How to Troubleshoot the 0x8024a204 Windows Update Error

When attempting to update Windows, you might come across a 0x8024a204 error message. This error can result from several different factors, but in most cases, it occurs due to stalled Windows update services or corruption in the downloaded Windows update files stored in the software distribution folder.

Before proceeding with the solutions, we recommend restarting your computer, as it often resolves many issues by not only restarting services but also resolving bugs that may be causing the problem.

1. Run the Windows Update troubleshooter

The Windows Update troubleshooter offers automatic fixes for problems causing errors. Running this troubleshooter can resolve most Windows update related issues.

  1. Press the Win + I keys to open settings.
  2. Next, navigate to System > Troubleshoot.
  3. Then, choose Other Troubleshooters and initiate the Windows Update Troubleshooter.
  4. Follow the provided instructions to run the troubleshooter.
  5. Once completed, check to see if the problem has been resolved.

2. Reset the Windows Update component

Resetting the Windows update component clears the software distribution folder, responsible for storing the update files that Windows uses later for installing the updates.

Software distribution folder corruption can lead to errors when trying to download Windows updates. Hence, in this step, we will clear the software distribution folder to resolve the error message.

  1. Click the Start Menu and type in Command Prompt.
  2. Right-click on the command prompt and select Run as administrator.
  3. Once opened, enter the following commands to reset the Windows update component:
    net stop wuauserv
    net stop cryptSvc
    net stop bits
    net stop msiserver
    ren C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.old
    ren C:\Windows\System32\catroot2 catroot2.old
    net start wuauserv
    net start cryptSvc
    net start bits
    net start msiserver

  4. With this, the error should be resolved. If not, progress to the remaining methods.

3. Restart the Necessary Services

Windows update errors can also originate from the abrupt termination of services that facilitate the delivery of the updates. If this is the case, restarting the services should solve the issue.

  1. Right-click on the Start Menu and select Run to open the Run Window.
  2. :In this window, type services.msc and then click OK to open the services window.
  3. Find the Windows Update Service, right-click it and then click Properties.
  4. Select Automatic from the Startup Type drop-down menu.
  5. If the service is not running, click Start.
  6. Click Apply, followed by OK.
  7. Repeat these actions for the Background Intelligent Transfer Service.
  8. After completion, try updating Windows. 

4. Download the Windows Update Manually

If the error persists, you may want to download the Windows update manually. This approach is particularly useful when you’re unable to download the Windows update via the Windows update utility.

  1. Go to the and search for the update causing the error message.
  2. Upon finding the update, press the Download button and then click the link to download the update.
  3. Finally, install the update by double-clicking on it.

Hamza Mohammad Anwar

Hamza Mohammad Anwar is an intermediate JavaScript web developer with a focus on developing high-performance applications using MERN technologies. His skill set includes expertise in ReactJS, MongoDB, Express NodeJS, and other related technologies. Hamza is also a Google IT Certified professional, which highlights his competence in IT support. As an avid problem-solver, he recreates errors on his computer to troubleshoot and find solutions to various technical issues.