How to Set Default Account Picture for All User Accounts on Windows?
Each account on Windows 10 will have its own account picture set by the users. Most of the enterprises will want to set their logo for the user accounts pictures. However, some users will want to change the account picture of all users back to the default ones. This can be done by following one of the methods in this article. In addition to that, users can also replace the default pictures for the user and guest accounts.
The Group Policy Editor is not available on Windows 10 Home Editions; therefore, we have included a registry Method that you can use to modify the setting.

Setting Default Account Picture to All Users
Users can change their account picture in the user settings of the Windows. You can also reset all of the account’s pictures back to default ones or to a company logo. There is a policy in the Local Group Policy Editor that can help the companies put their logo for all user accounts. The same can be done by using the Registry Editor. This will also disable the settings of changing the account picture through the default user account settings.
Method 1: Setting Default Account Picture through Local Group Policy Editor
The Local Group Policy Editor is the easiest way to customize the settings of your Windows operating system. All of the policies already exist and the user just needs to edit it. You can set the default account picture for all the users by just enabling a single policy.
Note: The Local Group Policy Editor is only available on Windows 10 Enterprise, Windows 10 Pro, and Windows 10 Education editions. If you have a different Windows 10 version, then directly jump to method 2.
If your system has the Local Group Policy Editor, then follow the below steps to set the default picture for all user accounts:
- Press Windows + R keys together to open the Run dialog. Then, type “gpedit.msc” in it and press Enter to open the Local Group Policy Editor. Select Yes at the UAC (User Account Control) prompt.
Opening Local Group Policy Editor - Navigate to the following location in the Local Group Policy Editor:
Computer Configuration\ Administrative Templates\ Control Panel\ User Accounts
Opening the policy - In the right pane, double-click the policy named “Apply the default account picture to all users“. To enable this policy, modify the toggle from Not Configured to Enabled option. Then, click the Ok/Apply button to apply the changes.
Editing the policy - Now try to check the account pictures for all users and they will all be set to default ones.
Method 2: Setting Default Account Picture through Registry Editor
The Registry Editor is another way to set the default account picture for all users. This method is not as simple as the Local Group Policy Editor one, but it will do the same work. Users need to have knowledge about the keys and values that they will be editing or creating in the Registry Editor. So yes, it is a bit technical, but by following the below steps, you will easily be able to make it work:
- Press the Windows + R keys together to open the Run dialog, then type “regedit” in the box and press Enter to open Registry Editor. Press Yes for the UAC (User Account Control) prompt.
Opening the Registry Editor - Follow the below path to navigate to the specific key in the Registry Editor:
- Now create new value by right-clicking anywhere on the right pane and choosing New > DWORD (32-bit) Value. Name the following value as UseDefaultTile.
Creating a new value - Double-click on the value to edit it. Change the Value data from “0” to “1” to enable it. Click on the Ok button to save changes.
Enabling the value - Lastly, close the Registry Editor and restart your computer to make sure the changes take effect.
Additional: Changing Default Account Picture with Another Picture
You can also change the default account profile image of the Windows 10. The default account pictures are located in a folder and the user can replace it with the other images of their own. By changing these images and applying the above methods, the user will get their own company logo (or related) for all user accounts. However, make sure the sizes of images are correct accordingly. Follow the below steps to try it out:
- Open the File Explorer in your computer and go to the following location:
%PROGRAMDATA%\Microsoft\User Account Pictures\
Location for default account pictures Note: You can copy the default images to some other location before replacing them or just rename them with old.
- Now here you can replace the images with the images that you want. The “user.jpg” is the default account picture, so you need to replace it with the same name.
Copying images over the default ones Note: You can replace the other images too for different sizes, which will be used for other places. The number in front of the name is the size; like 32 is 32×32, 40 is 40×40, and so on.
- Once you are done replacing the images, you can apply one of the above methods. That will change the account picture of all user accounts to the image you replaced.