Linus Tech Tips Responds to The Criticism, Promises Significant Changes & A New Crowdsource Fact-Checking Platform

Linus Tech Tips has recently posted a video on YouTube, apologizing in light of all the criticism. The heads of LMG have shown up and taken responsibility and accountability for most of the claims. While doing so, there has been a significant change of pace with the company opting not to create new content for the next week.
LTT Has Made Some Big Decisions
Linus Tech Tips will be undergoing a 1-week break to review their current position and plan for the future. The head of the LTT labs, Gary Key aims to utilize this time period to open up LTT’s testing standards to the community and other partners. The goal is to note criticism and improve the lab’s testing methodology.
Furthermore, videos that use data directly from LTT labs will be re-evaluated and incorrect data will be replaced. The testing method and software will also go open source, allowing the community to see and audit the code. Gary teases an upcoming video on Floatplane showcasing the testing workflow from head to toe.

Future review videos should have a string of text, revealing whatever dataset was used for the graphs. This ensures transparency, whilst allowing the community to help in fact-checking.

James Strieb, head of the writing department claims that most of the mistakes are due to the human factor. During this time off, the company will be working on inter-department communication and optimizing the testing methods.
For the past few reviews, LTT has hired a dedicated individual that oversees/creates accurate and presentable graphs. Furthermore, LTT aims to soon announce a crowdsource fact-checking platform so that most of these issues do not repeat in the future.
Likewise, the CEO assures that the company will not turn back from accepting its mistakes. LTT will not make reviews to satisfy sponsors, even if it means taking a loss.
Linus Finally Responds
Linus, Chief Vision Officer of LMG much like the other members started off by apologizing to the community. Responding to the criticism, Linus took full responsibility for his response to Gamer’s Nexus. He terms it as a ‘huge and unnecessary blunder’.
Moreover, Linus also brought up the Billet Labs fiasco. It is interesting to see that Linus was made aware of this situation, only two days ago. He also offered total indemnity for the Water Block, although it was the team’s mistake for letting this happen in the first place.
It is pertinent to mention that the entire video had no mention of Gamer’s Nexus. The company apologized for the incorrect data, the Billet Labs fiasco but there was not a single word regarding Madison’s accusations. The video was probably shot and edited before the Madison incident.
This article is the second follow up to our previous coverages detailing the controversy.