Fix: Mass Effect Andromeda Network Connection Error
There is a recurring issue going around with the Mass Effect Andromeda game where players receive the “Network Connection Error. Unable to connect at this time. Please Try again later” error message when trying to access multiplayer features. This is reported to occur all the platforms that the game was released on including Xbox One, Ps4, and PC.

Note: Some users report that they can play Multiplayer missions without issues and the error message pops up only when they try to send a Strike team on a mission.
What causes the Mass Effect Andromeda Network Connection Error
After investigating the error and looking at various user reports, we created an accurate list of scenarios where this particular error might occur. Here’s a list of potential culprits that might be triggering the issue:
- Default Domain Name Server values are crashing the Network features – A lot of users have managed to get the issue resolved by changing the default DNS values to Google DNS values.
- Machine IP address and Getaway address is wrongly assigned – This typically happens with ISP that offer dynamic IPs. If you have the game on idle mode for a long time and your IP have changed since then, you might be prevented from using network features until you restart your router or your console or PC.
- Your account is banned from matchmaking – The same error message can be encountered if you received a multiplayer ban as a result fo trash talking or illegal practices.
- Mass Effect Andromeda servers are down – THe issue might also occur if the servers are currently down for maintenance or if an unexpected server issue recently occurred.
If you’re currently struggling to resolve this particular issue, this article will provide you with a list of quality troubleshooting steps. Below you have a collection of methods that other users in a similar situation have used in order to get the issue resolved. For the best results, follow the methods in order that they are presented until you find a fix that is effective in your particular scenario.
Method 1: Restarting Router/modem or application
Some Mass Effect Players report that in their case, the solution was as simple as doing a quick router or modem restart. This supposedly accomplishes the purpose of re-granting the IP address and Getaway address to the device – which might be responsible for the issue if wrongly assigned.
With this in mind, start your troubleshooting quest by restarting your router or modem. If your network device doesn’t have a physical reboot button, you can simply unplug the power cable in order to do a forced restart.
Note: Some PS4 users are reporting that they can temporarily fix the issue by holding the PlayStation button and choosing Close Application. Upon opening the game again, the error is no longer encountered until the next PS4 restart.
Once your router is back online, re-open the game and see if the issue is resolved. If you’re still encountering the “Network Connection Error. Unable to connect at this time. Please Try again later” error message, continue with the next method below.
Method 2: Verifying whether Mass Effect Andromeda servers are down
Before we delve into more technical fixes, let’s make sure that the issue is not server side. In the first months after launch, the same error message was encountered whenever MP servers were scheduled for maintenance or when there was an issue with matchmaking.
You can verify if that’s the case by following the social media accounts of the game or by using a service like Is The Service Down to check the status of the servers.
If you’ve taken a server-side issue out of the equation, move down to the next method below.
Method 3: Changing WAN settings from default DNS to Google DNS
A default Domain Name System (DNS) is often responsible for the apparition of this issue. A lot of users have managed to get the issue resolved after changing the default WAN (Wide Area Network) settings to the Google DNS.
Now, depending on the platform that you’re encountering the issue on, the exact steps might be different. To make it easier for you, we created three separate guides that will help you change the default WAN settings to Google DNS. Please follow the guidelines applicable to the platform that you’re encountering the issue on.
Changing DNS Settings on Windows
On Windows, the easiest way to change the DNS settings is to use a submenu of Control Panel. This should work regardless of your Windows version. Here’s what you need to do:
- Press Windows key + R to open up a Run dialog box. Then, type “ncpa.cpl” and press Enter to open the Network Connections menu.
Run dialog box: ncpa.cpl - Right-click on the network connection that is currently active and chooses Properties. If prompted by the UAC (User Account Control), choose Yes.
- In your network properties window, go to the Networking tab and double click on Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4).
Access Internet Protocol Version 4 settings - Next, go to the General tab and activate the Use the following DNS server addresses toggle. Then, set the Primary DNS to 8. 8. 8. 8 and the Alternate DNS to 8. 8. 4. 4.
- Finally, enable the checkbox associated with Validate settings upon exit and hit Ok to modify the DNS settings.
Changing DNS settings and validating - Reboot your computer and see if the issue has been resolved and you’re able to connect to Mass Effect’s server without the Network Connection Error.
Changing DNS Settings on Ps4
On Ps4, the DNS Settings are somewhat hidden and the Alternate DNS is named a little differently. But don’t worry, as we’ll guide you through the whole process. Here’s what you need to do:
- Use your left thumbstick to navigate upwards, then cycle left until you have the Settings entry selected, then press the X button to access it.
- Next, skip down to Network and press the X button again.
Access Network Settings - Then, select Set up Internet Connection and then select your internet connection method (WiFi or LAN Cable). Keep in mind that the steps are the same regardless of your type of connection.
- Now, from the next menu, choose Custom. In the IP Adress Settings, choose Automatic and then choose Do Not Specify under DHCP Host Name.
DHCP Host Name - Under DNS Settings, choose Manual. Now, set the Primary DNS to 8. 8. 8. 8 and the Secondary DNS to 8. 8. 4. 4.
Changing the Primary and Secondary DNS - Next, under MTU Settings, choose Automatic and for Proxy Server choose Do Not Use.
- That’s it. Restart your console and re-open Mass Effect Andromeda again. You should be able to use the network features without receiving the Network Error message.
Changing DNS Settings on Xbox One
On Xbox One, the steps of configuring the DNS settings are almost identical to the steps on Xbox 360, so feel free to apply them to the older settings if necessary. Here’s what you need to to to change the default DNS settings on Xbox One:
- Open the guide menu by pressing the Xbox button on your controller.
- Use the left thumbstick (or arrow buttons) to select the System tab and press A. Then, select Settings and press the A button again.
Access the Settings menu - Next, move down to Network and access the Network Settings menu.
- From the next menu, go to DNS Settings and choose Manual from the list.
- Now, enter the primary IPv4 DNS which in our case is 8. 8. 8. 8 and then input the secondary IPv4 DNS which is 8. 8. 4. 4.
- Exit the input menu and allow Xbox to operate the changes that you just made to the network.
- Restart your console and open Mass Effect Andromeda again. You should now be able to use the network features without issues.
If this method wasn’t successful or not applicable to your particular scenario, continue down with the next method below.
Method 4: Verify whether your Origin account is banned
Because EA didn’t bother to create different Error codes according to different scenarios, the very same error message can be encountered by users that have been banned from EA servers.
There are several cases where people encountering the “Network Connection Error. Unable to connect at this time. Please Try again later” error message found out that they were prevented from accessing the online features of Andromeda via an account ban.
With this in mind, if you were suddenly unable to connect to Andromeda’s servers (the same error pops up since then) it’s worth a shot to contact EA and ask for an investigation regarding your account situation. Keep in mind that there are reported cases where fair game users were banned from matchmaking after multiple fake reports.