How to Fix Amazon Prime Error Code 1060?
Some Amazon Prime users are reporting that they are suddenly unable to stream and download video content. The error code that they get is 1060. The issue is reported to occur on PC, Android, Blu-ray players and a wide selection of smart TVs.

One of the first things you should look out for when encountering the Error Code: 1060 is a network inconsistency. Most of these issues can be resolved either by rebooting or resetting the network device (modem or router).
However, it’s also possible that your current ISP plan doesn’t have enough bandwidth to support HD streaming. You should test this theory out and upgrade it if necessary. And if you’re using Wi-Fi, try switching on ethernet or get a Wi-Fi expander in case your signal is weak.
Also, keep in mind that Amazon Prime will end up blocking Proxy users and even some VPN clients. In case you’re using a service of this kind, disable it first and see if it resolves the issue.
Method 1: Reboot or reset your router/modem
One of the situations that will cause the Amazon Prime Error Code 1060 error is a common network inconsistency. In this case, you can most likely resolve the problem by rebooting or resetting your networking device (modem or router).
Important: But before you do this, confirm that you have Internet access, by doing a Google search or by attempting to play a video on YouTube.
If you want to avoid resetting any previously established settings, you should start with a network reboot, and it that doesn’t work, you might consider a reset.
Forcing a network reboot will not make any changes to your network credentials and it will not override any custom settings that you previously established.
To perform a router/modem reboot, simply use the dedicated On / Off button twice. Press it once to turn the device off, then wait at least 30 seconds before pressing the button once again. This will ensure that the power capacitors are drained.

Note: You can achieve the same thing by physically disconnecting the power cable from the power outlet and wait for 30 seconds or more before plugging it back in.
Do this and attempt to stream a video using Amazon Prime once again. If it still fails with the same 1060 error code, you should proceed by doing a router reset. But keep in mind that this operation will reset your custom login credentials (from your router page) and any custom network settings that you established.
To perform a reset on your networking device, use a sharp object (like a toothpick or a needle) to reach the reset button on the back on your router or modem. Press it down and keep it pressed for a minimum of 10 seconds – or until you see that all of the front LEDs start flashing at once).

Once the reset is complete, go to the affected device that refuses to stream from Amazon Prime and see if the problem is now resolved.
If this didn’t resolve your issue, move down to the next potential fix below.
Method 2: Switch to a cabled connection (if applicable)
As it turns out, Amazon Prime is the most bandwidth-demanding streaming service (especially on Smart TVs). Due to the fact that it always tries to force HD playback (even on limited bandwidth) on Smart TVs, you might expect to see the Error Code 1060 when connected to a Wi-Fi network with a limited signal. It’s entirely possible that you see the error because your network is not strong enough to sustain HD quality streaming.
If this scenario is applicable, one way to resolve the issue is to switch to an ethernet (cabled) connection. Additionally (if a cable is not an option), you should consider getting a Wi-Fi expander to ensure that you have enough signal to sustain HD playback.

In case this didn’t resolve the issue or this method wasn’t applicable to your current situation, move down to the next potential fix below.
Method 3: See if you meet minimum bandwidth requirements
Even though Amazon Prime only requires 900 Kbps to stream, this only applies to small screens (Android, iOS) and desktop (PC, Mac). However, if you try to stream Amazon Prime from a Smart TV (or using Chromecast, Roku, etc.) the bandwidth requirement is 3.5 Mbps.
If you’re on a limited plan, there’s a chance that your current Internet Service Provider is not providing you with enough bandwidth to use this service.
Fortunately, you can test out this theory quite easily by doing a simple test speed of your Internet connection. We will show you how to do it directly from any browser, so you can do the test regardless of the device you’re on.
Here’s a quick guide on doing a speed test of your Internet connection to see if you meet the minimum requirements:
- Close any other browser tab and any network-hogging application that might be slowing down your internet connection.
- Visit this link (here) from any browser and click on GO to initiate a Speed Test.
Doing a Speed Test from your favorite browser - Wait until the operation is complete, then analyze the results.
- If the DOWNLOAD bandwidth is lower than 4 Mbps, you will need to upgrade to a better internet connection in order to get rid of the Error Code 1060.
Analyzing the results of the Speed Test
In case the internet test revealed that you have enough bandwidth to stream Amazon Prime, move down to the final potential fix below.
Method 4: Disabling Proxy or VPN client (if applicable)
Just like Netflix, HBO Go and especially Disney+, Amazon Prime is becoming a lot more pro-active in preventing VPN and Proxy users from streaming content.
Judging from the user reports, It’s now evident that Amazon Prime is smart enough to figure out if you’re using a Proxy server and it’s capable of detecting a wide selection of VPN clients.
If you’re using a Proxy server or VPN client and you have previously confirmed that you have enough bandwidth to stream from this service, you should disable your anonymity service and see if it resolves your issue.
Since the steps of doing so are specific to the type of surfing anonymity technology that you’re using, we created two separate guides that will help you remove your proxy or VPN client.
STEP 1: Remove Proxy Server from Windows 10
- Press Windows key + R to open up a Run dialog box. Next, type ‘ms-settings:network-proxy’ inside the text box and press Enter to open up the Proxy tab of the Settings tab.
Run dialog: ms-settings:network-proxy - Once you’re inside the proxy tab, move over to the right section and scroll down to the Manual Proxy setup. Once you’re there, simply disable the toggle associated with ‘Use a proxy server’.
Disabling the Proxy server - Once the proxy server is disabled, simply close the Settings menu and restart your computer.
- At the next startup, attempt to stream from Amazon Prime again and see if the issue is now resolved.
STEP 2: Remove a VPN Client from Windows 10
UPDATE: As it turns out, there are still some VPN clients that aren’t detected by Amazon Prime:, HMA VPN, Surfshark, Super Unlimited Proxy, Unlocator, and Cloudflare. This list is subjected to change with time. If you’re using a different VPN, uninstall it using the steps below, then uninstall one of these solutions.
- Press Windows key + R to open up a Run dialog box. Next, type ‘appwiz.cpl’ and press Enter to open up the Programs and Features screen.
Type appwiz.cpl And Press Enter to Open Installed Programs Page on Windows - Inside Programs and Features, locate the VPN client that you’re currently using by scrolling down through all installed applications.
- Once you discover the client that you wish to uninstall, right-click on it and choose Uninstall from the newly appeared context menu.
Uninstalling the VPN client - Once the operation is complete, reboot your computer and see if the issue is resolved at the next system startup.