Fix: Xbox Login Window Crashes on Windows
Xbox Login windows crashing while logging into Xbox game pass can be caused by multiple issues like disabled services, Bad cache or an unstable application version.

We have gathered known causes and listed them below, before jumping right into the solutions, let’s take a look at these causes.
- Bad Cache- The issue at hand could be caused due to a bad cache; if you haven’t cleared the Xbox application’s cache in a while, you might face such errors.
- Disabled Services- Another reason for us facing this issue can be disabled services; like many applications, the Xbox gaming application requires a services package to function for it to run smoothly. If either of these services is disabled, users might face issues like the one in question.
- Corrupt Installation- You might face this error due to a corrupt application installation. This could happen due to an unstable internet connection. It can easily be taken care of by simply reinstalling the application.
- Incorrect Date/time- Microsoft-provided services usually save data with time and date linked to it. When your system’s date and time are set incorrectly, it could cause confusion with the server, thus leading to such an error.
1. Restart Xbox Essential services
Several services are necessary for the smooth functioning of the Xbox gaming application. It is possible that, for some reason, they are not enabled or just need a quick restart. Follow these steps to do so:
- Press the Windows key on your Keyboard to open up the windows start menu.
- In the start menu, search bar type Powershell and run it as an administrator.
- Now, paste the following command to disable the IP Helper service, and hit the Enter key.
net stop iphlpsvc
- Once done, paste the following command to enable the IP Helper service. What we essentially did is restart the IP helper service.
net start iphlpsvc
Restarting Xbox services - Once done, Repeat the same process for these below-mentioned commands
net stop XblAuthManager net start XblAuthManager net stop wuauserv net start wuauserv net stop bits net start bits net stop XboxGipSvc net start XboxGipvc net stop InstallService net start InstallService
Once you have successfully restarted the essential services needed for the Xbox gaming app to function properly, try launching the Xbox app. If the issue presumes, Continue to the next step.
2. Repair and Reset the Xbox application
Another common but effective fix for users facing this problem is repairing and resetting the Xbox application using the Microsoft Windows utility tool. Windows has a built-in feature that allows users to repair and reset applications. Follow these steps to Repair and reset the Xbox application:
- Press the Windows key on your keyboard to open the Windows start menu.
- In the search box, type Xbox.
- Make a right-click and click on App settings.
Repairing and resetting the Xbox application - Scroll down, Click on Repair and wait for it to finish processing
Repairing and resetting the Xbox gaming application - Once finished processing, try launching the Xbox app to identify the application’s state. If the issue presumes, continue to the next step.
- Inside of the app settings, click on Reset and wait for a while until it finishes processing.
Repairing and resetting the Xbox gaming application - Once it finishes processing, try launching the Xbox app.
If after repairing and resetting the application the issue presumes, continue to the next step.
3. Use WsReset to Clear Cache
WsReset is an official tool that Microsoft provides; its job is to help users delete the Microsoft store cache. Over a period of time, it is normal for applications to collect a large amount of cache data which may cause bugs and errors like the one we are facing to occur. Follow these steps to use WsReset to clear the Microsoft store cache:
- Press the Windows key to open the start menu; inside the start menu, search bar type WsReset.
- Click on WsReset.exe to execute it.
Using a Microsoft-provided tool to delete cache - A blank screen will appear; wait for a while till it finishes processing.
Using a Microsoft-provided tool to delete cache - Once done, it will automatically close.
Once the command prompt interface closes, try launching the launcher. If the error presumes, continue to the next step.
4. Login with the Same Account on Microsoft Store
Another logical fix is using the same account on the Microsoft store and Xbox application. Reportedly users have reported this to fix similar issues for them. Follow these steps to do so:
- Right-click on the taskbar and click on Task Manager to open it.
- Locate the Xbox application and select it and click on End Task.
Ending the Xbox applications processes from task manager - Now, open the Microsoft store, and on the top-left, click your profile.
- Click on Sign out and log back into your account.
Logging out of the Microsoft store - Once done, Open the Xbox application and log in with the same account as Microsoft Store.
If the issue still presumes, continue to the next step.
5. Incorrect Date/Time
Microsoft-provided services save data with time and date attached to them. An incorrect time configured on your computer may cause a clash with the servers, thus leading to such issues. The fix is pretty straightforward; follow these steps to configure your computer’s date and time:
- On your taskbar, Right-click where it shows the time as visualized in the image below.
- Click on Adjust and time.
Configuring the correct date and time - Toggle the Set time automatically switch to on.
- Similarly, toggle the Set time zone automatically switch to on.
Configuring the correct date and time - Now, click the Sync Now button to let the new settings sync.
6. Install Xbox Identity Provider
Xbox Identity provider is an essential application service that allows PC to create a bridge with Xbox live. If the Xbox identity provider application is not installed on your computer, it could cause issues like the one we are facing. Follow these steps to install the Xbox identity provider:
- Click here to download the Xbox identity provider.
- If an Install button is available, click on it.
- If you do not see the install button, the Xbox identity provider is already up-to-date and installed on your computer.
Installing the Xbox Identity provider
Try launching the Xbox identity provider; if the issue presumes, continue to the next step.
7. Reinstall Gaming services
Xbox Gaming services is an essential services package necessary for end-to-end delivery of content. It is possible that your computer either has a faulty installation package of these services or they are not available. In any case, Follow the below-mentioned steps to reinstall gaming services.
- Press the Windows key on your keyboard to open the start menu.
- In the start menu search bar, type Powershell and run it as an administrator.
Reinstalling gaming services - Click on Yes to allow.
- Now, Paste the following command in the powershell terminal to uninstall the existing gaming services package.
Reinstalling gaming services get-appxpackage Microsoft.GamingServices | remove-AppxPackage -allusers
- After uninstalling, paste the following command that’ll redirect you to the Microsoft store, where you can install up-to-date gaming services.
start ms-windows-store://pdp/?productid=9MWPM2CQNLHN
- Click on the Install button.
Once installed, Restart your computer. After the reboot, try launching the Xbox gaming application. If the issue presumes, continue to the next step.
8. Delete Xbox Credentials
Deleting credentials will allow us to start fresh on Xbox gaming application on the log in front, follow these steps to remove Xbox credentials from your computer:
- Press the Windows key to open the windows start menu.
- In the start menu search bar, type Credential manager, and click on it to open it.
Removing the Xbox credentials - In the list, locate Xbl|DeviceKey & Xbl|GrtsDeviceKey.
- Tap on it and click on remove.
Removing the Xbox credentials - Once removed, Make sure to Reboot your computer.
Once rebooted, try launching the Xbox gaming app. If the error still persists, continue to the next step.
9. Update windows using the media creation tool.
Windows media creation tool, as the name suggests, allows users to create an executable setup file to update the windows operating system. To update windows to the latest version, follow these steps:
- If you’re a Windows 11 user, Click here
If you’re a Windows 10 user, Click here - Once you have opened your windows version’s link, On the Microsoft website, Click on Download Now.
- Open the File you Just downloaded.
- Click on the Allow button to allow access.
- Click on the Accept button.
- Now, Click on the ISO check button since we want it to create an ISO file, and click on the Next button situated on the bottom-left of the window.
Updating windows to the latest version using the media creation tool - Select a Save Location, in my case I have chosen desktop.
Updating windows to the latest version using the media creation tool - Open the ISO file and Double-click on the setup application file.
- Now, Proceed with the straightforward installation procedure.
Once updating, reboot your computer to finalize the update.
10. Uninstall and Reinstall the Xbox Application
If the previously discussed fixes have not been of any help to you, our last resort is to uninstall the application and reinstall it. What this will do is allow us to start fresh with our experience with the Xbox app, follow these steps to do so:
- Press the Windows key to open the start menu, and in the start menu search bar, type Xbox.
- Right-click on Xbox and click on Uninstall.
Uninstalling the Xbox application - Again, Click on Uninstall.
- Once uninstalled, Reboot Your Computer.
- Click here to download the Xbox application.
- Click on Download now button to initiate the download process.
Reinstalling the Xbox application - Once downloaded, Open the file you just downloaded.
Once Downloaded and installed, try launching the Xbox application.