COD Modern Warfare launching Error ‘Dev Error 6036’ [Solved]
Some Windows 10 users are reporting that they end up seeing the DEV ERROR 6036 ( whenever they attempt to launch Call of Duty Modern Warfare on their PC.

After investigating this particular issue, it turns out that there are several different potential culprits that might be responsible for the apparition of this error code. Here’s a list of scenarios that might trigger the DEV ERROR 6036 with COD Modern Warfare:
- The game is installed on external storage – One of the most common reasons why you’ll see this error occurring is because the game is installed on external storage. If this scenario is applicable and you’re trying to run the game from an external USB3 enclosure, uninstall it from the external location and reinstall it on the internal storage to resolve the issue.
- The game is outdated – It’s possible to see this error occurring when the game build is outdated and the auto-updating function is corrupted. If this scenario is applicable, you can most likely force the game to auto-update itself by deleting every individual file from the game installation folder.
- Corrupted game files – Game file corruption can also be responsible for the apparition of this error code. To resolve this issue you’ll need to trigger an integrity check (on Steam) or a scan & Repair procedure (on Battle.Net) to find and resolved corrupted inconsistencies.
- GPU is incapable of rendering certain shadows – If you’re trying to run the game on a low-end GPU, chances are you’re seeing this error because it’s not powerful enough to render certain shadow elements. In this case, you can disable the problematic shadow elements from the in-game menu of the game.
Now that you know every potential cause that might trigger this error code with COD Modern Warfare, here’s a list of methods that other affected users have successfully used to fix the DEV ERROR 6036:
Method 1: Reinstalling the game on an Internal Storage Device (if applicable)
One of the most common instances that will produce the DEV ERROR 6036 is a scenario in which the game is installed on an external storage device connected to your PC via USB.
Keep in mind that Call of Duty Modern Warfare is one of those games that will refuse to boot up when installed on an external USB3 enclosure – This has been confirmed by a lot of affected users.
If this scenario is applicable, you can fix the issue by installing the game on the internal storage HDD / SSD.
Note: If you’d like to continue using your external storage device, you will need to uninstall the existing instance of COD Modern Warfare before installing it on the internal storage device.
In case you’re looking for step-by-step instructions on how to do this, follow the instructions below:
- Press Windows key + R to open up a Run dialog box. Next, type ‘appwiz.cpl’ and press Enter to open up the Programs and Features menu. If you are prompted by the UAC (User Account Control), click Yes to grant admin access.
Opening the Programs and Features menu - Once you’re inside the Programs and Features menu, scroll down through the list of installed applications and locate the entry associated with Call of Duty Modern Warfare.
- When you see it, right-click on it and choose Uninstall from the context menu that just appeared.
- Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the uninstallation, then restart your computer and install the game again on the internal software.
In case the same problem is still occurring or this method was not applicable, move down to the next potential fix below.
Method 2: Force the game to Update itself
If the game is installed on internal software, the first thing you should do is force the game to update itself.
Keep in mind that the auto-update function is a little sketchy with Modern Warfare, so you can expect to see this error code occurring because you’re actually running an older game build than the latest.
In this case, you can delete a few individual files from the main Call of Duty Modern Warfare folder in order to force or Steam to detect the change and update the game with the missing files.
If this scenario looks like it could be applicable, follow the instructions below:
- First things first, ensure that Call of Duty Modern Warfare and every associated process is closed and not running in the background.
- Next, open File Explorer and navigate to the location where you installed COD Modern Warfare. If you didn’t choose a custom location, you will find the game folder in:
C:\Users\CURRENTUSER\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files
- Once you’re inside the installation folder, select every file that is not contained in a folder, then right-click on a selected item and choose Delete from the context menu that just appeared.
Deleting every Standalone file - Once every file has been deleted, launch the game once again and wait until the missing files are downloaded and installed.
In case the same DEV ERROR 6036 is still appearing, move down to the next potential fix below.
Method 3: Performing a Scan and Repair (Battle.Net Only)
If you’re launching the game through Battle.Net, keep in mind that the issue can also be caused by some type of system file corruption that is affecting the local installation of COD Modern Warfare.
In this case, you should be able to fix the problem by initiating a Scan & Repair procedure on the COD Modern Warfare game from Battle.Net installation. Several affected users have confirmed that the issue was resolved after the Scan and Repair scan has identified and resolved the corrupted files.
Follow the instructions below to do a scan and repair procedure on your Call of Duty Modern Warfare installation:
- Start by ensuring that Call of Duty Modern warfare is completely closed and no background process is currently running.
- Next, open up the Battle.Net application and start by clicking on the Games tab from the menu at the top.
- From the Games tab selected, click on the Call of Duty Modern Warfare to select it.
- Next, move over to the right-hand section of the screen and click on Options > Scan & Repair.
Running a Scan and Repair operation from Battle.Net - At the confirmation prompt, click on Begin Scan and wait for the operation to complete.
- Wait until the operation is complete, then restart your computer and launch Call of Duty Modern Warfare once again to see if the DEV ERROR 6036 is still occurring.
In case the same problem is still occurring, move down to the next potential fix below.
Method 4: Disabling Cache Spot and Cache Sun Shadows
If none of the methods above have worked in your case, and you are only seeing this error while attempting to join a multiplayer game, one final thing you should try is to disable the cache spots and cache sun shadows from the in-game Options menu.
Several affected users have confirmed that they were finally able to play the game normally after they disabled Cached Spot and Cache Sun from the Graphics menu.
To deploy this particular fix, follow the instructions below:
- Launch Call of Duty Modern Warfare and get past the initial loading screens.
- Inside the main menu of the game, click on Options, then select the Graphics tab from the vertical menu at the top.
- Once you’re inside the Graphics tab, then scroll down to the Shadow & Lighting section and set both Cache Spot Shadows and Cache Sun Shadows to Disabled.
Disabling the Problematic Shadows in COD MW - Apply the changes you just did, then restart the game and see if the problem is fixed once the next startup is complete.