Fix: Windows Installer Error 0x80300002
The Error 0x80300002 is often caused by partition errors or corrupted Windows installation media due to which you won’t be able to complete your Windows installation. Installing Windows has been an easy task, thanks to the Windows Installer. Equipped with a user-friendly interface, one can install their Windows DVD in no time. However, sometimes the process might demand some work before you can get the newly installed Windows on your computer.
Windows Installer errors are not common and rarely occur. The errors related to Windows Installer are usually caused by the hardware connected to your PC in which case the Installer is not to blame but the media or hardware you’re utilizing is at fault.

What causes Windows Installer Error 0x80300002?
Windows Installer errors don’t occur every day but when they do, it usually is due to —
- Corrupted Windows installation media. If the media that you are using to install Windows on your system is corrupt, it can cause the error to pop up.
- Incorrect partition. If you’ve selected a wrong partition for Windows installation, it can prompt you with this error.
- Changes made prior. If you’ve made changes to your older Windows prior to installing Windows, it can also cause the error to show up.
With that said, use the following solutions to resolve your issue:
Solution 1: Disconnect any External Hardware
The error can sometimes be caused by external hardware connected to your system. A few users have reported that their error was due to the external hardware that was connected to their system and was resolved once the hardware was disconnected. Hence, to start off, make sure there’s no extra hardware connected to your system except your installation media.
Solution 2: System Restore
If you’ve made any changes prior to the installation of the Windows again, the error can be caused due to it. In such a case, you’ll have to make use of System Restore. It is a Windows feature that lets the users restore their system to a point prior to the emergence of the error. Therefore, use system restore and then try to install Windows. Here’s how to restore your system:
- Open Start Menu and go to Control Panel.
- Type in Recovery in the search and click it.
Control Panel – Recovery - There, select ‘Open System Restore’.
System Restore – Control Panel - Select a point back and then hit Next.
- Follow through the steps to restore your system.
- Try to install your Windows again.
Solution 3: Deleting Partitions
Before you proceed and implement this solution, please make sure you’ve backed up any important information that is stored on your system. The error can sometimes be caused by bad partitions in which case you’ll have to delete the partitions and then install the Windows. Here’s how to delete your partitions:
- Go to Start Menu and type in ‘Disk Management’.
- Under Best match, ‘Create and format hard disk partitions’ will be listed, open it.
- This will open up Windows Disk Management.
Windows Disk Management - There, you’ll see your disk drives. Right-click on the partitions and select ‘Delete Volume’.
Deleting Partitions for Windows Installation - Now insert your Windows Installation Media, and follow through the on-screen steps.
- Once asked to select the partition where you want to install Windows, select Drive Options.
- Using the unallocated space, create a new partition.
- You can make 2 partitions, one for your Windows (System Partition) and the other as a Primary partition.
- Finish the installation.
Solution 4: Connect your Hard Disk to a different PC
Another thing you can do to resolve the issue is unplugging your hard disk from your system and connecting it to a different computer. Besides the error, this is something you should if you can’t see any partitions when asked for the System partition. Once connected to a different system, set up NTFS partition using Windows Installer and then go through the installation process.
Solution 5: Faulty Hardware
Lastly, if the above-mentioned solutions didn’t work for you, there’s only one possible reason for this. Something in your PC is corrupted or fried. In such a case, you’ll have to replace the hardware and then try to install your Windows.