Fix: Blue Snowball Not Working on Windows
Blue is a respected name in the world of microphones, it offers range from entry-level to Professional microphones. The snowball model is a great microphone for entry-level streamers, YouTubers and content creators for a somewhat affordable range. Youtubers and content creators for a somewhat affordable range. However, a lot of users are reporting numerous issues occurring while using the microphone with Windows 10.

There can be several different reasons why the microphone fails to work properly in Windows 10 ranging from some configuration settings to some issues with the drivers themselves in this article we will try to solve all those issues without much hassle.
What causes the issue with the BLUE SNOWBALL microphone?
The issue has been persistent with many users after an update on Windows 10 although there are many causes to the problem itself, some of them are
- Corrupt Drivers: This issue was reported to be caused by the new update that seemingly corrupted the microphone’s drivers.
- Privacy Settings: The Privacy settings were automatically changed by after the windows update and that might be causing the microphone from working properly.
Solution 1: Reinstalling the Device Drivers
Before we start configuring the settings, you can try reinstalling Blue Snowball’s device drivers. This step will make sure you don’t have any issues with the drivers or the plugging in of your device since there are numerous cases where because of improper drivers, Windows is unable to detect or recognize the device.
- Click on the Start Menu
Clicking on Start Menu - Search For Device Manager
Searching for Device Manager - Now that you are in the device manager Click on Audio Inputs & Outputs.
Navigating to Audio inputs and outputs in Device Manager - Then Right Click ON the Microphone(Blue Snowball) and Select Uninstall Device
Uninstalling the Blue Snowball Drivers - Similarly, Navigate to Sound, Video and Games Controller.
Navigating to Sound, video and game Controllers - Now Uninstall the Blue Snowball Drivers from here as well.
Uninstalling other Microphone Drivers - Now simply unplug and replug the microphone into your computer and the windows will reinstall these drivers If you had an issue with the drivers it should now be fixed.
Solution 2: Changing Windows Privacy Settings
After an update on Windows 10, the Privacy settings were automatically changed and some apps were not allowed to use the microphone, while in some cases the microphone was disabled entirely. We will be changing those settings in the following process.
- Click ON the Start Menu and Click on the Settings icon
Clicking on Settings - From there Click on Privacy Settings.
Opening Privacy Settings - From There Click on Microphone and then click on Change.
Changing Microphone Privacy Settings - Then Make Sure it is Enabled
Making Sure Microphone is Enabled - Also, Make Sure the Apps that you use have the Permissions enabled too from below
Checking Permissions to use the microphone for apps
If the issue was due to the privacy settings it should be solved by now.