Fix: dns_probe_finished_bad_config
The “dns_probe_finished_bad_config” error in Google Chrome means that the browser has detected a misconfiguration (incorrect settings) in your network’s DNS (Domain Name System) settings.
Essentially, this error occurs when the browser tries to reach a website, but it can’t resolve the domain name into an IP address (the numerical address that identifies a device on the internet) because of incorrect or conflicting DNS settings.
This can be due to issues such as improper DNS server addresses, corrupted DNS cache, or network configuration problems.
Other potential causes include outdated network drivers (software that controls your network hardware), corrupted DNS cache (a stored version of DNS data), or conflicts with security software.
Now, how can you resolve this issue?
By default, your computer uses the DNS settings from your router or modem, which are typically your Internet Service Provider’s DNS, unless they have been manually changed. I recommend switching to public DNS servers, as they are highly reliable and maintain a 99% uptime. If you’re unfamiliar with this process, follow the steps below carefully.
- Press and hold the Windows key, then press R.
- Type cmd into the Run dialog box and click OK.
- In the command prompt that appears, type the following and press Enter:
ipconfig /flushdns
- This command flushes the DNS cache, which can sometimes resolve issues resulting from DNS changes that the system still caches locally.
- Once completed, press and hold the Windows key and press R once more.
- Type ncpa.cpl and click OK.
- Your network connections window will appear.
- Now, we need to update your DNS settings. Locate the network adapter that’s in use, right-click it, and choose Properties.
Network Adapter Properties - In the Properties window, click on Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) to highlight it, and then click on Properties again.
Changing Settings for IPv4 - Check the option Use the following DNS server addresses and input the following numbers for Preferred DNS Server and Alternate DNS Server:
- Preferred DNS Server:
Alternate DNS Server: DNS to Public Servers - Click OK and close all remaining windows.