What is ‘.estrongs’ Folder and is it Safe to Delete it?
Several ES File Manager users found a folder named .estrongs in their file manager and they are wondering what this folder is. Smartphones file manager contains all the folders and files that your phone is using for some application or system use. Every folder is for some specific use in your phone. ES File Manager is a third-party application that can be used instead of the default file manager. In this article, we will discuss what the .estrongs folder is and if it is safe to delete or not.

What is .estrongs Folder?
When you install the ES File Manager on your Android phone, you will get a few folders with it and .estrongs is one of them. This folder is used to save the recycle bin files on your phone that are deleted through this File Manager. File manager won’t save any files in this folder unless the recycle bin option is selected in the settings. This folder is marked as a hidden file/folder in your phone file manager. Show hidden folders will reveal the .estrongs folder in your file manager. The size may vary depending on your deleted data through ES File Manager.
In this folder, you will find a few database files with some folders. In subfolders, you will be able to find a folder named recycle, which will contain all those files that you deleted through ES File Manager. Each file will be in a different folder due to the path of the original file. The recycled files will not show in your library since this folder contains the .nomedia file to hide it from phone library.

You can also find the recycled files in the Recycle Bin of ES File Manager. This is the feature of ES File Manager, where you can restore the files to the original location.

Is it Safe to Delete .estrongs Folder?
.estrongs folder contains all the deleted phone data that you deleted through ES File Manager. If the user removes the data by mistake, this feature can help to recover it back. However, if a user does not want this data on their phone after deleting then they can remove it from folder too.
Therefore, if we want a definitive conclusion about the safety, then Yes, it is safe to delete the .estrongs Folder from their phone. The deleted data can stack up in this folder and the size will increase and consume much phone memory. Deleting this will free much space for the phone. You can also review the data before deleting this folder completely because after this the data will be hard to recover from the recycle bin feature of ES File Manager.