue: Requested Service Not Available
When trying to log in to your Autodesk account, if you receive the “Requested Service Not Available. The Autodesk service you are trying to access is temporarily unavailable. Please wait a few minutes and try again” message, then the error is caused by inference from the Firewall or Third-party security software than prevent the program from running.

In this guide, we have given the methods that will help you fix the Autodesk Requested Service Not Available error.
1. Change the Time Zone
The error mostly occurs when your computer’s time zone is different from the actual time in your area. Therefore, you must check your time zone and change it to the one shown on the Internet. Simply follow the instructions listed below to Sync the computer’s time with the Internet time.
- Open the Windows Settings by pressing the Win + I keys together.
- Navigate to Time and Language > Date and Time.
- Now, set the time zone to match the internet time by switching the “Set time automatically” and “Set time zone automatically” buttons to On.
Setting time automatically - After the time zones have been matched, run the program and log in to the account.
2. Turn off your VPN Connection
Autodesk programs are not made to function with a VPN connection. Since VPN is considered a third-party network, it will interfere with the program and can cause errors to occur. Therefore, you must follow the steps below to turn off your VPN connection.
- Open the Windows Settings by pressing the Win + I keys together.
- Navigate to Network and Internet > VPN.
- Click on the connected VPN and select the Advanced options.
- Turn off the VPN connection by scrolling to the Manual Configuration section and turning off the “use a proxy server” button.
Turning off Proxy Servers
3. Create a New Windows User Profile
A corrupted Windows user profile prevents you from logging into your account and, as a result, will lead you to this error. To prevent this from happening, you must create a new Windows User Profile. However, when creating a new profile, make sure to save the data from the previous profile into a backup copy in case your data gets removed,
4. Update Your Windows
An outdated Windows is known to cause issues by interfering with AutoCAD and preventing the program from running properly. Therefore, you must ensure that your Windows is up-to-date before running the program to prevent such errors from occurring. Below are the steps that guide you in the process of updating your Windows:
- Open the Windows Settings by pressing the Win + I keys together.
- Navigate to Update and Security > Windows Update.
- Click on the “Check for Updates” option.
Checking an available Windows Update - Click the Download option to download the latest Windows update.
- Restart your computer after updating to the latest version of Windows.
- Go to the Official Microsoft Web Page.
- Download the latest Windows Update by clicking on the “Update Now” option.
Downloading the Latest Windows Update - Install the latest update by clicking on the “Update Now” option.
Installing Windows Update - Restart the system by clicking on the Restart Now option after the installation is completed.
Restarting the Computer - Now, relaunch the program and login into the account.
5. Disable Windows Protection
Windows protection such as Windows Defender and Firewall interfere with certain programs and prevent you from accessing them. Therefore, you must make sure to disable them to access the programs facing the error. With the instructions below, you can disable Windows Protection:
- Open the Windows Settings by pressing the Win + I keys together.
- Navigate to Update and Security > Windows Security > Firewall and Network protection.
- Now, turn off all the active firewalls on the page.
- Open the Network with an active Firewall by clicking on them.
Opening the active Firewall Network - Disable the Windows Firewall by clicking on the “On” button under “Windows Defender Firewall.
Turning off Windows Defender - Confirm the action by clicking “YES” on the User Account Control prompt.
- Open the Windows Start Menu by pressing the Win key.
Disable the Windows Defender
- Type “cmd” in the Windows Search bar.
- Right-click on it and select the “Run as an administrator” option.
Running the Command Prompt as an administrator. - Disable the Windows Defender by pasting the following command into the Command Prompt and pressing the Enter key.
etSh Advfirewall set allprofiles state off
- Now, launch the program and login into your account.
6. Delete Corrupted Login Cache
A corrupted login cache is one of the reasons why you can’t log into Autodesk and receive the error. Therefore, you must ensure that there is no corruption during the login process by deleting the corrupted login cache of Autodesk. Using the instructions below, you can reset the local login cache for Autodesk desktop software:
- Right-click on the Start Menu and select the “Task Manager” Desktop app.
Opening the Task Manager - Click on the Details tab and find the following processes:
AdSSO.exe AdAppMgrSvc.exe AutodeskDesktopApp.exe AdskLicensingAgent.exe
- Terminate all the above processes by right-clicking on them and clicking on the “End Task” option.
Ending the Processes - Now, open the File Explorer by pressing the Win + E keys together.
- Open the Web Services folder by copying and pasting the following path into the pathfinder above and pressing the Enter key:
%localappdata%\Autodesk\Web Services
- Find the LoginState.xml file at the bottom of the folder
- Delete the login cache by right-clicking on it and selecting the “Delete” option.
Deleting the Login cache file - Restart your Autodesk program and login into your account.
Login Reset Tool
- Download the Login Reset Tool file.
- Select the Folder you want to download the file in.
- Save the file by clicking the “Save” option.
Saving the file in the folder - Click on the Three dots of the browser and open the Downloads page.
Opening the Downloads tab - Locate the file by clicking on the” Show in Folder” option.
Opening the zip file in the folder - Right-click on it and select the “Extract here” option.
Extracting the File - Open the extracted file by right-clicking on it and selecting the “Open” option.
Opening the extracted File - The file will automatically open in the Command Prompt and will reset the login cache.
- Once the cache process is completed, restart the program and log into the account,
7. Update the Autodesk Single Sign-On Component
An outdated Autodesk Single Sign-on Component can also be a factor resulting in the occurrence of this error. Therefore, you must manually update the AdSSO and prevent the error from occurring. With the help of the steps below, you can update the AdSSO components manually:
- End all Autodesk tasks and applications by closing them manually.
- Right-click on the Start Menu and select the “Task Manager” Desktop app.
Opening the Task Manager - Click on the “Process” tab and end the active Autodesk applications by right-clicking on them and selecting the “End task” option.
Ending the Task - Now, open the Autodesk app and sign into the account.
- Open the Updates tab.
- Update the AdSSO by clicking on the update notification titled “Single Sign On Component-V13.7.7-2020.7 SecurityFix English-US 64-Bit”.
- After the update is completed, restart the program.
Autodesk Single Sign-In Update Installer
- Download the Autodesk Single Sign-In Update Installer.
- Save the file by clicking the “Save” option.
Saving the file in the folder - Click on the Three dots of the browser and open the Downloads page
Opening the Downloads tab - Locate the file by clicking on the” Show in Folder” option.
Opening AdSSO Installer in the folder - Extract the file by right-clicking on it and selecting the “Extract here” option.
Extracting the File - Start the Installation process of the extracted file by right-clicking on it and selecting the “Install” option.
Installing the Setup - Accept the License agreement by selecting the “I Accept” option and clicking on the “Next” option.
Accepting the License and Services agreement - Start Installing the Autodesk Single Sign-in component setup by clicking on the “Install” option.
Installing the AdSSO Component setup - After all the AdSSO components are installed and updated, you must click the “Finish” option.
Finishing the installation - Now, open the Windows Start Menu by pressing the Win key.
- Click on the Power option.
- Restart your computer by clicking on the “Restart” option and making the necessary changes.
Restarting the Windows computer
8. Manually Update the DLL File (AutoCAD)
Having outdated libeay32_Ad_1.dll and ssleay32_Ad_1.dll files can also be one of the reasons why this error occurred. Therefore, you must manually update the file if there isn’t any version after 2018 installed on your system. To manually update the DLL files, follow the instructions mentioned below:
- Download the two outdated zip files.
- Select the directory where you would like to download the file and click on the Save option.
Selecting the folder to download the file - Click on the Three dots of the browser and open the Downloads page.
Opening the Downloads tab - Open the location of the file by clicking on the “Show in Folder” option.
Showing file in the folder - Extract the file by right-clicking on the Zip file and clicking on the “Extract Here” option.
Extracting zip file - Select the following extracted files
- by holding the CTRL key and left-clicking them with the mouse.
libeay32_Ad_1.dll ssleay32_Ad_1.dll
- Copy the files by pressing the CTRL + C keys together.
- Select the two existing files in the AutoCAD folder with the same names by holding the CTRL key and left-clicking them with the mouse.
- Delete the existing file by pressing the Delete button.
- Paste the newly extracted DLL files inside the AutoCAD folder by pressing the CTRL + V keys together.
- Lastly, restart the computer and apply the changes.