What is Javascript:void(0) And How To Use It?

A void is an inbuilt function that returns undefined, just like an undefined function in JavaScript. However, it is totally different from the undefined function. We might need this function when we don’t want anchor text to navigate us to a page. This function disables the basic functionality of anchor text because when you click on the anchor text, the page will not reload and you will not navigate. This operator can be used to call a function and you can also apply the CSS when a user clicks on the anchor text.

What is Javascript:void(0)
What is Javascript:void(0)

1. Uses Of Void Operator

We have mentioned different uses of the void operator in the examples below.

1.1 Disabling Anchor Text Using Void Operator

The first example and basic feature of this Void operator is it prevents the anchor text from navigating the users to a different page.  When you use the anchor text without giving a link in href attribute, then the page will reload. However, if you use the void operator in the href attribute, your page will not reload.

Sometimes, we desperately want to use anchor text, but we don’t want to reload our page. In this case, we use the Void operator to avoid navigation. Below are the steps to use void operator in anchor text:

  1. Open your code editor, and make an HTML file
  2. Press Shift + ! to import a basic layout of HTML, or if you are using a different code editor, you simply copy the template from google.
  3. Then, type or paste the following code
    <a href="javascript:void(0)">Link</a>
    Implementing Anchor Text With A Void Operator
    Implementing Anchor Text With A Void Operator
  4. Right-click on the code and click Open With Live Server

    Opening With Live Server
    Opening With Live Server

    Note: Live server is an extension that runs the code in your default browser once you save the code.

  5. Now click on the Link and see your page will not reload because Void returns undefined
    Clicking Javascript Void Link
    Clicking Javascript Void Link
  6. You can run the Void (0) function in a console to check what it returns
    Running Void(0) in the Console
    Running Void(0) in the Console

1.2 Call A Function Using A Void Operator

You can also call any javascript function with the help of the Void operator. To do so, follow the steps:

  1. Go to your code editor and make a script tag to execute a small javascript function that will return a value in console.log. You can simply copy the following code.
    let a = (b=10) =>{
  2. Type a, and VS Code will give a suggestion to implement anchor text
    Note: If you are using a different code application, type <a href=”‘”>Link</a>
  3. Give a name to the anchor text. We have created the anchor text with the named Link
  4. Once you have created an anchor text, type javascript:void(a()) in the ahref attribute to call a function
    Creating And Calling A Function With Void Operator
    Creating And Calling A Function With Void Operator
  5. Press Ctrl + S  to save, then open the browser
  6. Right-click and choose Inspect or press Ctrl +Shift + I simultaneously
    Clicking Inspect
    Clicking Inspect
  7. A Window will open from the right side
  8. Go to the Console from the top and click on the Link to run the function
    Clicking Link
    Clicking Link
  9. When you click, you will see that the output is 10 in the console.
    Checking A Void Operator Function
    Checking A Void Operator Function

1.3 Implementing CSS Using Void Operator

To add a CSS using the void operator is simple as creating an onclick function to do a specific task. To do so:

  1. Open your code editor, again import a basic HTML template by pressing the Shift + ! on the keyboard
  2. Type a to create an anchor text, then type the following code in the href attribute
    Note: If you use a different application for coding, you can use Google to import a basic HTML template

    javascript:void(document.body.style.backgroundColor = 'blue')
    Implementing CSS In A Void Operator
    Implementing CSS In A Void Operator
  3. Basically document.body.style.backgroundColor = ‘blue’ will change a body color when you click on anchor text.
    Changing Background Color With Void Operator
    Changing Background Color With Void Operator

Above, we have mentioned the possible scenarios for using a Void operator. However, if you are stuck somewhere or have a doubt, you can ask in the comments.


Hamza Mohammad Anwar

Hamza Mohammad Anwar is an intermediate JavaScript web developer with a focus on developing high-performance applications using MERN technologies. His skill set includes expertise in ReactJS, MongoDB, Express NodeJS, and other related technologies. Hamza is also a Google IT Certified professional, which highlights his competence in IT support. As an avid problem-solver, he recreates errors on his computer to troubleshoot and find solutions to various technical issues.