Apple Watch Battery Draining Fast? Try These 14 Easy Fixes!

Key Takeaways
  • Some users have reported experiencing fast battery drain issues after updating to watchOS 10. This could be attributed to software bugs or compatibility issues with certain apps or features introduced in the update.
  • Several factors could contribute to rapid battery drain, including beta software, excessive background app activity, and high display brightness.
  • You can enhance battery life by adjusting settings such as display brightness, disabling unnecessary features like Always-On Display, managing notifications, and keeping your watch software up to date.

Are you facing the frustrating issue of your Apple Watch battery draining fast after updating it to watchOS 10? Dealing with rapid battery depletion on your watch can disrupt your daily routines and leave you searching for solutions. Understanding the causes and implementing fixes is essential to restore optimal battery life.

In this guide, we’ll explore reasons for Apple Watch battery drainage and provide effective solutions to help you enjoy longer-lasting performance from your device. So, let’s get started.

Apple watchOS 10

Why is my Apple Watch Battery Draining Fast?

Users have reported significant battery drainage issues after updating to watchOS 10, highlighting potential software compatibility challenges or bugs within the update. Here’s a detailed description of why the Apple Watch battery may drain fast:

  • Newly Launched Beta Software: Beta versions of watchOS, released for testing purposes, can introduce bugs and inefficient power management, leading to faster battery drain.
  • Background Processes: Several background processes and services running on the Apple Watch, such as syncing data, fetching updates, and monitoring health metrics, can consume battery power even when you’re not actively using the device.
  • Outdated Software or Bugs: Running an outdated version of watchOS or encountering software bugs can lead to inefficient power management, causing the battery to drain faster than usual. Software updates often include optimizations and bug fixes that address battery performance issues.
  • Excessive Feature Usage: Certain features like the Always On display, which keeps the screen constantly lit, or background app refresh, which allows apps to update content in the background, can contribute to increased battery consumption if used excessively.
Don’t use any feature excessively, as it may drain the battery
  • Third-Party Apps: Third-party apps installed on the Apple Watch may not be optimized for power efficiency. Running outdated versions of apps or encountering bugs within the apps can result in increased battery drain.
  • System Inefficiencies: In some cases, system inefficiencies or software glitches within watchOS may lead to unexpected battery drainage. These issues can sometimes be resolved through software updates or troubleshooting steps.
  • Charging Habits: Suboptimal charging habits, such as using incompatible chargers or not allowing the device to charge fully, can impact battery performance over time. Using Apple-certified chargers and ensuring proper charging practices can help maintain battery health.
  • Enabled Walkie-Talkie and Weather Widget: These features require constant updates and communication, potentially contributing to faster battery drain on the Apple Watch.

READ MORE: Apple Watch Not Charging? Try These 8 Easy Fixes! [2024] ➜

How to Fix Apple Watch Battery Draining Fast Problem

You can implement the following methods to resolve the fast battery drainage on your Apple Watch.

1. Restart Your Watch

A quick restart can refresh your Apple Watch’s system, resolving background processes that cause battery drain, like outdated software or system inefficiencies. Powering off and restarting the watch clears temporary data and resets glitchy processes, potentially saving battery power.

Use the side button to restart your Apple Watch

Simply press and hold the side button until the power off slider appears, then drag it to turn off your watch. Wait a few seconds, then press and hold the side button again until the Apple logo appears.

2. Close Unused Applications

Closing unused apps can significantly improve your Apple Watch’s battery life. When apps run in the background unnecessarily, they consume valuable resources and contribute to rapid battery drain. By closing apps you aren’t actively using, you can conserve battery power and prolong your device’s usage time.

3. Download Latest Update

Outdated software can lead to battery issues, so checking for any available updates is essential if you haven’t upgraded your watchOS recently. While some users experienced faster battery drain after transitioning to watchOS 10, the release of version 10.0.1 may offer improved battery life.

Here’s how to update your Apple Watch:

  1. Press the Digital Crown.
  2. Access the Settings app and tap General.
  3. Now tap on Software Update. If an update is available, follow the prompts to install it. Ensure the watch remains on its charger during the update.
    Update your Watch | 9to5Mac

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4. Charge Your Watch by Turning It off Overnight

This fix was suggested by a user on Reddit as a potential solution to address battery drainage issues on the Apple Watch. Use the following method to charge your Watch by turning it off overnight:

  1. Press and hold the side button of your Apple Watch until you see the power options.
  2. Tap on the power icon at the screen’s top right corner.
  3. Slide the “Power Off” slider to turn off your watch.
    Slide the Power Off option
  4. Leave the watch off for overnight.
  5. Plug in the charger and let the watch boot up and charge until it reaches the full battery.
  6. Use the watch as usual. If the battery continues to drain quickly, repeat the charging process until the battery reaches full capacity.
  7. After multiple charging cycles, the battery issue should resolve, and your Apple Watch should function normally.

5. Disable Always On

Disabling the Always On feature can help conserve battery life on your Apple Watch, especially if you don’t require the screen to be always visible. Follow the below-mentioned process to do that:

  1. On your Apple Watch, press the digital crown to access the Home screen.
  2. Tap on the “Settings” app.
    Tap on the gear icon, Settings app.
  3. Scroll down and select “Display & Brightness.”
  4. Look for the “Always On” option and tap on it.
    Disable Always On
  5. Toggle the switch next to the Off position.
  6. Confirm the action if prompted.

6. Adjust Brightness

By adjusting the brightness of your Apple Watch screen, you can optimize visibility while conserving battery life, especially in low-light conditions. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Navigate to Settings.
  2. Now, select “Display & Brightness.”
  3. Slide your finger left on the brightness control to decrease the brightness level per your preference.
Settings > Display & Brightness > Slide it to left

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7. Disable Background App Refresh

Disabling Background App Refresh helps conserve battery life by preventing apps from refreshing their content in the background. This means apps will only update when you actively open them, reducing unnecessary power consumption. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. On your Apple Watch, navigate to the Home screen.
  2. Tap on “Settings.”
  3. Scroll down and select “General.”
  4. Choose “Background App Refresh.”
  5. Toggle the switch to the “Off” position.
Settings > General > Background App Refresh > Toggle the slider to disable it

8. Reduce the Number of Notifications

If your Apple Watch battery is draining quickly, consider reducing the number of notifications. It helps conserve the battery life by minimizing the frequency of notifications that wake up the device. Here’s a process to do so:

  1. On your iPhone, open the Watch app.
  2. Tap on the “My Watch” tab at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Scroll down and select “Notifications.”
    Select Notifications
  4. Review the list of apps under “Mirror my iPhone” and toggle off the ones you don’t want to receive notifications from on your Apple Watch.

9. Disable Haptic Alerts

Turning off Haptic Alerts disables vibrations for notifications and alerts on your Apple Watch. This can be useful if you prefer not to receive haptic feedback for incoming notifications or if you want to save battery life by reducing vibration notifications. Implement his procedure to disable haptics:

  1. Open the Settings app on your Apple Watch. 
  2. Scroll down and tap on “Sounds & Haptics.”
  3. Look for the “Haptic Alerts” option and toggle the switch to the “Off” position.
Settings > Sounds & Haptics > Turn off by sliding | iDownloadBlog

10. Uninstall the Moby Face App

If you’re experiencing significant battery drain after installing the Moby Face app or any non-native apps on your Apple Watch, removing them may help resolve the issue and improve overall battery life. It was recommended by a Reddit user and has been reported to improve battery performance for some users. Here are the steps:

  1. On your Watch, locate the Moby Face App.
  2. Press and hold the app icon until it starts wiggling.
  3. Tap the “X” icon on the app’s top left corner.
  4. Confirm the deletion by selecting “Delete App” when prompted.
Tap on X to delete

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11. Use the Apple 20W Charger

Using the Apple 20W Charger for your Apple Watch ensures faster charging without draining the battery unnecessarily. Its optimized design delivers power efficiently, minimizing energy loss during the charging process. This means you can charge your Apple Watch quickly and reliably without worrying about excess energy consumption that might affect battery life.

Use the 20W charger

12. Remove the Weather widget

Widgets constantly update in the background to provide real-time information, and the Weather widget is no exception. Removing it from your Watch can help improve battery life and streamline your device’s performance. Follow these steps to do so

  1. Press and hold the display until the watch face enters Edit mode. You’ll see the widgets wiggle.
  2. Look for the Weather widget among the other widgets displayed on the screen.
  3. Now, tap the “” icon on the top left corner of the widget.
    Tap – to remove the widget
  4. Confirm the removal of the Weather widget by tapping “Remove” when prompted.

13. Disable Walkie-Talkie

Disabling Walkie-Talkie prevents incoming messages and helps preserve your Apple Watch’s battery, especially if you don’t frequently use this feature. You can turn off the Walkie-Talkie on your Apple Watch by following these steps:

  1. Open the Control Center on your Apple Watch by swiping up from the bottom of the screen.
  2. Tap on the “Walkie-Talkie” slider to toggle it off.
Toggle the slider

14. Unpair & Erase Your Watch

The last method to resolve battery drainage issues on your Apple Watch is by unpairing and erasing it. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Open the Apple Watch app on your iPhone.
  2. Tap “My Watch,” then tap “All Watches.”
  3. Tap the Info button (it looks like an “i” in a circle) next to your watch.
  4. Tap “Unpair Apple Watch” and confirm the unpairing process.
    All Watches > i > Unpair Apple Watch
  5. Once unpaired, return to the Apple Watch app’s main screen.
  6. Tap “Settings” > “General,” then tap “Reset.”
    Settings > General > Reset
  7. Tap “Erase All Content and Settings,” and enter your Apple Watch passcode if prompted.
    Erase All Content and Settings
  8. If you have an Apple Watch with cellular, choose to keep your cellular plan.
  9. When the process finishes, set up your watch again by restoring it from a backup.

Images from iDownloadBlog

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Contact Apple Support

If you encounter persistent issues with your Apple Watch’s battery life or performance, consider contacting Apple Support for assistance. They can provide personalized troubleshooting steps and guidance to address your specific concerns and help resolve any underlying issues affecting your device.

Contact Customer Support

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Tips & Tricks

By implementing the below-mentioned tips and tricks, you can maximize the battery life of your Apple Watch and enjoy longer usage between charges:

Use the tips to prevent your Apple Watch battery from draining rapidly

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Final Words

In conclusion, optimizing your Apple Watch’s battery life is essential for uninterrupted usage throughout the day. By implementing the solutions and tips mentioned earlier and seeking assistance from Apple Support if needed, you can ensure your Apple Watch performs optimally and efficiently.

Remember to stay updated with the latest software releases and monitor your device’s usage patterns to maintain a reliable and long-lasting battery experience. With these strategies in mind, you can enjoy the full functionality of your Apple Watch while preserving its battery life for all your daily activities.


How often should I charge my Apple Watch?

Charging frequency depends on your usage patterns. It’s recommended to charge your Apple Watch nightly to ensure it has enough power for the next day.

How long does it take to charge an Apple Watch?

Charging times vary depending on the model and charger used. On average, it takes about 1.5 to 2 hours to fully charge an Apple Watch from 0% to 100%.

Should I enable Power Reserve Mode?

Power Reserve Mode is useful when your battery is critically low and you need to conserve power. However, it disables most features except displaying the time.

Can I track my Apple Watch battery usage?

Yes, you can monitor battery usage in the Battery Usage section of the Apple Watch settings. It provides insights into which apps are consuming the most power.


Kamil Anwar

Kamil is a certified MCITP, CCNA (W), CCNA (S) and a former British Computer Society Member with over 9 years of experience Configuring, Deploying and Managing Switches, Firewalls and Domain Controllers also an old-school still active on FreeNode.