BEST Cydia Tweaks for iOS 9 to 9.0.2
Cydia now offers several new tweaks for iPhones supporting iOS 9 and onwards. The unique personal touches and customizations provided by Cydia’s jailbreak apps and tweaks are why many iOS users opt to jailbreak their iPhones. These new tweaks facilitate rapid updating of apps and tweaks as new versions roll out.

BreadCrumbsAway is a new jailbreak tweak for the iPhone, available on Cydia, that allows users to eliminate the “back to app” shortcut in iOS 9, enabling them to switch apps with greater ease.
UniversalForce – This tweak is a new feature added to Cydia for iOS 9. It lets iPhone users access the “peek and pop” 3D touch feature on previous generation iPhone software.
BetterFivecolumnHomeScreen – This new Cydia tweak enables iPhone users to increase their app columns to five, counteracting the current limitation of only four columns, thereby allowing for more apps on their phone screen.
CCSettings is a new, free Cydia tweak enabling iPhone users to access additional toggle bars in the control center, such as using low power mode and taking screenshots, among others.
SpotlightBeGone – this specific Cydia tweak lets you remove the new, troublesome spotlight feature from your iPhone’s home screen, making your device feel faster and more responsive.
Shortcuts – this Cydia tweak allows you to add shortcuts to apps like Cydia itself, Safe Mode, Reboot, and the Shut Down option, which previously lacked them.
DockShift – A revised feature enabling iPhone users to select from 12 custom skins for their docks, enhancing its neat and stylish appearance.
FaceDown – This feature enables your iPhone to turn off its screen instantly when flipped over, protecting your privacy and deterring prying eyes.
Lux is a Cydia tweak that adjusts the color and brightness of your iPhone’s display according to the time of day, helping save both battery power and your eyes from strain. With Lux, late-night notifications will no longer blind you with harsh screen light.
BlurryLaunch is an engaging tweak on Cydia that adds a subtle, smooth blurring effect when the App Switcher is activated on the iPhone.
BetterFourByFourFolders is a new tweak featured on Cydia. It allows iPhone users to add up to 16 apps per folder, facilitating better organization and optimizing home screen space.
Blurry Badges is a feature on Cydia for iOS 9 and up, allowing iPhone users to blur their badges, make them transparent, and match the color scheme of the underlying wallpaper. It also provides the option to add borders of various thicknesses and colors to the badges directly from the settings menu.
RevealNC9 is a tweak available on Cydia that enables iPhone users to incorporate the Android-style swiping animation in their notification center, enhancing their user experience.
NudeKeys is a new feature of Cydia tweaks that allows iPhone users to utilize colorful HUDs for their keyboards.
Spin is a custom-built interface for Cydia tweaks on the iPhone, enhancing your media experience on the lock screen.
GuestMode, specifically updated for iOS 9, allows for a guest account on the lock screen that filters what others can access and see on your phone. This feature prioritizes user privacy.
Rotary Lock is an enjoyable tweak that not only enhances your phone’s security with its unique custom lock resembling an old rotary phone, but also adds an exciting new element.